
Fandom: Phineas AND Ferb. Historia:Phineas and Fer

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/07/25 Read: 825

Fandom: Phineas AND Ferb.
Historia:Phineas and Ferb built a machine that can turn people into children again. They test it on Candace, but then she also starts to act like a child and runs away. While Phineas and Isabella try to catch Candace, Ferb uses the machine to turn his secret crush Vanessa Doofenschmirtz into a child to date her. She agrees so she doesn´t have to spend time with her father.
Phineas: Get down from there Candace, or I´ll tell Mom and you´ll be so busted! …That was creepy.
Isabella: Yes. Yes, it was. Don’t go there again, please.

“¡Baja de ahí, Candace, o le diré a mamá y estarás en un gran problema!” Phineas’s voice, usually so cheerful, carried a note of unease.

Candace, perched precariously on the edge of the towering contraption Phineas and Ferb had built in their backyard, giggled, “You can’t tell Mom, Phineas! I’m too high up for you to catch me! I’m a flying … a flying… um, a flying thing!” She flapped her arms uselessly, her usual teenage swagger replaced with a childlike enthusiasm.

Isabella, standing beside Phineas, shuddered. “Phineas, that’s… that’s not funny.”

“I know, Isabella,” Phineas sighed, his gaze fixed on Candace’s retreating figure. “It’s just… she’s not acting like herself.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Isabella agreed, frowning. “She’s acting like a toddler who’s just discovered she can climb things.”

Earlier that day, Phineas and Ferb, driven by their usual thirst for adventure, had built a machine they called the “De-Age-ifier.” It was supposed to be a simple experiment, a way to turn things back into their childhood forms, but when they accidentally aimed it at Candace, things took a rather unexpected turn.

Their older sister, normally a master of exposing their inventions to their mother, had inexplicably regressed to a state of childish exuberance. Candace, who usually spent her days trying to bust her brothers, was now preoccupied with bouncing on a trampoline and trying to pick wildflowers.

“I think we should tell Mom,” Isabella suggested, her voice a little shaky.

Phineas shook his head. “We can’t tell Mom. If she sees Candace like this, she’ll think we’re the ones who turned her into a child, and then… well, you know how Mom can be.”

“But we have to do something!” Isabella said, her brow furrowed. “Candace is running around, she’s going to get hurt!”

“I know, Isabella. I know,” Phineas said, pulling a small device from his pocket. “I think I have an idea.”

He turned the device on, a small blue beam shooting out, and aimed it at Candace. Candace, still bouncing on the trampoline, looked up, her eyes wide with wonder.

“What’s that?” she squealed, her voice high-pitched and innocent.

“It’s a special laser,” Phineas said, his tone calm. “It will help us find you.”

He hoped the beam would have the desired effect. As the beam touched Candace, she let out a yelp and froze, her body shrinking until she was about the size of a five-year-old.

“You guys are going to be in sooo much trouble!” she cried, her voice now muffled by the overgrown grass she was now trapped in.

Phineas and Isabella exchanged a relieved glance.

“That was a close one,” Isabella said, taking a deep breath.

“But we still need to figure out how to turn her back to normal,” Phineas said, his eyes focused on the De-Age-ifier.

Meanwhile, Ferb, who had been observing the whole scene with an enigmatic smile, decided to take advantage of the De-Age-ifier. He had always harbored a secret crush on Vanessa Doofenschmirtz, the daughter of their arch-nemesis Dr. Doofenschmirtz.

He knew that Vanessa, despite her rebellious nature, couldn’t escape her father’s overbearing personality. What if, Ferb thought, he could turn her into a child, allowing her to experience a world free from her father’s constant scrutiny?

Ferb quietly approached the De-Age-ifier, his eyes filled with determination. He activated the machine and aimed it at the Doofenschmirtz Evil Incorporated building. He knew Vanessa was in her room, studying for an upcoming exam.

The beam shot out, hitting the building with a soft, blue glow. Moments later, Vanessa appeared, her eyes wide with confusion.

“What in the name of Perry the Platypus… Ferb? Where am I?” she said, her voice sounding younger and more innocent than usual.

Ferb, his face a mixture of surprise and delight, walked towards her.

“Hello, Vanessa,” he said, his voice gentle. “You’re not in your room anymore. But you’re safe here. Would you like to… go for a walk?”

Vanessa, still unsure of what had happened, looked at Ferb, a flicker of suspicion in her eyes.

“You… you turned me into a child?” she said, her voice trembling slightly.

“It was the only way,” Ferb replied, his eyes filled with an earnest sincerity. “I know your father… he can be overwhelming sometimes. But here, you can be free. You can be yourself.”

Vanessa, her heart torn between her rebellious instincts and a newfound sense of vulnerability, hesitated for a moment. She knew her father would never let her go out alone, and the thought of being free from his constant control for even a little while was tempting.

“Alright,” she said, a faint smile gracing her lips. “Let’s go for a walk.”

And so, Ferb, with his own sense of adventure and a heart filled with a secret hope, took Vanessa’s hand and led her away, leaving behind a world of chaos, confusion, and the lingering question of whether he had just stepped into the biggest adventure of his life.

The backyard, once a scene of chaotic fun and unintended consequences, was now strangely quiet, save for the sound of Phineas’s frustrated sighs and Isabella’s worried whispers.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the yard, Phineas, with a heavy heart, knew he had a lot of explaining to do, not just to his mom, but to his own conscience.