
one day,usagi tsukino grow three pairs eyes

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/06/29 Read: 3625
one day,usagi tsukino grow three pairs eyes

The morning light, filtering through the blinds, roused Usagi Tsukino from her slumber. She stretched, yawning, and then… blinked. Something felt… off. She blinked again, and again, but the strange sensation lingered. She sat up, her heart skipping a beat as she peered at her reflection in the mirror.

There, staring back at her, was a Usagi unlike any she’d ever seen. Her usual, wide, doe eyes were joined by two more, directly above them. The new eyes were smaller, almost like a cat’s, with golden irises that flickered with an uncanny light.

Usagi, naturally, screamed. A high-pitched, panicked shriek that echoed through the Tsukino household. Her mother rushed in, her eyes wide with concern. “Usagi, what’s wrong?”

Usagi, speechless, pointed at the mirror. Her mother, after a stunned silence, burst into laughter. “Oh, Usagi! You’re just tired! Look, it’s just a trick of the light!”

Usagi, however, knew better. She wasn’t tired. The new eyes felt very real, very… alien. She cautiously touched one with her finger, feeling a strange, tingling sensation.

As the day progressed, the novelty of the extra eyes wore off, replaced by a growing sense of unease. Usagi couldn’t focus properly, the world blurring in and out of focus as if viewed through a kaleidoscope. And the golden eyes, those were the real problem. They saw everything. Everything that was happening, everything that was about to happen.

In class, Usagi saw the teacher’s frustration as he tried to explain fractions, saw the classmates whispering about her, saw the impending doom of a falling pencil right before it hit her head. Her normal eyes, wide with fear, struggled to comprehend what her golden eyes were showing her.

After school, the ordeal continued. Usagi saw the hidden anxieties of her friends, the secret longings of the boy she had a crush on. The world, normally a chaotic blur of emotions, had become crystal clear, a dizzying overload of information.

The climax arrived at the evening’s moonlit rooftop rendezvous with Luna. As usual, Usagi was late, running breathlessly towards the familiar, shadowed figure. But before she could reach Luna, she saw it – a lurking figure, hidden in the shadows, about to attack. Usagi’s heart pounded, her normal eyes widening in fear.

But then, the golden eyes took over. They saw the attacker’s movements, the exact point where he would strike, the moment of vulnerability. With a sudden surge of adrenaline, Usagi dodged, her body moving faster than ever before, her voice a low growl as she shouted, “Get away from me!”

Luna, surprised by the sudden burst of energy and the new, menacing tone in Usagi’s voice, watched in disbelief as Usagi, guided by the unseen golden eyes, effortlessly disarmed the attacker.

Later, as Luna helped Usagi recover from the ordeal, the question remained, “Usagi, what happened? Where did you learn that move?”

Usagi stared at her reflection in the moonlit sky. The extra eyes, their golden gleam reflecting in the darkness, felt oddly calm now, almost reassuring.

“I don’t know,” Usagi admitted, her voice still trembling slightly, “I just… knew what to do.”

The following day, the extra eyes were gone. Just like that, they vanished without a trace. Usagi, with a sigh of relief, returned to her normal, chaotic life. But the memory of the golden eyes, the strange power they bestowed, remained. And somewhere, deep inside her, Usagi knew that she would never be the same again.

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