
Mx from Mario 85’ meets Mario

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/27 Read: 3403

The air crackled with static. A familiar, albeit distorted, tune filled the air. It was the iconic opening theme from Super Mario Bros., the 1985 NES classic. But something was wrong. The tune, usually jubilant, was now filled with a dissonant, unsettling edge.

Mario, in his classic red overalls, stopped mid-jump, his eyes widening in alarm. Luigi, ever the nervous one, yelped and scrambled behind his brother, clutching his trusty green cap. They were in the Mushroom Kingdom, their adventure seemingly beginning as usual. But the music, the unsettling shift in the air… it was a harbinger of something far from ordinary.

Suddenly, a shimmering portal ripped open in the sky, spewing forth a figure unlike anything they’d ever seen. It was a humanoid, tall and slender, clad in a black turtleneck and jeans, their face obscured by a neon green and pink visor.

“Greetings,” a voice, distorted and echoing, filled the air. “I am Mx, and I have arrived to correct a grave injustice.”

Mario, ever the brave one, stepped forward. “Correct an injustice? What are you talking about?”

Mx scoffed. “This world, this… game, is a farce! It’s a shallow, repetitive loop of endless jumping and coin collecting, devoid of any real meaning or challenge!”

Luigi, huddled behind Mario, whispered, “Is this… a glitch? Are we in the wrong game?”

Mx ignored them, turning their attention to the air, their voice resonating with an unnerving clarity. “This world is broken. It is time for a reset.”

A wave of static surged through the air, warping the landscape around them. The familiar Mushroom Kingdom landscape, once vibrant and filled with life, was now a pixelated mess, the cheery music replaced by jarring, distorted sounds.

“What have you done?!” Mario roared, his normally cheerful face contorted with anger.

Mx, unfazed, continued. “This is the only way to truly achieve balance. This new world, this true world, will offer real challenges, real consequences. You will be free to explore your full potential.”

Mario, fueled by his protectiveness of the Mushroom Kingdom, lunged at Mx, his fist clenched. But Mx, with an eerie calm, simply raised a hand, their visor flashing with a blinding light. Mario was thrown back, landing hard on the ground, dazed.

“This is your last chance,” Mx said, their voice cold and emotionless. “Embrace the truth, or face the consequences.”

Luigi, despite his fear, stood his ground. “We won’t let you hurt our world!”

Mx turned their attention to Luigi, their visor glowing menacingly. “Very well. Then prepare to face the truth.”

The ground trembled, the pixelated world around them collapsing further. A new, unsettling landscape emerged, filled with ominous, pixelated creatures, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light. The challenge, the true challenge, had begun.

And as Mario, bruised and battered, rose to his feet, a glimmer of determination sparked in his eyes. He would protect his world, his friends, even if it meant facing a truth that was far more frightening than any koopa or goomba. The battle for the Mushroom Kingdom, for the very soul of the game, had just begun.