
Knight Rider Michael Knight and Kitt found Cole bu

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/07/24 Read: 5042

Knight Rider Michael Knight and Kitt found Cole but he was covered in lots of dirty and dry up blood he was in pain but he was looking for his older brother James who was missing it’s was his birthday and they were going to see WWE superstar Cody Rhodes and Ray Mysterio for his time in WWE but he didn’t respond he likes in a Trace and he was covered in wolf fur James see Cole injury and his friend Michael Knight was with him so he walk towards them and gently Pop Cole dislocated shoulder and asked Michael Knight to cover Cole mouth because Cole was about to scream after Cole shoulder was in place Cole was sleeping in Kitt while Michael Knight was talking to James about Cole shoulder James see a glow string coming from Cole arms and legs Cole was screaming and moaning loudly when the puppet Master touched Cole face Cole Bones was breaking and snapped Cole was sleeping and he was having a mental meltdown and a nightmare

Knight Rider: The Puppeteer’s Prey


Dust motes dance in the dim light filtering through broken windows. MICHAEL KNIGHT, ruggedly handsome and clad in his trademark black leather jacket, kneels beside COLE, his face etched with concern. Cole, covered in dried blood and grime, groans in pain.

James… gotta find… James…

Michael gently probes Cole’s shoulder, the bone clearly dislocated.

Easy, Cole. You’re hurt. We need to get you to a hospital.

Cole’s eyes glaze over.

Birthday… Cody Rhodes… Ray Mysterio… James…

He slumps against the wall, his eyes flickering closed.

(To Kitt, who’s materialized nearby)
Kitt, get a read on him. Anything vital?
(Synthesized voice)
Pulse weak, but steady. Internal bleeding possible, but not critical. He’s in shock.

Just then, a figure emerges from the shadows. JAMES, Cole’s older brother, his face hardened with worry. He sees Cole’s condition and rushes to his side.

Cole! What happened? Who did this to you?

James carefully examines Cole’s shoulder, then with a practiced motion, pops it back into place. Cole yelps, his eyes flying open. Michael covers Cole’s mouth just in time to stifle a scream.

It’s okay, Cole. It’s just your shoulder. You’re going to be alright.

Cole nods weakly, his eyes filled with pain. Michael pulls away, letting Cole gasp for breath.

Suddenly, a faint glow emanates from Cole’s arms and legs. The light intensifies, pulsing erratically. Cole’s eyes widen in terror as he starts to moan and thrash.

Cole? What’s wrong?

James reaches out to touch his brother, but recoils in shock. The glow is now blindingly bright, casting grotesque shadows across the warehouse walls. Cole’s body contorts, bones cracking and snapping as if under immense pressure. The glow fades, leaving Cole pale and limp.

(Eyes wide with horror)
Kitt, what’s happening?
I’m detecting a powerful electromagnetic pulse, originating from Cole’s body. It’s… like a… a puppeteer’s control.

From the darkness, a figure appears. The PUPPET MASTER, shrouded in darkness, his face obscured by a hooded cloak. His voice, cold and menacing, echoes through the warehouse.

Don’t worry, he’s just sleeping. Sleeping… and dreaming.

The Puppet Master reaches out a skeletal hand and touches Cole’s face. A flicker of darkness passes over Cole’s eyes. His face twists in a silent scream.



Cole lies in the back of Kitt, his face contorted in a nightmare. He cries out in terror, his voice filled with anguish. His body twitches and shakes, as if the Puppet Master’s control is still pulling at him.

Kitt, can you suppress this electromagnetic pulse?
I’m trying, Michael, but it’s like a tangled web of energy, binding him from within.
What can we do? He’s suffering!

Michael looks at James, his eyes filled with determination. He knows they must find the Puppet Master before he can do any more harm to Cole.

We find the puppeteer. And we cut the strings.