
A polyamory chapter story about all four teenage m

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/07/30 Read: 2090

A polyamory chapter story about all four teenage mutant ninja turtles and an injured boy with silver hair and silver eyes, named kit.

Kit has slightly spiked silver hair with the fringe hanging over the left side of his face, a white bandage wrapped around his eyes because kit was in a car accident recently with his parents. His parents lost their lives on the scene of the accident. Kit was blinded in the accident, however the doctors say that it is possible highly possible that his vision could return in a few months as long as he keeps his eyes covered with a bandage. In the car accident, kit had dislocated his right shoulder, and also received an injury to his right ankle, he had also been in a coma for three days, and had to stay in the hospital for one whole week. Kit has only been out of hospital since morning. Kit has always had sensitive hearing, he listens to music to keep his hearing in check.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Chapter one : First Meeting

On the rooftop of an appartment building within New York there is a fight taking place. It seems to be a very unfair fight involving, four green humanoid shapes against almost forty humans, clad head to toe in black.
However, the team of four are not as overpowered as one might think, as at least ten of the other team is either knocked onto other rooftops or over the side of the current building resulting them landing on the fire escapes or hanging off the sides.
Suddenly two of the four humanoids were knocked onto the next rooftop followed by half of the remaining attackers. Now there is two seperate groups fighting over two rooftops.
After a while more of fighting, one of the two is launched onto the next rooftop right next to a teenage boy (with bandaged eyes), startling him.
Meanwhile: ??? POV
While a fight is happening on one rooftop, there is another rooftop two buildings away on which sits a teenage boy in the Lotus position of meditation. He is wearing black socks, loose black track pants, a dark blue turtle neck sweater with the word ‘BOO’ in white written on the front and a light blue denim jacket. He has slightly spiked silver hair with the fringe hanging over the left side of his face, a white bandage wrapped around his eyes and is also listening to something on an old Walkman.
‘Now that there’s finally no one breathing down my neck and constantly checking on me or asking tons of questions, which I am clearly not ready to answer, I can finally sit in peace and process everything that has happened in the last week,’ a pause for a calming breath, ‘I came out to my friend and my parents, and I’m so glad they were cool about it. But then I was fired from my part time job because of one of the other employees, and then the car accident which killed my parents and practically blinded me, then the three day coma I was in. (Sigh) Too much too quick. Still …’
Suddenly his train of thought is broken as he startled by something crashing to his left making the loose gravel on the rooftop hit the boy.
Panicking he rips the headphones from his ears while he awkwardly scoots backwards and to his right so as to get a bit of distance and face whatever it was.
“What was that? Did a bird crash again?” He asks himself out-loud in a panic.
“Uurgh. Do I look like a bird to you?” Unexpectedly a rough grumpy sounding voice replies back, followed by the sound of shifting roof gravel.
It is then that the boy notices the sounds of fighting. “What’s going on, is there a fight nearby? And how did you crash on my roof just now?” He asks the stranger in a panic while taking no notice of the gruff tone.
“What the hell! Can’t you see the ……” The stranger raises his voice as he shifts around to presumedly look at the boy before cutting off mid sentence, a quick movement over the loose gravel to indicate the stranger changing position (most likely standing up) and the once grumpy sounding voice is full of mixed strong emotions of panic when he speaks again “Never mind that! You need to get the hell out of here kid before you get hurt! The door’s to your urgh” The stranger is suddenly cut off by something that sounds like a ‘CLANG’ of metal quickly followed by something sliding along the roof top.
The boy, once again startled and now scared, begins to quickly scramble backwards again just as there is a sudden influx of people yelling, quickly followed by the sound of multiple feet scuffling on gravel as well as more metallic sounds -which the boy has now realised are weapons- appear in the direction where the boy and stranger had once been sitting.
Without the ability to see and understand exactly what is going on around him, the boy himself is now becoming overwhelmed with panic and fear as the noise becomes too much for his sensitive hearing. The entirety of the whole situation causes the boy curl in on himself as much as he can while covering his ears the instant his back hits the roof barrier after his backwards scramble.
He manages to stay like that for a few moments when suddenly someone grabs his right forearm in a tight grip – however since that arm had been dislocated in the car accident, it causes him to cry out in pain- and roughly pulls him to his feet.
Despite the pain and panic and zero knowledge of fighting (except for what he has seen in movies), he still tries to break free by attempting to use his right foot to stomp on his assailants foot. With pure luck, his foot meets its mark, however due to not wearing shoes, the boy’s foot and leg is hit with recoil damage -causing extra pain to his leg due to his injured ankle- however he pushes through everything and in the instant his assailant focuses his attention down to his own injury, the boy follows up by pulling his arm out of the other’s grip while slightly turning to his right and with all the strength he can muster joins both of his hands into a fist and brings his linked hands down as hard as he can towards the assailants head while hoping that his luck holds. His strike connects and the assailant goes down with a pained grunt.
Without wasting another second the boy begins jogging to his left away from the sounds of fighting, using the hum of the nearby air conditioning unit to guide him to a safe hiding spot. Thankfully it doesn’t take him long at all to not only track it down but also hide behind it keeping him hidden as he calms down and listens to the fight continue.
Suddenly he hears people calling out to each other; “Raph, how you doing over there dude?” This voice sounds almost childish.
“How do you think I’m doing Mikey? Ah crap. I forgot about the kid! If you guys hurt that kid I’ll kill ya!” This was the grumpy guy from before and ok, he can become livid pretty quick.
“Mikey, Donnie and I will take over here, you go and help Raph. And keep an eye out for whoever Raph was just yelling about” This voice was mature and most likely either the oldest of the group or the leader (though most likely both).
“On it Leo! BOOYAKASHA! Take that, and that, and don’t forget you. Raph, who are we looking for?” Mikey is definitely the energetic type.
“Teenager, silver hair. Ya cant miss him” Raph again. Even when he’s not angry his voice is rough most likely from yelling a lot.
Meanwhile, between being right next to the air conditioning unit and having his attention focused on the fight, the boy doesn’t hear someone coming up behind him until his right arm is roughly grabbed and twisted behind his back causing him to once again cry out in pain.
In that instant he notices that the fight seems to have paused, however his attention is brought back to his current situation as a hand suddenly grabs a fistful of his hair and roughly pulls his head back a bit just before hearing an unknown voice whisper in his ear; “You are going to regret what you did to me earlier. First I’ll have those freaks surrender, then once we capture them… they will watch as I deal with you. Slowly and painfully” with the man’s threat clouding his mind with panic and dread, the boy is forced to stumble out of his hiding spot to what he presumes is in front of all the fighters.
“Ah, Kid! You son of a…. What did you do to him?” Raph growls.
“Poor kid looks terrified dude. Ya got to at least ease up on the guy” Mikey worries.
“I believe there is a bandage around his head Leo, which means he is already injured in some way. We need to get him out of this situation as quickly as possible” this voice must be Donnie, he sounds like he’s used to explaining things.
“Let the boy go. He has nothing to with this. This fight is between us” Leo is trying to reason but the blinded boy knows that now that there is a hostage involved, the situation has become dire for the group of four.
“You four are going to drop your weapons and surrender, or this boy will pay the consequences!” the boy’s captor calls out as he lets go of the boy’s hair only to quickly press something sharp against the boy’s throat making his breath hitch in panic as his body stiffens in fear.
Instantly the sound of metal and wooden things are heard as they presumedly hit the floor.
“Good. Now you four will get on your knees and put your hands up and allow yourselves to be tied up” the man continues with a smug tone, which the boy can tell is because he believes that he has won.
“We will surrender as long as you promise that no further harm will come to the boy” Leo tries to negotiate as a last effort for the boy’s safety.
“Of course the boy will be safe.” The boy can hear the pure misleading tone as he pretends to reassure the good four before whispering “For now” in the boy’s ear in a dark tone. And yet even as he speaks like that, the man slightly loosens his grip on the boy’s arm and shifts the sharp blade away from the boy’s neck.
The boy knows that something needs to be done immediately or else no one is going to get out the situation safely, especially himself. So with all the courage he can muster, he carefully takes a calming breath slowly in while thinking;‘Hopefully the good four can react quickly. I don’t know if this will work, but I only have one shot at this. This is gonna hurt.’
Kite slowly breathes out he relaxes his body, causing himself to become an almost dead weight and making it look like he passed out, while also trying to keep the pain from showing on his face from the injuries and awkward angle of his right arm. The man quickly drops the knife to the ground with a clatter and releases the boy’s arm as he throws both of his arms around to the front of the boy to catch him, most likely in an attempt to keep his hostage. However the man is quickly caught off guard as the boy quickly stands up and throws his head back as hard as he can and makes a perfect hit against his ex-captor’s nose, followed by both elbows ramming him in the stomach, and finally the boy quickly leans forward putting all his weight on his left leg in order to kick backwards with his right leg and not only managing a bullseye, he also manages to knock the man onto the ground hard enough to knock him out.

In what seems like minutes, no one moves. Everyone seems to be stunned silent as the boy straightenes up with heavy rugged breathing.
Suddenly the sounds of metal and wood is heard as weapons are quickly retrieved, and the fighting restarts. However it doesn’t last long this time as it seems that the good four even though stunned, had still reacted quickly enough to get the jump on the baddies defeating the last of them with no problems.

The boy is still standing in the same position trying to catch his breath when he hears the good four turn to him after their fight. The boy can finally feel all his injuries finally catching up to him along with some intense lightheadedness coupled with a migraine.
He can faintly hear one of the four talking to him but the voice sounds muffled and far away, while the thumping in his head from the migraine is both clearly heard and felt.
All of a sudden the combined pain from his arm, leg and head becomes too much for him and he suddenly collapses. The last thing he feels before everything seems to disappear is two very strong arms and a harder than should be chest.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Chapter One: First Meeting

The rooftop of a grimy New York apartment building was a battleground. Four green figures, cloaked in shadows, fought a seemingly endless horde of black-clad men. The odds were stacked against them, yet they moved with a deadly grace, their blades slicing through the air, their bodies weaving through the chaos.

Two of the four were forced back, their enemies relentless, and landed on the adjacent rooftop. The remaining two, a towering figure with blades on his shell and a smaller, agile one, held their ground, pushing back against the remaining attackers.

Meanwhile, two buildings away, Kit sat in peaceful meditation on a deserted rooftop. His silver hair, spiked and messy, fell over his bandaged eyes, hiding the world from him. He wore a blue denim jacket over a dark blue turtleneck with the word “BOO” printed in white. A Walkman hummed quietly in his ears, a solace against the echoing silence of his world.

He breathed deeply, attempting to shut out the thoughts that constantly churned within him. The sudden loss of his parents, the blinding accident, the days spent in a coma – the weight of it all pressed heavily on him. Yet, he found a strange sense of peace in the quiet solitude, a refuge from the endless stream of worried faces and well-meaning questions.

A loud crash shattered the fragile serenity. Kit jolted upright, the Walkman falling from his ears. He scrambled backwards, his injured ankle protesting with a sharp pain.

“What was that? Did a bird crash again?” he muttered, his voice trembling.

“Uurgh. Do I look like a bird to you?” a gruff voice boomed, followed by the sound of shuffling gravel.

Kit, his heart pounding, realized the source of the commotion. “What’s going on? Is there a fight nearby? And how did you crash on my roof just now?”

“What the hell! Can’t you see the…” The voice, laced with frustration, trailed off. A sharp clang echoed, followed by the sound of something sliding across the roof.

Panic surged through Kit as a wave of yelling and scuffling sounds flooded his ears. He huddled against the low wall, shielding his ears, his entire being overwhelmed by the cacophony.

Suddenly, a strong grip clamped onto his right arm, causing him to cry out in pain. He was yanked to his feet, his injured shoulder screaming in protest.

“Get the hell out of here, kid! Before you get hurt! The door’s to your…” The voice, now frantic, was cut short.

Without understanding the chaos around him, Kit fought back, instinct taking over. He stomped his bare foot against his assailant’s, ignoring the pain shooting through his ankle. The man stumbled, giving Kit a brief reprieve. With a surge of adrenaline, Kit launched a desperate fist at the man’s head, connecting with a satisfying thud.

The man crumpled to the ground, groaning.

Kit, fuelled by adrenaline and fear, sprinted away, using the hum of the nearby air conditioner as his guide. He found shelter behind the unit, his heart hammering in his chest.

The sounds of the fight continued, punctuated by voices he couldn’t quite make out.

“Raph, how you doing over there dude?” A voice, almost childlike, rang out.

“How do you think I’m doing, Mikey? Ah crap. I forgot about the kid! If you guys hurt that kid, I’ll kill ya!” The gruff voice, filled with fierce protectiveness, sent a chill down Kit’s spine.

“Mikey, Donnie and I will take over here. You go and help Raph. And keep an eye out for whoever Raph was just yelling about.” This voice was steady and authoritative, likely belonging to the leader of the group.

“On it, Leo! BOOYAKASHA! Take that, and that, and don’t forget you. Raph, who are we looking for?” This one was energetic, playful, almost like a puppy.

“Teenager, silver hair. Ya can’t miss him.” The gruff voice, Raph’s, confirmed his suspicions.

But his brief respite was shattered as a hand clamped onto his arm, twisting him around. A rough voice whispered into his ear, “You are going to regret what you did to me earlier. First, I’ll have those freaks surrender, then once we capture them… they will watch as I deal with you. Slowly and painfully.”

Fear gripped Kit, a cold dread tightening his chest. He was dragged out of hiding, thrust into the middle of the fight.

“Ah, Kid! You son of a… What did you do to him?” Raph growled.

“Poor kid looks terrified, dude. Ya gotta at least ease up on the guy.” Mikey’s voice held a genuine concern.

“I believe there is a bandage around his head, Leo, which means he is already injured in some way. We need to get him out of this situation as quickly as possible.” This was Donnie, calm and logical, explaining the situation.

“Let the boy go. He has nothing to do with this. This fight is between us,” Leo attempted to reason.

“You four are going to drop your weapons and surrender, or this boy will pay the consequences!” The man holding Kit threatened, pressing something sharp against his throat, making him gasp.

The sounds of metal clanging against the ground echoed as the four figures surrendered their weapons.

“Good. Now you four will get on your knees and put your hands up and allow yourselves to be tied up,” the man commanded, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction.

“We will surrender as long as you promise that no further harm will come to the boy,” Leo pleaded, his voice laced with desperation.

“Of course, the boy will be safe,” the man replied, his voice deceptively soothing, as he pressed his words into Kit’s ear. “For now.”

Kit knew he had to do something, anything, to break free from this desperate situation. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he relaxed his entire body, letting himself go limp, pretending to faint. The man, caught off guard, dropped his weapon and rushed to catch him, his arms instinctively wrapping around Kit.

In that moment, Kit acted. He jerked his head back, ramming his forehead into the man’s nose. The man cried out in pain, his grip loosening. Kit followed with two powerful elbows to the stomach, then, with a final surge of strength, he pivoted, driving his injured leg back with all his might, connecting with the man’s jaw.

The man went down, unconscious.

Silence fell over the rooftop. The four figures stood frozen, stunned by the sudden turn of events.

Kit, his breath ragged, his body aching, struggled to stay upright. He could hear muffled voices, their words like distant echoes in his head.

Then, the world blurred, his legs gave way, and he collapsed, falling into the arms of one of the four figures. The last thing he registered was a warm chest and a strong, reassuring grip. Then, darkness swallowed him whole.