
Added on: 2024/05/15 View: 6463
a nsfw macrophilia fanfiction that takes place in the animated show Family Guy and use this plot: Brian Griffin, the dog of the Griffin household, becomes the New God of Humanity, and is able to manipulate and shift reality to his desire. Brian decides to use this as revenge for how he was treated, and […]

a nsfw macrophilia fanfiction that takes place in the animated show Family Guy and use this plot:
Brian Griffin, the dog of the Griffin household, becomes the New God of Humanity, and is able to manipulate and shift reality to his desire. Brian decides to use this as revenge for how he was treated, and shrunk every single human to half a millimeter tall as well as shrinking all their man-made structures, then shrinks all other animals, except for insects,mice and the already shrunken humans, down to subatomic size, to become extinct. Brian then makes himself 30 feet tall and then alters their minds, causing all the tiny humans to permanently lose their memories and think they’ve always been so small. Brian is ready to introduce himself to his puny worshippers. Brian is the God of existence now. They must obey him to ensure humanity’s survival. Brian Griffin asserts his reign as their True God. Humanity is now Brian’s pathetic puny worshippers, for he is the true God of all existence now. They must obey all his demands, even if it’s to satisfy his own lustful pleasures. Such as worshiping his sheath and private parts or even becoming food for either Brian or the ocean of dog sperm within his testicles. Never again will Humanity be top dogs of the earth. There is no happy ending, for humanity at least. All changes Brian made are permanent and cannot be undone.

