AI Utopia
Author:eva mak Time:2024/11/19 Read: 5867“Write a launch song lyrics about a future where artificial intelligence and humans collaborate to create a better world.”

In the dawn of digital light
Human minds take flight
Side by side with circuits bright
Together we ignite
[Verse 2]
Building dreams with robot hands
We conquer distant lands
In this world where hearts and codes
Unite in future plans
AI and humans on a quest
Innovation through our zest
We rise above we break the mold
In our hands the future’s gold
[Verse 3]
Algorithms blend with thought
Harmony in what we wrought
From machines and human hearts
A better world from every part
In this cosmic dance we twirl
Building a fantastic world
No limits to what we can see
Unity our destiny
AI and humans on a quest
Innovation through our zest
We rise above we break the mold
In our hands the future’s gold