
The day was coming soon. nobody was ready mentally

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/07/30 Read: 4027

The day was coming soon. nobody was ready mentally for this. this was the war everybody was waiting for. everyone from every fighting source was called to fight. this included the police force, assisans, and anyone else able to fight. the chief had called all of the soldiers who wanted to know their fates. she called in Ash, Valarien, Liam, Cyrin, Maurice, Lucas, Samantha, Christine, Ren, Max, and Alastor. they all walked into the tent, sat down, and listened to her chant a spell. once she was done she told them all to leave and come in one by one. the first one called in was Ash. ” come sit down. ” she did as she said and waited for her to talk. there was silence for a little bit before Ash felt warmth, peace, happiness, love, and relief. then she felt regret, sadness, and grief slowly follow. ” do you know what your feeling? ” the chief asked her. Ash just shook her head in response. ” hold my hand dear. ” the old woman said.

the rest of the group was waiting for their turn for ten minutes when Ash walked out. she seemed to be the same as she went in. then Valarien went in, then Liam, then Cyrin, then Maurice, then Lucas, then Samantha, then Christine, then Ren, then Max, and then finally Alastor. Liam and Lucas both came out with an emotionless expression on their faces, the same face Ash came out with. then the chief walked out. ” all of your are dismissed except for those I have talked to yet. I wish you all the best. may we meet again someday. ” They knew that not all of them would survive especially three of them. they all stood up, bowed, and left. they all went back to their tents and they all seemed exhausted after the meeting. Samantha noticed that Ash seemed to be holding back tears when they got back. ” are you alright? ” she asked as she grabbed her wife’s hand. Ash didn’t respond and continued to try and hold back tears. “ I’m fine.” She said trying not to sound vulnerable. “No your not. What’s wrong?” Sam said now having her arm around Ash’s shoulders and pulling her close. Ash was starting to get a little annoyed and moved her wife’s arm off her shoulders. “It’s nothing.” There was a long pause between the two. “We should get some sleep. I’ll tell you in the morning.” She said as she stood up. Sam still wanted to know but decided it was best to wait till morning. “Ok.” She said as she watched her wife take off her black tank top. Sam admired her wife’s muscular figure, she was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. She admired the muscles on her back and the scars that covered them. She always found scars beautiful and attractive. Ash looked over and saw her staring “Like what you see?” Ash teased and watched Sam get flustered a little. “Your still wearing your mask and eyepatch.” Ash didn’t notice until she said that and took off her mask, revealing her mouth scar that opened her entire mouth and went from ear to ear. Then she took off her eyepatch which revealed four scratch marks going from a couple inches above her eyebrow that went down past her nose. Sam went up to her and wrapped her arms around her waist and started kissing her neck. This made Ash gasp in surprise. She knew what she was doing and starting feeling better at her wife’s touch. She always felt safe when she did this. Then Sam started moving her hands downwards and she started kissing more and moved towards her shoulder. Ash wanted her to keep going but knew that this wasn’t the best place or time. As much as she loved the feeling, tonight wasn’t the night. “Sam, not tonight.” Sam looked up and gave her a smirk. “Can I do one more thing?” “Sure.” Not even two seconds after Sam did something that made Ash Gasp and blush. Then Sam stopped and hugged her and placed her head on her wife’s shoulder. Ash turned her head and kissed her cheek. Sam moved away from her so she could continue getting changed while she changed also. Once they were done they heard people yelling and laughing while music was going off. “Must be a party.” Said Sam. “It might be a celebration or a ritual dance.” Sam yawned in response. “Let’s get some sleep.” Sam nodded clearly tired. They both went to the bed, went under the covers, and layed down. Sam fell asleep almost instantly, while Ash listened to the ritual until it was over and the fire was put out. She stayed up for hours. “Why can’t I sleep?” She whispered to not wake her wife up. ‘Can’t sleep?’ She jumped a little at the chiefs voice suddenly appearing in her head. ‘How the hell-‘ ‘You didn’t know we could communicate telepathically?’ ‘Yeah I did. I forgot. I’m sorry.’ ‘You are absolutely fine. Now why can’t you sleep? Is it from what you received today?’ ‘That and I’m worried for my son. I don’t know if he will stay for long once I’m gone.’ There was a pause ‘You two will be reunited. I suggest you be patient and wait for him. You will be the first person he wants to see. He will be much happier when he see’s you. And I am sorry to say but he will only stay for three more decades before he goes home.’ Ash felt a lump form in her in her throat. A feeling of hopelessness filled her chest and she was about to break down when a feeling of hope and peace replaced it. ‘You two still have time together. Make the most of it. But he will have people there to help him and he will have a lot of good days. There seems to be some discomfort on your mind recently that has grown, do you mind telling me?’ ‘Will I see my family and daughter again?’ ‘Yes. They will be there waiting. Your sister, brothers, and daughter will look older but you will recognize them. All of your friends and past partners will also be there also. Even your mother and father will be there. Do you know what your dad is?’ Ash paused and thought about it. ‘My dad was a werewolf and an EMT but that was it, why?’ ‘You will find out. Now get some sleep.’ With that the chiefs voice was gone but the a feeling of warmth remained. Ash turned over towards her wife and grabbed her hand and felt her eye get heavy. She finally closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Sam moved a little trying to block the sun out of her face. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that she wasn’t in a desert anymore but in her room and in her bed. Sam looked around and saw she was infact in the her cabin. Then she saw Ash asleep next to her holding her hand. Sam was confused. She swore she was in Africa but she was in her house. But it didn’t matter that much. In all honesty she was relieved to be in her home with her wife sleeping next to her for the first time in 5 years. Sam turned her body towards her wife and brought her hand closer to her and pressed it against her chest. She looked at her wife again, she looked peaceful. Sam smiled at this and stared at her for a while before she fell asleep again.

Sam woke up to knocking on their bedroom door. She got up to open it and when she got closer she heard very quiet whimpering and sniffling. She grabbed the door handle and realized it was locked. She quickly unlocked it and opened the door to see Ben sitting infront of the door with tears running down his face. “Ben?” He looked up her “Why did you lock it?” “Oh sweetie I didn’t know it was locked. Have you been here the entire night?” He nodded and stood up. “Do you still want to come in?” He nodded again and walked inside and sat on the bed. He shook Ash to try and wake her up but she stayed asleep. “Why isn’t she waking up?” Sam walked towards the bed and sat down. “She had a rough night. Let’s let her sleep.” Ben calmed down a little. “Can I still sleep with you?” “Yes sweetie you can.” Sam watched a small smile creep on his face. Ben waited for her to get under the covers to see if he would be able to fit. He was able to and snuggled up to his mom who hugged him back. Then they both drifted off to sleep again.

The air hung thick with anticipation, a palpable tension that vibrated in the very air they breathed. The day was coming, the inevitable clash of forces that had loomed for years. It was a war no one was truly prepared for, a war that would claim lives and reshape the world.

The Chief, a woman whose eyes held the wisdom of countless battles, had gathered her chosen warriors. Ash, Valarien, Liam, Cyrin, Maurice, Lucas, Samantha, Christine, Ren, Max, and Alastor – a diverse band united by their skills and unwavering loyalty.

Inside the dimly lit tent, the Chief chanted a spell, her voice echoing with ancient power. The air crackled with energy, leaving the warriors breathless.

“Leave and come in one by one,” she instructed, her gaze piercing.

One by one, they entered the tent, each facing the Chief’s gaze, a silent interrogation of their souls. Ash, first in line, felt a rush of emotions – warmth, peace, happiness, love, and a sense of profound relief. But then came the sharp sting of regret, sadness, and a grief that gnawed at her heart.

“Do you know what you’re feeling?” the Chief asked, her voice soft yet unwavering.

Ash shook her head, unable to articulate the whirlwind of emotions that consumed her.

“Hold my hand, dear,” the Chief said, her hand rough and warm.

The others waited, a tense silence filling the tent. Ash emerged, seemingly unchanged, yet carrying a hidden weight. Valarien, Liam, Cyrin, Maurice, Lucas, Samantha, Christine, Ren, Max, and finally Alastor, all faced the same inexplicable ordeal. Liam and Lucas emerged with blank faces, mirroring Ash’s stoic expression.

The Chief emerged, her gaze sweeping over the remaining warriors. “All of you are dismissed except for those I have spoken to. I wish you all the best. May we meet again someday.”

They knew the weight of her words, the unspoken truth that not all of them would return. A sense of weariness settled over the group.

Samantha, ever observant, noticed Ash’s struggle to contain her tears. “Are you alright?” she asked, reaching for her wife’s hand.

“I’m fine,” Ash responded, her voice strained.

“No, you’re not,” Sam insisted, her arm wrapping around Ash’s shoulders.

Ash shifted away, annoyance flitting across her features. “It’s nothing.”

A tense silence followed, punctuated by the rustle of fabric as they both began to change. The music and laughter from a gathering outside drifted in, a stark contrast to the somber mood within the tent.

“Must be a party,” Sam said, her voice weary.

“It might be a celebration or a ritual dance,” Ash replied, her gaze distant.

“Let’s get some sleep,” Sam yawned.

They lay down, Sam falling asleep instantly. Ash, however, remained awake, listening to the dying embers of the ritual fire. She couldn’t shake off the unsettling emotions that lingered, a heavy weight on her chest.

“Why can’t I sleep?” she whispered to herself.

“Can’t sleep?” The Chief’s voice echoed in her mind.

“How the hell—”

“You didn’t know we could communicate telepathically?”

“Yeah, I did. I forgot. I’m sorry,” Ash apologized, feeling foolish.

“You are absolutely fine. Now, why can’t you sleep? Is it from what you received today?”

“That, and I’m worried for my son. I don’t know if he will stay for long once I’m gone,” Ash confessed, her voice trembling.

“You two will be reunited. I suggest you be patient and wait for him. You will be the first person he wants to see. He will be much happier when he sees you. And I am sorry to say, but he will only stay for three more decades before he goes home,” the Chief said, her voice filled with compassion.

A lump formed in Ash’s throat. The weight of her loss pressed down on her, threatening to crush her. But then, a feeling of hope and peace replaced the despair.

“You two still have time together. Make the most of it. But he will have people there to help him, and he will have a lot of good days. There seems to be some discomfort on your mind recently that has grown. Do you mind telling me?”

“Will I see my family and daughter again?” Ash asked, her voice a mere whisper.

“Yes. They will be there waiting. Your sister, brothers, and daughter will look older, but you will recognize them. All of your friends and past partners will also be there, even your mother and father. Do you know what your dad is?”

Ash paused, lost in thought. “My dad was a werewolf and an EMT, but that was it. Why?”

“You will find out. Now get some sleep,” the Chief’s voice faded, leaving behind a comforting warmth.

Ash turned towards her wife, taking her hand. Sleep finally claimed her, her anxieties easing as the weight of her emotions slowly lifted.

Sam stirred, shielding her eyes from the morning sun. Disorientation washed over her as she realized she wasn’t in the desert anymore. She was in her own bedroom, her own bed. Ash, still asleep, lay beside her, their hands intertwined.

A wave of relief washed over Sam. She had been convinced they were in Africa, yet here she was, back home. She turned towards Ash, a loving smile gracing her lips. She felt a deep sense of gratitude for this unexpected return, for the chance to be with her wife.

As Sam drifted back to sleep, a knock sounded at the door. It was Ben, tears streaming down his face.

“Ben?” Sam asked, unlocking the door.

“Why did you lock it?” he whimpered.

“Oh, sweetie, I didn’t know it was locked. Have you been here the whole night?” Sam asked, her heart aching at the sight of her son’s distress.

Ben nodded, his eyes swollen.

“Do you still want to come in?”

He nodded again, walking inside and sitting on the bed. He shook Ash gently, trying to wake her.

“Why isn’t she waking up?” Ben asked, his voice trembling.

Sam sat down beside him. “She had a rough night. Let’s let her sleep.”

Ben calmed down a little. “Can I still sleep with you?”

“Yes, sweetie, you can.”

Ben waited for Sam to get under the covers, his small body squeezing in beside her. Sam hugged him tight, and he snuggled into her, feeling safe and loved.

As the sun rose higher, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, Sam and Ben drifted back to sleep, their love and comfort a quiet haven in the midst of a world teetering on the brink of war.