a female y/n hard of hearing Hogwarts story
Angeline giving birth, but feeling a great pleasure during the process
A young man who was orphaned at birth and raised aboard a fishing boat has a date with destiny when he happens upon a mysterious map with the same symbol as the necklace he’s worn his entire life. Embarking on a perilous journey he discovers his true lineage as the last of an order of […]
A história se passa em na ilha de Pedra do Dragão, a princesa herdeira Rhaenyra estava com seus filhos orgulhosa de sua filha mais nova a princesa Visenya Targaryen ter reinvindicado um dragão para si, a garota acabara de fazer 14 anos, todos da família estavam reunidos alegremente, o marido e tio de Rhaenyra, Príncipe […]
Chapter 3: Escape from the Ship “Alarm! Alarm!” The ship’s computer blared, its voice piercing through the silence. “Fuel levels critical! We’re going to crash!” Kaisan and Austria rushed to the control room, their hearts racing. “What’s happening?” Kaisan asked, his eyes scanning the screens. “We’re out of fuel,” Austria replied, her voice tight with […]
(Überarbeite folgenden Text auf diese Punkte: Bearbeite bitte erneut die Prophezeihung, die gefällt mir nicht. Zudem müssen fragen geklärt werden wie zum Beispie: Warum wurde Morax als auserwählte des Mondes gefeiert? Wie hat Selene ihn verraten? Geh bitte noch ein bisschen mehr auf den Punkt des Bruders ein. Die Mondelben leben nicht Wald sondern in […]