

The Buffycats Concert

Lampo: Milady: Pilou: Meatball:

the girl between the jobs

a girl between jobs try to found love and built her futur career as a writer

Amber’s Volvo

Amber is a red headed soccer player who just bought a brand new Volvo S80, a luxurious 2016 model with the best features, including plushy cream leather seats. Amber embarks on all kinds of adventures in her car, farting loudly after dates, spilling coffee, food, and even milkshakes everywhere, peeing incidents, water balloon fights, leaving […]

Ustad Rangesh & Mia Pangebaaz: Troublesome

a novel which contains a fantastic story about the misadventures of a theif whose name is Rangesh when he tries to steal some trophy cows from the stable of a milkman who had won them in a competition at Rohtak. Whenever the thief tries, his plans either got backfired or puts him in trouble. He […]

Schmerzen lindern

Ein mann hat sich seinen fuß gestoßen weil er in eile war, und hat dann seinen fuß aufgegessen weil er dachte so kann er seine fuß schmerzen lindern.