
power rangers wild Force Cole came down with a dan

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/16 Read: 1219

power rangers wild Force Cole came down with a dangerous fever called wolf fever and he started to act like a wolf digging a hole and Alyssa hurt her ankle and Cole was growling at Taylor who was trying to get her socks back and James was looking for Cole till he found him cover in wolf fur in the wild force Base princess Shayla know that Cole has wolf fever and made him a special room with a special bedroom that looks like a wolf den with lots of leaves and stuff and James stayed with Cole till the wolf fever breaks in the middle of the night Cole started to curl up against James chest and started to playful bite his toes James was laughing and started to talk to him inside his mind about his favorite smoothie with extra banana in it and James world famous chicken and rice with extra cheese on it Cole started to talk to James inside his mind about what happened before he got wolf fever he was watching wolf’s making their own home and got bite by a alpha wolf in the morning princess Shayla came in Cole special room with a blanket and cover the bothers up and leave the room and walk in Alyssa room see how she how she was recovering from her ankle injury so far in the morning Cole wake up again but he was still covered in wolf fur but he didn’t growl he was talking his voice was back but he was still covered in wolf fur and whimper princess Shayla asked James to help get Cole in a special warm shower and blowdry his wolf fur Cole was wearing a special collar around his neck and started to glow till Cole started to walk around the wild force Base on all four legs and started to growl at Merrick and his older sister Emma who was recovering from the flu Merrick tell Emma to go back to sleep he be right back with some special soup Cole enter Emma room and lay down beside her head and started to howl softly in her ears Emma started to wake up again but she saw Cole by her side watching over her till her bother Merrick came back with her soup James asked Merrick what wrong with Emma Merrick tell James that Emma had the flu for weeks now and she refused to take medicine Cole heard about Emma refused to take her medicine so Cole had a idea he asked Merrick to make Emma her favorite soup and sneaky put her medicine in the soup after Emma was done with her soup she was back to sleep but Cole stayed with her if she wake up Cole curl up against Emma chest and fall asleep Emma wake up again but she was coughing and can’t stop coughing and she can’t breathe Cole got Merrick and tell him that Emma can’t breathe Cole had a idea he took Emma to princess Shayla and tell her that Emma is having trouble breathing and she was coughing at the hospital Cole was watching over Emma the doctor tell Merrick that she had fluid in her lungs so she need to throw up in a special bucket Cole was watching Emma throw up fluids and started to whimper in pain but Cole help Emma sit up to take a drink some orange juice Emma had a stomach bug with the flu so Emma had to rest and drink some orange juice for eight weeks Cole stayed with Emma like a special emotional support wolf

The Wild Force Base was abuzz with a strange energy. A low growl echoed from Cole’s room, interspersed with the frantic sounds of Alyssa’s injured ankle and Taylor’s exasperated cries. James, ever the calming presence, searched for Cole, his worry growing with each passing moment.

“Where is he?” James muttered, his eyes scanning the cluttered base.

He found Cole in the training room, a picture of wild disarray. The usually confident Ranger was covered in thick, dark fur, his eyes glowing with an eerie intensity. He was digging furiously in the training sand, muttering something about a “den” and “protection.”

Princess Shayla, with her innate understanding of nature and its mysteries, diagnosed Cole’s condition immediately. It was Wolf Fever, a rare illness that triggered a primal, wolf-like state in those infected.

With gentle hands, she led Cole to a special room, transforming it into a cozy, leaf-strewn wolf den, complete with soft blankets and a comforting scent of pine. James stayed with Cole, his presence a calming anchor amidst the storm of Cole’s fevered delusions.

As night fell, Cole, lost in the fever’s grip, curled up against James’s chest, his claws digging into the fabric of James’s shirt. He started playfully biting James’s toes, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

“It’s just a dream, Cole,” James whispered soothingly, his voice a balm against the storm.

Within the confines of their shared space, a silent conversation unfolded. Cole spoke of his wolf encounter, of the alpha’s bite, of the sudden, uncontrollable shift. James, in return, spoke of Cole’s favorite smoothie with extra banana and his world-famous chicken and rice with extra cheese.

Just as the first rays of dawn touched the horizon, Shayla entered the room, a warm blanket in her hands. She gently covered the two figures, their peaceful slumber a testament to the unspoken bond between them.

Later that morning, as the sun climbed higher, Cole awoke. He was still covered in wolf fur, but the wild glow in his eyes had faded. He whimpered, a low, hesitant sound that tore at James’s heart.

“Cole,” James whispered, his voice filled with concern.

Shayla, ever vigilant, helped James get Cole into a warm shower. The water washed away the thick fur, revealing Cole’s familiar skin.

But the transformation was not complete. Cole wore a special collar, a reminder of the power that lay within him. The collar pulsed with a soft light, a sign of the wolf’s lingering presence.

With a low growl, Cole began to walk on all fours, his eyes flashing with an untamed energy. He circled the base, growling at Merrick and his elder sister Emma, who was recovering from the flu.

Cole entered Emma’s room, his wild presence a source of both fear and comfort. He lay down beside her head, his soft howls a lullaby against the backdrop of her sickness.

Emma, barely conscious, felt a comforting presence beside her. She opened her eyes to see Cole, his eyes full of concern, watching over her.

Merrick, alerted by Emma’s whimpering, returned to find Cole curled up beside his sister. He understood.

As days passed, Cole stayed by Emma’s side, providing silent comfort and a protective presence. He helped Merrick sneak medicine into her soup, ensuring she took her medication. He stayed vigilant, sensing Emma’s weakening state, her struggle to breathe.

One night, Emma coughed violently, her chest heaving with the force of her struggle. She grasped at her throat, unable to catch her breath.

Cole, sensing her desperation, alerted Merrick. He took Emma to Shayla, who immediately recognized the severity of the situation. Emma, exhausted from weeks of illness, had developed a dangerous case of fluid in her lungs.

At the hospital, Cole watched over Emma, a constant shadow by her side. He whimpered with pain as he saw her struggle to throw up the fluid, her body wracked with coughs.

The doctor, after examining Emma, diagnosed her with a stomach bug, exacerbated by her recent bout of the flu. Emma was confined to bed rest, her recovery a slow and arduous process.

For eight weeks, Cole stayed by Emma’s side, a steadfast, emotional support wolf. He understood her unspoken fears, her silent struggles. He provided a sense of comfort and safety, his presence a soothing balm against the storm of illness.

His wolf-like instincts, honed during his time with Wolf Fever, had evolved into a compassionate understanding of human vulnerability. He had discovered a new, powerful way to be a ranger, not just a protector of Earth but a guardian of the heart.