
Charlie (Female) Story: (Note: put the students d

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/26 Read: 4135

Charlie (Female) Story:

(Note: put the students dialogue every time she trips) (no one likes school) (Charlie is 16) (List the designs in each character) (Charlie is stinky, but not at the beginning of the story, most likely she falls in something during her trips) (she has perfume on in the beginning of the story)), (The bullies ignore Charlie, but they only target her when she stands up to defend the kid they are bullying) (the bullies use dialogue most of the times during her trips)

Episode 1:
– Charlie wakes up to her alarm clock, she gets out of her bed. She gets her clothes on, she puts her lipstick on, she sprays herself with perfume, and puts her shoes on and ties them. She then goes out the door, and hurries for school.
– On the news, it is said that one of the superheroes who worked for the superhero group who weilded powerful crystals, had died. Charlie didn’t hear this since she was already out the door.
– On the way to school, Charlie noticed something shiny in the alley, so she goes over and picks it up. It seems to be a blue crystal. Charlie dismisses it because she is running late to school, yet she takes it with her before leaving.
– Charlie bolts into school.
– On the way to her class, Charlie is almost at the door, yet she trips and slides straight from the hallway, into the classroom, and lands at the teacher’s feet. The students maybe laughing at her.
– The teacher scolds Charlie, and he tells her to sit down. Charlie, laying on the floor, says she’s sorry and she tripped as she stutters.
– Charlie gets up off the floor, and sits down.
– Later, at her locker, she is talking to Ashley and Timmy, Charlie tells them about the crystal she found.
– During the talk, Charlie notices Nick walking by, and she starts blushing. Ashley teases her that Charlie likes Nick, which Charlie says she doesn’t, with Ashely responding with “Sure”.
– Later in class, people are talking about the superhero’s death.
– After class, Charlie runs towards the lunchroom, as she runs, a guy probably says something about a girl being hot, which would relate to Charlie when he is talking to a friend Charlie says something in her mind about it, or there is a scene of the guy and his friend having a conversation about it, the scene would be followed by dialogue).
– A conversation about Charlie between the two boys (not about her trips, just her beauty). Charlie has thoughts about that. Followed by dialogue (Charlie’s thoughts are based on he emotions and feelings)
– On her way to the cafeteria, she trips, and falls onto the ground, but she gets up, she then makes it to the doors, when she is in the cafeteria, she gets in line, and gets her food. You can decide what she gets between Salad, Pizza, or Burger and Fries.
– Charlie starts talking with Ashley and Timmy more about stuff, like the crystal, school, and maybe even Nick.
– In Charlie’s next class (the one she has with Nick), Charlie attempts to make eye contact with Nick as she walks by him, yet when is she walking by him she trips, she gets up and makes it to her sit, without making eye contact with Nick since she failed her goal, she sits her chair, holding her arm, as she thinks.
– At the end of school, Charlie is walking with her friends, Ashley and Timmy, she sees a student getting shoved in a locker by The Bullies.
– Charlie goes towards them, even though Timmy warned her, she still does. She tells the bullies go leave the guy alone.
– The bully leader heads toward Charlie and tries to punch her, she pushes him away. (A student, Charlie, or the bully himself says something about “You can’t hit a woman/girl”. After the whole scene, he doesn’t, he tells her that she is his jext bullying target. Which Charlie looks in worry, but she lets the bullied kid out of the locker, with him thanking her.
– Charlie heads home after school, and tries to learn more about the crystal, but to no avail.
– In the middle of the night, at the headquarters, the superhero leader can sense that the crystal has found a new owner. And he sends someone to go find them.
– The next day, Charlie makes it to her class without tripping.
– Charlie tells her friends that nothing happened with the crystal.
– The bullies start targeting Charlie, they start to trip her numerous times.
– 1. The bullies first trip her when she is leaving school, the leader kicks her, snd she falls to ground.
– 2. The bullies then place a banana peel in the hallway, and she trips on it.
– 3. The bullies put their foot out, causing Charlie to trip.
– 4. When Charlie is attempting to talk to Nick in the hallway, they kick a put towards her direction, causing her to trip. Nick continues to chat with his friends and walks down the hallway with them. Charlie looks and is frustrated, annoyed, and kinda embarrassed, she lays on her stomach, she puts her hand on her chin, and moves her legs back and forth. (Every trip is followed by dialogue from the bullies using her aliases, and maybe Charlie took like saying “Stop it!” or having a popular girl like attitude)
– The bullies trip her one final time, and Charlie eventually gets fed up and decides to fight the bullies, she ends up fighting with The Bully leader himself, some people are cheering, followed by dialogue.
– Charlie fights the bully leader, she trips a couple times, but she gets punched many times.
– Charlie ends up loosing the fight, she lays on her stomach and looks up at the bully leader, people are cheering, the rest of the scene is followed by dialogue.
– The Bully leader then walks away, and the students start leaving, as they are talking.
– Charlie then gets up off the floor, and then proceeds to head to class
– A little while later, Charlie starts talking with Ashley about the fight, they feel sorry for her, and they tell her that it is okay that she win, and that she did good
– Charlie then leaves school and goes home, she hears people talking about the fight, and how Charlie lost.
– During the middle of the night, Charlie gets confronted by the person that was sent to find Charlie, he tells Charlie about the crystal and that she is chosen to get the member of the superhero group, Charlie denies this, thinking that she is just a teenager and doesn’t have time for that kind of stuff, but the superhero insists, before leaving, he gives Charlie time to “think about it”, Charlie looks at the crystal in her hand.
– The next day, Charlie tells her friends about what happened last night
– Then, The bully leader appears and tells Charlie that things aren’t over with them, and that he will still keep picking on her, the bully leader walks away, but Charlie’s friends don’t think much about it, but Charlie is scared
– Later, after school, Charlie goes home.
– In the middle of the night, Charlie hears something so she goes to investigate
– Charlie sees the bully leader, The Bully Leader has come for round 2, and he wants to fight Charlie, Charlie is scared, but she accepts and fights him.
– The fight is the same as the first fight, The bullies are cheering on their leader, Charlie trips a couple times, but she gets punched many times.
– Charlie ends up losing the fight again, she lays on her stomach, she closes her eyes, and falls unconscious, the bully leader calls her weak, and that she will always be clumsy, he then leaves, walking away with his friends, while Charlie lays on the ground, unconscious.
– Charlie wakes up, it is 2 AM, she was unconscious for 4 hours, she goes back inside for the night, her mother asks Charlie where she was, but Charlie decides not to tell her, she then goes to bed for the night.
– The next day, students are talking about the second fight, and how The Bully leader won again, and that Charlie lost again.
– Charlie then tells her friends what happened last night.
– Charlie is now scared of the bullies, she now does everything she can do to avoid them.
– Later, Charlie decides to work out, and get stronger and to become a hero, she starts to train, and she gets better at getting strong, and being a hero.
– Charlie then begins her training on the rooftops, she first jumps, and she fails to make the landing, she hangs off the roof, but she manages to climb back on, she then continues this, she jumps onto another building, but she fails, and she falls on her back onto the roof, she then gets up and jumps to the next building, she fails again, and nearly falls off the roof, but she climbs back up, she jumped onto another building, only to fall on the roof on her face, she then gets up and continues this, she then jumps from slightly pretty high, and she fails to make the landing, she bounces off the roof and ends up landing in front of some metal thing, her lands against the wall, she then gets up, and then climbs up the building, and jumps onto another one, and sticks the landing, she then sees a guy in danger, so she goes to rescue him.
– She jumps down from the roof, and he fails to stick the landing, she falls on the ground hear, letting out a yelp as she fell, the thug and the victim look at her in confusion, she then gets up off the ground.
– She then tells the guy to leave him alone, the guy threatens to shoot Charlie, but Charlie runs towards him, the thug then fires his gun, but Charlie dodges the bullet, he is shocked, and they engage in a boss battle.
– Charlie ends up defeating the thug, the victim thanks Charlie for saving him, and he asks Charlie who she is, which Charlie responds with, Tesla (her superhero name).

Character Designs:

Charlie –
Normal: A young teenage girl, has long brown hair with a yellow headband with bow in it, wears lipstick and has eyelashes, wears a blue jacket, with a white tank top, wears black shorts, and wears white tennis shoes with short white socks that aren’t visible with her shoes on.
Superhero: She wears a blue superhero suit, she wears black gloves, a black mask that doesn’t cover her face, just where her eyes are (kinda like normal superhero masks), she has a crystal where her chest is, she has black leggings, and she wears her same, white tennis shoes.
Pajamas: Has messy hair, wears a white tank top, has the same socks she’s wearing, decide her pants.
Workout: She wears a white tank top, gray sweatpants, and her same, white tennis shoes.

Ashley – A older teenage girl, has medium sized red hair, wears a white jacket and white shirt, wears light blue jeans, and has white shoes.

Timmy – A young teenage boy, has shirt black hair, wears glasses, wears a white buttoned up shirt with short sleeves, wears dark blue jeans, and has black converse with white shoe laces.

Nick – A older teenage boy, brown hair, has a red jacket with no sleeves, wears a white long sleeved shirt, wears dark blue jeans, wears brown shoes with brown shoe laces.

Charlie Aliases:
– Charlotte (real name)
– Charlie (nickname)
– Little girl (by the bullies)
– Girl (By herself, Ashley, and probably the bullies) (Charlie says it like “Can’t a girl”, can say it anytime
– Miss Goody Two-Shoes (by the bullies)
– Girly (by the bullies)
– Ms. Charlotte or Ms. Charlie (by the teachers)
– Little Sis (her brother)

Rate how pretty Charlie is, from 1 to 10 (10 being really pretty, 1 is the opposite) (Her clumsiness doesn’t effect how attractive she is)

Should Charlie have an older brother? She doesn’t have a dad since he abandoned them. Her brother and her family aren’t tied to the crystal. What role will he play? If he appears in the story, write the exact story in the text, except with him in it. He would appear in the beginning of the story, leaving for School with Charlie. (Her brother can appear at any part in the story, the beginning, the alleyway, the school hallway, the bully fight)

Episode 1: The Crystal and the Clumsy Girl

Charlie, a vibrant 16-year-old with long brown hair tied back with a yellow bow, woke to the insistent chirping of her alarm clock. She stretched, yawned, and climbed out of bed. Today, she was determined to have a good day. She slipped into her usual outfit – a blue jacket over a white tank top, black shorts, and white tennis shoes. She applied a touch of lipstick, sprayed herself with her favorite perfume, and tied her shoes with a practiced ease.

As she headed out the door, her brother Ethan, a lanky 18-year-old with a mischievous glint in his eye, was already waiting. Ethan wore a faded black t-shirt, ripped jeans, and worn-out sneakers. “Ready for another day of torture?” he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Don’t jinx it,” Charlie replied, rolling her eyes. “I’m actually feeling optimistic today.”

The news on the radio blared about the death of a superhero, a member of a powerful group wielding crystalline abilities. Charlie, lost in her own world, barely registered the news.

As they walked to school, Charlie noticed something glinting in the alleyway. It was a beautiful blue crystal, pulsating with an inner light. She picked it up, mesmerized by its beauty. “What’s that, Charlie?” Ethan asked, noticing her fascination.

“I don’t know,” she replied, her voice filled with wonder. “It’s pretty though. I guess I can keep it.” She tucked the crystal into her pocket, ignoring the growing feeling that something was different about it.

They arrived at school, Charlie already feeling late. As she rushed towards her classroom, disaster struck. Her feet tangled, sending her tumbling forward.

“Watch where you’re going, Charlotte!” her teacher, Mr. Davis, barked, his voice laced with annoyance.

Charlie, sprawled on the floor at Mr. Davis’s feet, blushed furiously. “S-sorry,” she stammered, trying to scramble to her feet. Laughter rippled through the classroom.

“Just sit down, Charlotte,” Mr. Davis grumbled.

Charlie sat, her cheeks still burning. She noticed a pair of eyes watching her from the back of the classroom – Nick’s eyes. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly looked away.

Later, at her locker, she excitedly told her friends, Ashley and Timmy, about the crystal. Ashley, a bubbly girl with fiery red hair, teased her about her crush on Nick.

“You like him, don’t you, Charlie?” she chirped, a knowing smile on her face.

Charlie blushed even harder. “No, I don’t,” she mumbled.

“Sure, you don’t,” Ashley said, her tone laced with playful disbelief.

The news of the superhero’s death sparked a flurry of conversations throughout the day. Charlie, still captivated by the crystal, tried to ignore the whispers and gazes directed at her.

During lunch, Charlie tripped again, landing face-first on the cafeteria floor. “Clumsy much, Little Sis?” Ethan, who had just arrived, laughed, shaking his head.

Charlie groaned, her face flushed with embarrassment.

“What’s with all the falls today, Char?” Timmy asked, his concern evident in his voice.

“It’s nothing,” she replied, brushing off the incident. “I’m just… distracted, I guess.”

Charlie managed to eat her lunch with her friends, trying to brush off her clumsiness. She couldn’t help but feel like she was walking on eggshells.

In her next class, Charlie’s heart hammered in her chest as she attempted to make eye contact with Nick. As she walked past him, her clumsy feet decided to betray her once again.

She tripped, landing hard on the floor. “Ouch,” she mumbled, rubbing her arm.

Nick, who had been engrossed in a conversation with his friends, didn’t even seem to notice. He continued chatting, his laughter drifting down the hallway.

Charlie felt her heart sink. She was invisible, a nobody.

As the school day drew to a close, Charlie found herself walking with Ashley and Timmy. Suddenly, they came across a scene of bullying. A small, skinny boy, Tom, was being shoved into a locker by Max, the leader of the school’s bully clique.

“Leave him alone, Max!” Charlie cried out, her voice trembling.

Timmy quickly grabbed her arm. “Charlie, don’t,” he whispered. “He’s not worth it.”

But Charlie couldn’t turn away. She charged toward the bullies, her heart pounding.

“Go away!” Max snarled. He shoved Tom harder, causing the boy to stumble.

“Don’t you dare touch him,” Charlie yelled. Her voice, though filled with fear, was surprisingly firm.

Max lunged at her, his fist raised. “You can’t hit a girl,” Tom shouted, his voice shaky.

Charlie quickly shoved Max back. “You’re wrong, she’s not a girl,” Max corrected, his voice dripping with malice. “She’s a target.”

He then turned back to Tom, shoving him into the locker again. “Maybe you’ll finally learn to stay out of my way, Girly,” Max said, his words laced with venom.

Charlie watched, her face pale with fear, as Max continued to torment Tom. She wanted to fight back, but she knew she wouldn’t stand a chance against the bully leader.

Finally, she took a deep breath and stepped forward. “Get out of the locker,” she said to Tom, her voice barely above a whisper.

Max turned toward her, a menacing smirk playing on his lips. “What are you going to do about it, Miss Goody Two-Shoes?” he taunted.

“You know what, I’ve had enough of you,” Charlie said, her voice rising with anger. “I’m going to tell Mr. Davis about this,” she threatened.

Max, his face turning red with rage, scoffed. “I’m sure that’ll make a huge difference,” he said sarcastically.

Charlie didn’t say anything else. She just glared at Max, her eyes full of defiance.

Tom, finally free from the locker, scurried away, his face pale and trembling. He shot Charlie a grateful look before disappearing down the hallway.

Charlie watched him go, her heart filled with a strange mixture of relief and anger. She knew that Max would continue to target her now. But she had stood up to him, and that was what mattered.

She turned to leave, but Max was right behind her, his eyes fixed on her with a chilling intensity.

“We’re not finished,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “This isn’t over, little girl. I promise.”

Charlie shuddered, a wave of icy fear washing over her. She knew that Max was serious. He would make her life miserable, and there was nothing she could do to stop him.

Rating Charlie’s beauty:

Charlie is a vibrant and attractive young woman with a captivating energy. She has a natural beauty that shines through, even with her clumsiness. I would rate her an 8 out of 10. She has a sweet face with big brown eyes, a soft smile, and an overall youthful aura that draws people to her. Her clumsiness is a part of her personality, but it doesn’t diminish her attractiveness in the slightest.

Brother’s role: Ethan’s role in the story is that of a protective older brother. He is playful and mischievous, but ultimately cares deeply for Charlie. He is an important source of support for her, offering a friendly ear and occasional teasing. He will likely play a larger role in the story as the plot unfolds, potentially even becoming involved with the crystal’s secrets.