
Born into a humble Takeda family on Osaka, Keiko w

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/07/01 Read: 4550
Born into a humble Takeda family on Osaka, Keiko was born on March 1, as the third child and the second daughter, and has a little brother who's two years younger, her older brother, Kazuma has an hobby and a dream of being a professional cyclist, Keiko wasn't interested in bikes however her Older sister Kaneshiro has small interest, sometimes Keiko would sometime ride a bike for fun but she just mostly ride the normal bikes instead the ones for races. When Keiko was just a 4-5 years old her parents got into an argument almost every nights, her older siblings would try to comfort her and their little brother saying that everything is alright, everything is not alright indeed, The parents divored and the Mother takes the youngest Keiko and Hayate, while the Father takes the oldest Kazuma and Kaneshiro. Keiko, Hayate and Mom moves to a town called Makochi and changed their surname to mom's surname Osao, and moved to a rented house for a couple of months until they got to buy their own house, Keiko's Life in Makochi keeps getting crazier, first when she moved in to the rented house with her mom and brother, she thought life would be the same like in Osaka but without dad older brother and older sister, when she was exploring the town and neighborhood with her mom and brother a thief stole her mom's bag, her mom got panic and scream "a thief!! " and two minutes later a guy wearing some sort of school uniform comes up to them and handed her mom her backpack "here ma'am, this yours right? " with a gentle smile on his face her mom says thank you to him the student says to the mom that they need to be careful next time since they're from outside of Makochi. Few months later Mom finally bought a house in Makochi, the house is few blocks away from an orphanage, After 4 years in Makochi, Keiko slowly going crazy because she missed her life in Osaka, she didn't like Makochi, she didn't like her younger brother Hayate, she sometimes ignored Hayate if needed, because last year her Mom didn't went home for almost one whole week she apparently because got into an accident that she needed to go to the hospital for it no one would bother inform Keiko and Hayate about it, the neighbors would often knocked on their door to gives them food and support, during those weeks Keiko know the reason because she was eavesdropping the neighborhood, few days later Hayate asked Keiko why their mom isn't home yet and Keiko answered " IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR ASKING MOM TO BUY YOU THAT DAMN CANDY!! " Hayate got shocked, Keiko continued " IF ONLY YOU DIDN'T ASk... Her... She would have been here... " slowly shifting to a sad tone, "... I'm sorry" Hayate said even though he didn't know what he did to his mom but he understands that he's in the wrong. For the next few days, Keiko fakes up her smile and act pretending that she's okay because she didn't want anyone to worries about her and everyone falls for it, she didn't even tell Hayate about their mom yet, Hayate got a new hobby apparently, Keiko slowly started feeling irritated about her violent right eyes because it's she thinks it's the same as Hayate's Violent eyes who's on his left, she didn't even visited their mom because she didn't even tell the neighbors that the knows about her mom because she's just an 9 years old until one day when Keiko wanted to have a walk around her the neighborhood meet a kid named Umemiya Hajime while she walked past the orphanage, he asked Keiko who's her name was because he never seen her before Keiko didn't want to answer but she remembered her mother's words to be kind to people so she tells him her name, he also tells her his name is "Hajime! Umemiya Hajime! You can call me Ume-Chan too! " Keiko just nodded and try to walked away but he just say "where are you going? Are you busy? Do you want to be my friend?" Keiko just stopped walking and answers his questions lazily, they ended up talking for about 4 minutes until Keiko said that she need to leave because her mom probably looking for her though her mom is in the hospital she just made it all up to leave, so she leave. few days later, mom finally back from the hospital and went back to her house after being hospitalized for 10 weeks, when she opened the door the house is surprisingly clean because when Keiko slowly starts losing her sanity she decided to clean the house to keep her sanity stable and seemly likes to ride her bike around the neighborhood for comfort and her personality turns to more of a quiet kid who has a dangerous aura around her, after noting that their mom is home Keiko and Hayate quickly hugs their mom and they have missed for weeks. Time skip when Keiko is 14 years old, she is talking with Ume and Kotoha they're talking about which high school they should attend Ume talks about wanting to go to Bofurin High School, he said that that school inspired him, Keiko said that she wanted her mom to decide because she didn't know which school, Kotoha is just a 13-12 years old at the time so she didn't talk much in this topic and just giving expressions, after hanging out with eachother Keiko goes home and find a car outside of her house when she opened the door she saw a man who seemly in his early 20s "oh! Keiko! Do you remember? " Keiko looked confused and her eyes lighten up and remembered that that is her older brother Kazuma, Keiko got excited and runs up to him to give him hugs, Kazuma hugs Keiko back , Mom who's watching all of this said to Keiko "Keiko honey.. Do you want to go with Kazuma? " "What do you mean mom?" Keiko said "Well me and your father decided to move you and live with your father and your siblings in back Osaka" Mom explained "but why? " "Keiko asked " it's for the best", Keiko looked at her mom then her older brother and started think that her life in Makochi isn't all that fun, she doesn't really like her friends except Kotoha because no one really understands her likings, so she agreed, the next 30 minutes is just Keiko packing her things then she left the house without saying a goodbye to her little brother or her friends. After arriving to Takeda house, Keiko is greeted with her older sister Kaneshiro who looked different than the last time she saw her, her Father is also in presence he seemed like he hasn't got married again which makes Keiko curious but she didn't asked him anything, few days in Keiko founds out that her Older brother is in a Cycling crew which he's in a leader of, older sister is also a part of the crew, Keiko slowly started gaining interest in cycling, by the help of her sibling she managed to ride a racing bike in two weeks, her brother once offer her one in the crew but she refused because she wanted to focus on her school, on her high school, she's in one of the elite high school in Osaka, she likes it there, she got friends who support and has similar interests in her, next year her brother offer Keiko to be in the crew and she accepted because why not? And after one week in the crew Keiko is killing it, she managed to easily adapted into the cycling crew, whenever someone crew wanted to competitive with the crew Keiko is one of the member people feared with, after 6 months in the crew her older brother who's the leader decided to retire and give the leader position to Kaneshiro, he's still into cycling he just didn't wanna do anymore of those competitive, the crew got sad but they support him.

The scent of blooming cherry blossoms hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing in the Takeda household. Keiko, a wisp of a girl with eyes as bright as the spring sky, was barely five when the foundation of her family crumbled. The nightly arguments, once a hushed whisper, grew into roaring tempests that left her trembling in her small futon. Her older siblings, Kazuma, with his unwavering love for cycling, and Kaneshiro, the quiet observer, would do their best to shield her from the storm, whispering reassurances that rang hollow in her ears.

The inevitable happened. Their parents, unable to mend the cracks in their relationship, parted ways, shattering the fragile family unit. Keiko and her younger brother, Hayate, were swept away by their mother, leaving Osaka and the familiar streets they knew. Their new life in Makochi, a quiet town nestled in the countryside, was a stark departure from the bustling energy of Osaka.

The Osao household, a modest rented house, was a far cry from their former home. Keiko, with her curious spirit, ventured out, exploring the unfamiliar streets with her mother and brother. One fateful day, a thief snatched her mother’s bag. Panic seized them, but before they could even react, a young man, a student clad in his school uniform, intercepted the thief, returning the bag with a gentle smile. He warned her mother, “Be careful, you’re from out of town.”

Life in Makochi had a bittersweet flavour. They moved into a small house, a few blocks away from an orphanage, but a sense of longing for their old life lingered in Keiko’s heart. She couldn’t understand why her mother took them away, why they had to leave behind their father, Kazuma, and Kaneshiro. She grew distant from Hayate, often ignoring him, blaming him for their situation.

One day, when her mother was hospitalized after a car accident, the truth about her anger towards her brother came to light. Hayate, innocently asking about his mother’s whereabouts, was met with a torrent of accusations, “It’s your fault! If you hadn’t asked for that candy, she wouldn’t have been in the hospital!” The words, a venomous cocktail of anger and fear, hung in the air, leaving Hayate bewildered and heartbroken.

Keiko, struggling to cope with her mother’s absence, found solace in the routine of their lives, cleaning the house obsessively, seeking comfort in the rhythm of the pedals as she rode her bike around the town. She kept her distance from everyone, hiding her emotions behind a façade of normalcy, a quiet girl with a dangerous aura clinging to her like a shadow.

Then, one day, while venturing out, she met Umemiya Hajime, a bright-eyed boy from the orphanage. He, with his boundless energy and genuine kindness, broke through her shell, offering friendship and a rare spark of joy.

After weeks of anxious waiting, their mother finally returned, a weary but relieved figure. Keiko and Hayate, their faces etched with relief and the unspoken pain of their separation, rushed into her arms, their hearts yearning for the normalcy they had lost.

Years passed, and Keiko, now a fourteen-year-old girl, was grappling with the decision of choosing a high school. Ume, her friend from the orphanage, was eager to attend Bofurin High School, but Keiko remained unsure. She simply wanted to please her mother, a lingering residue of her childhood dependence.

One day, a car pulled up to their house, a familiar figure stepping out. Kazuma, her older brother, had returned, his face etched with a mixture of joy and regret. He embraced Keiko, a warm wave of familial affection washing over her. Their mother, with a bittersweet smile, announced that they were moving back to Osaka to live with their father and siblings.

Keiko, though hesitant, agreed. She realised that Makochi, despite its beauty, couldn’t fill the void left by her family. She longed for the familiar streets of Osaka, the bond of her siblings, and the chance to rebuild the family that had been fractured.

In the bustling city, Keiko found herself drawn to her brother’s passion for cycling. She watched, captivated, as he led his cycling crew, the “Takeda Riders,” through the winding streets. Their sister, Kaneshiro, now a poised young woman, was a part of the crew, her quiet strength mirroring their father’s stoicism.

After a hesitant start, Keiko found herself embracing the world of cycling. Her brother, seeing her growing interest, offered her a racing bike, a symbol of their shared passion. She declined, wanting to focus on school, but the seed of desire had been planted.

A year later, Kazuma, his competitive spirit waning, relinquished his position as leader of the “Takeda Riders” to Kaneshiro. He still cycled, but the pressure of competition had lost its allure. Keiko, finally ready to embrace the sport that had captivated her, accepted her brother’s invitation to join the crew. She had found her place, her passion ignited by the wind in her hair and the rush of adrenaline as she raced alongside her siblings.

In the years that followed, Keiko became a force to be reckoned with, a formidable cyclist, her fierce determination a testament to the strength she had found within herself. The young girl who once trembled in the face of her parents’ arguments had blossomed into a woman of steel, her spirit forged in the crucible of loss, longing, and ultimately, the love of family.

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