
The Johnson Family are Sean Cw Johnson (age 45, 6

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/07/03 Read: 1687

The Johnson Family are Sean Cw Johnson (age 45, 6’2”, Carter Grayson, the Red Lightspeed Ranger) while the mothers’ names are Alison Johnson nee MacInnis (age 43, 5’7”, Dana Mitchell, the Pink Lightspeed Ranger) and Jane Johnson nee Chen (age 29, 5’6”, Jane Mitchell, the Orange Lightspeed Ranger) Silas Johnson (3 years old, son of Sean and Alison), Sam Johnson (3 years old, son of Sean and Jane), Alicia Johnson (1 years old, daughter of Sean and Alison), and Alice Johnson (1 years old, daughter of Sean and Jane) with Alison being five months pregnant with Jaden Johnson (Sean and Alison’s second son) and Jane being five months pregnant with Jacob Grayson (Sean and Jane’s second son). Five months after Alison and Jane found out that they are pregnant with Sean’s children, They found out the gender of Sean and Alison’s child as well the gender of Sean and Jane’s child are both boys, but they haven’t name their children yet. However Alison and Jane are not sisters, but best friends from their time in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue reboot where Jane was the newest addition of the Lightspeed Rangers cast in the Lightspeed Rescue reboot in the year 2023 while Sean and Alison were the original Lightspeed Rescue cast in the year 2000. Sean was driving the car with Alison was in the backseat with Silas, Sam, Alicia and Alice watching them and Jane in the passenger seat to Costco. Once they got to Costco, Sean parked their 2023 Silver Toyota Sienna. They meet a family that saw Jane as a 17 years old and thought that Sean had physical intimacy with a minor, but Alison told the family that Jane is 29 years old and she was American born Chinese. The family was shocked as Jane showed her ID card, the year of 1994 in date of birth and the family apology which Sean said that it happened all the time to his second wife. Then the family left, however they meet another family that wasn’t happy with a man that married a minor which Sean explained that Jane is not a minor as Jane showed her ID card again and the family apology once more. They meet their long time friends, the Salvin family with three parents (one father and two sister-wives) and six children (two of them were 4 years old, two of them were 2 year old and two of them were 5 months), however the children are not twins and they have two different mothers. The father’s name is Danny Salvin (age 50, 5’10”, Leo Corbett, the Red Galaxy Ranger) while the mothers/sister-wives’ names are Melody Salvin nee Perkins (age 49, 5’9”, Karone, the second Pink Galaxy Ranger) and Lily Salvin nee Perkins (age 30, 5’8”, Kazia, the second Orange Galaxy Ranger). The Salvin family has six kids and three parents which the oldest two was Daniel Salvin (4 years old, son of Danny and Melody), Dean Salvin (4 years old, son of Danny and Lily), Misty Salvin (2 years old, daughter of Danny and Melody), Melanie Salvin (2 years old, daughter of Danny and Lily), Levi Salvin (5 months old, son of Danny and Melody) and Luka Salvin (5 months old, son of Danny and Lily). Both Melody and Lily are sisters and Lily was the newest addition of the Galaxy Rangers cast in the Lost Galaxy reboot in the year 2023 while Danny and Melody were the original Lost Galaxy cast in the year 1999. The parents talked for a few minutes until they went their separate ways. The Johnson family needs two carts as they are a family of seven. Alison has the list of groceries so they can check off the items that they have. Sean grabbed the large items while Alison and Jane grabbed small items that they could grab. Alison grabbed the two bars of Dove soaps for all three of them while Jane grabbed two shampoo bottles for the adults and the children. Sean grabbed Tide Powder Laundry Detergent (68 Loads) and Downy April Fresh Liquid Fabric Conditioner for their laundry while Jane grabbed dish soap and Alison grabbed kitchen sponges, toothpaste, and toothbrush. Sean also grabbed baby supplies (diapers, baby wipes, etc) for his wives as they are pregnant with Sean’s children. Sean asked his wives “Should we name our babies with the letter J?” Alison replied “Of course, we should do that. Danny named his last children with Lily’s first letter and I think it would be fair to name our unborn children with Jane’s first letter.” Sean turned to Jane “So what do you think, my love?” Jane replied “That would be wonderful, my dear. I would love that” as Sean kiss his two wives on the lips while rubbing his pregnant wives’ bellies. Alison asked Sean “How about Jaden for our boy?” Sean replied “That is a good name, Aly. Jane, I was thinking you should name our boy, Jacob” which Jane added “Of course, Sean. I love that name.” They also meet the Heartman family with three parents (one father and two sister-wives) and two children (4 months old), however the children are not twins and they have two different mothers. The father’s name is Alex Heartman (age 33, 6’0”, Jayden Shiba, the Red Samurai Ranger) while the mothers/sister-wives’ names are Erika Heartman nee Fong (age 37, 5’5’”, Mia Watanabe, the Pink Samurai Ranger) and Sophia Heartman nee Fong (age 18, 5’6”, Kayla Watanabe, the Orange Samurai Ranger). The Heartman family has two kids and three parents, the oldest two being Asher Heartman (4 months old, son of Alex and Erika) and Aiden Heartman (4 months old, son of Alex and Sophia). Both Erika and Sophia are sisters and Sophia was the newest addition of the Samurai Rangers cast in the Power Rangers Samurai reboot in the year 2023 while Alex and Erika were the original Samurai Rangers cast in the year 2011. They talked for a few minutes and went their separate ways. At the snacks aisles, Sean grabbed the Veggie Straws, Lays, Chocolate Chips Cookies, Cheetos, Popcorn and Kit Kats as Alison grabbed Hershey Chocolate Bar, Nestle, and Dove Milk Chocolate for her co-wife’s love of those chocolate brands. Alison noticed that they don’t have milk in the cart and turned to her husband. “Honey, can you grab two gallons of milk?” which Sean replied “Of course, my love. I can grab that for you. Jane, do you need anything from the dairy aisles?” Jane said to Sean, “We need two cartons of eggs.” which Sean nodded as he grabbed two gallons of milk and two cartons of eggs from the dairy aisles. Jane also noticed the orange juice and ice cream was missing as she told Sean to grabbed them which Sean asked what kind of ice cream favor and his wives replied “Chocolate and Vanilla, please.” Sean nodded because the family love Chocolate and Vanilla favor ice cream as he went to grabbed the orange juice and ice cream. They went to the meat aisles to get beacon, chicken, beef, steak and ham. Alison also forgot the sausages and asked Sean to get the item which he nodded. Jane got three jars of Skipper Creamy Peanut Butter, Heinz Ketchup, Mayonnaise and Soy Sauce. Alison noticed that Jane forgot Mustard which Alison herself liked as she went to get Mustard. Alison grabbed buns, four plastic bags in slice breads for the family, two boxes of Cereal (Cheerios, Corn Flakes), two plastic bags in Thomas Bagels for the adults while Sean grabbed apples, oranges, bananas, pears, peaches, etc. (minus the mangos which Jane has allergy); and Jane grabbed broccoli, bell peppers (Red & Green), celery, lettuce, carrots, avocado, etc. Silas asked his father “Daddy, can I get Rice Krispies?” which Sean nodded as Silas and Jane went to cereal aisles to get Rice Krispies. Jane got a text from her younger sister in New York City saying that she passed her final exams in college which Jane replied back saying good job and focus more on your major. Sean leaned over to see Jane’s text from his sister-in-law and asked “My love, did your sister pass her final exams?” which Jane replied “Yes, my dear. She studied tirelessly, and her hard work paid off” as Sean hugged her and kissed her on the lips. Sam asked his mother “Mommy, was that auntie passing her exams?” Jane replied “Of course, Sam. Auntie passed her exams” which Sean kissed Jane on the lips. Sean and Alison grabbed a stack of napkins, a stack of paper plates, a pack of Hefty garbage bags, a stack of paper cups, two rolls of Bounty paper towels, and a pack of plastic utensils: forks, spoons and knives. Sean almost forgot Land O Lakes Unsalted Whipped Butter and Philadelphia Original Cream Cheese Spread which Alison grabbed the items. Jane noticed that her co-wife wasn’t here and asked Sean, “Where is Alison?” which Sean replied “She went to get some Domino Granulated White Sugar and Kosher Salt. We’re almost out, my love,” Jane nodded and saw her co-wife with Domino Granulated White Sugar and Kosher Salt while Sean grabbed Domino Granulated White Sugar from his first wife’s hand.

The Johnson family, a vibrant mix of love and laughter, embarked on their weekly Costco pilgrimage. Sean, the patriarch, a towering figure with a heart as big as his frame, navigated the silver Toyota Sienna, a testament to their growing family. In the backseat, a symphony of giggles and chatter filled the air as Silas, Sam, Alicia, and Alice, the four adorable bundles of joy, watched the world whiz by. Alison, a radiant woman with an infectious smile, sat beside her youngest, her pregnant belly a symbol of their expanding family. Beside her, Jane, Sean’s other wife, radiated warmth and a quiet confidence that was as captivating as her beauty.

Their arrival at Costco was met with a curious encounter. A family, mistaking Jane’s youthful appearance for that of a teenager, launched into accusations, assuming a scandalous relationship. Alison, ever the quick-witted and diplomatic soul, swiftly dispelled the misconception. Jane, ever the picture of grace, calmly presented her ID, revealing her true age. The family, red-faced with embarrassment, apologized profusely. Sean, with a chuckle, assured them that this wasn’t the first time such an incident had occurred with his second wife.

Their journey through the aisles was a merry dance of collaboration and affection. Alison, the designated list-holder, ticked off items as they navigated the vast warehouse. Sean, a man of action, grabbed the bulkier items, while Alison and Jane expertly snagged smaller necessities. Alison, with a mother’s intuition, procured Dove soaps for their shared skincare routine. Jane, always thinking ahead, grabbed shampoo for both the adults and their little ones. Sean, ever the provider, secured the essentials for their laundry, as well as a plethora of baby supplies for their growing brood.

“Should we name our babies with the letter J?” Sean asked, his voice tinged with excitement.

Alison, her eyes twinkling, responded, “Of course! Danny named his last children with Lily’s first letter, and I think it’s only fair we do the same.”

Turning to Jane, Sean asked, “What do you think, my love?”

Jane, her voice a soft melody, replied, “That would be wonderful, my dear. I would love that.”

As Sean kissed his wives, a wave of warmth washed over them.

“How about Jaden for our boy?” Alison suggested, a dreamy smile gracing her face.

“That’s a good name, Aly,” Sean agreed. “Jane, I was thinking you should name our boy, Jacob.”

“Of course, Sean,” Jane replied, her voice filled with tenderness. “I love that name.”

Their shopping journey continued, filled with laughter and shared moments of joy. They encountered their longtime friends, the Salvin family – a unique and loving blend of three parents and six children. Danny, the father, a man radiating warmth and a fatherly aura, shared a playful banter with Sean. Melody and Lily, Danny’s sister-wives, each a shining embodiment of strength and grace, chatted animatedly with Alison and Jane, reminiscing about their shared past in the world of Power Rangers.

Later, they crossed paths with the Heartman family, another unique and loving blend of three parents and two children. Alex, the father, a charismatic and kind-hearted man, exchanged pleasantries with Sean. Erika and Sophia, Alex’s sister-wives, each with a spark of warmth in their eyes, greeted Alison and Jane, their laughter echoing through the aisles.

As the Johnson family continued their shopping expedition, a sense of contentment permeated their atmosphere. Their love for each other, their shared history, and their unwavering commitment to their unique family unit were evident in every shared glance, every tender touch, and every burst of laughter. Their Costco trip, more than a mere grocery run, was a celebration of their love, their family, and their life together.