
urrently the leader of the Anti Negaversa Partisan

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/11 Read: 5955

urrently the leader of the Anti Negaversa Partisans currently on mars. Planning to go to war against Negaversa, Does not rely on magic, but has an insanely powerful longsword’

Secondary: Selene (Female) Queen Of The Lunar Empire, Goddess Of The Moon.

Recurring Characters: King Of the Kingdom Of Lemuria, Emperor Of Zealandia (both are allies with lunar empire)

Antagonist: Thanatos (New King Of Negaversa)

This story takes place on the Siege Of The Lunar Empire (season 3)

Aeternus was born on 10156 BC. On the moon, He was with Pandora and the others, Whilst that was happening, there was an war which was called “Siege Of The Lunar Empire” This included the end of Artemis Reign due to him being killed by Selene and Selene taking control of the lunar empire, Aeternus put up an worthy fight against the rebels led by Selene in his 10 year old times.

Unfortunately, Aeternus was the ones who got sealed away by Selene in the deep arctic ice’s in Earth, He could not use magic. nor free himself, so he had to sit there for 14,000 years. Whilst Pandora was thinking of an plan, Aeternus meanwhile was starting to reconsider being aligned of this tyrannic women. in 1993, Negaversa strikes. Whilst they got the magic and the some electrical grid power,

Pandora offered Aeternus to do the honours, but Aeternus refused, An argument over Aeternus and Pandora erupted, Aeternus argued saying that humanity does not deserve this type of powers, But Pandora forced him to comply saying that he will be killed and buried if he refuses. Aeternus meanwhile after this proceeds to hide underground to make sure he does not die, And in the end, Pandora, Queen Of Negaversa got killed in the duel against Selene, Queen of the Lunar Empire, in which she undid everything., After some years later, Pandora strikes again, this time taking over the world, even killing Selene, and two great nations, Atlantis and Zealandia.

Aeternus obviously never wanted to hurt or murder any humans, so he hatched an plan of his own. He got one of his supports to make a fake decoy of himself, and he secretly escaped with an amount of 1250 men from earth, Pandora didn’t notice a thing. Aeternus was planning to seek refugee in Neptune, but the second defeat and the death of Pandora resulted in the ship crash landing on Mars, Aeternus meanwhile takes a look at the moon, and is depressed to see him die. but she didn’t die, She is still perfeclty fine,

And Aeternus knew that the only way that he could see Pandora was if he became the fourth or fifth in command in Negaverse, but however, here was the problem, Unfortantly, Pandora didnt trust Aeternus, so she forced him into an cyrobed. But, some friends of Aeternus wanted to free him because they were also unhappy with Pandora’s deeds, So they got Aeternus out of the cryobed, when Pandora was distracted with something. Aeternus woke up sometime later, With him on an spaceship. he set course to Mars. with his friends, and his loyal 1000 men on his banner.

Back on Mars, Aeternus was ordering his comrades to being construction of the fortress of the Partisan Fort, He did want to attack Negaversa now, but he could not let his men alone to fend for themselves, An assistant comes and questions him via saying “Uhm, Aeternus?? I’m awaiting our next move? What is it?”, “Well, We must strike when the iron is hot” Aeternus stated.

Aeternus orders everyone through Phase 2: Restructuring & Migration. The phase states that the first step is to look for free land to make their own civilization, and the next is to builds structures to structure the HQ for the Partisans. Progress was slow, it would take immense work to get their kingdom set up.

6 Months Later…

The six months were very successful for Aeternus and his crew, They finished their city, HQ and expanded their terroties to successful conditions, They even constructed their own legendary spaceship to go out to battle if they wanted to, Aeternus made their new kingdom, Adopted an new flag that’s an mixture of The Lunar Empire’s flag + Negaversa’s flag.

But, on One day, There would be an choice, that would change how Aeternus lived.

Whilst that was happening, Aeternus thought that now was the time that they can attack Negaversa, As theres some news stating that Negaversa is attacking Earth, This gave Aeternus an chance to prove the Lunar Empire that they are an positive light against Negaversa. He went up to the announcement room inside his diplomatic place. He announces that the time has come, Aeternus is going to go down and attack Negaversa!! Everyone came down to see Aeternus’s speech; The speech was great, He was exaggerating over hatred and revenge over Negaversa, it all ended up yelling “LEMURIA!!! ZEALANDIA!!!, LUNAR EMPIRE!!! THEY WILL BE WATCHING!!!!!!”

Everyone after the speech was cheering, whilst an chant was going on whilst saying “GO OUT FOR REVENGE!” Aeternus did just that, With an force of 500 men. he went inside the spaceship and exited out of Mars, out to revenge. The invaison was going really well at first, they destroyed multiple spaceships. almost killed some high rankings. and more, Selene meanwhile is at the moon, looking for ways to stop the invasion, But at one moment, she notices the giant ship fighting Negaversa ships, “What?” Selene uttered. Mass confusion erupted in the ranks, which were still fighting the Negaversian invaders. Selene told everyone not to attack the ship until further notice, Unfortunately, one artillery commander’s walkie talkie malfunctioned, and didn’t get the order to attack. He ordered the artillery to fire at the negaversian ships, but one misfire later, all flames flare up on the engine, the wing is instantly cut off, all chants of war were turned into screams of panic,

Aeternus panicked, but in his view, he knew that there was no way that they could get to mars without an second wing. Aeternus went up to the cockpit, and seized control of the pilot seat, he turned the ship around towards the moon. The pilot pushed him saying “NO! YOU CAN’T DO THAT, GIVE ME THAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING.” Aeternus yells at him whilst trying to tell him that he’s trying help everyone in there, After an massive argument, Aeternus snapped at him whilst yelling “SHUT UP!!! WE HAVE TWO OPTIONS, EITHER DIE IN THE VOID TRYING TO GET TO MARS OR SURVIVE ON THE MOON.” The Pilot was silent, he moved away in silence, Aeternus went to the seat whilst whispering “Well, i am a amazing pilot so this cant go wrong… right?” He made his way to the moon trying to make it, He was going to the moon in a downward vertical spiral, He knew that if he didn’t mauver the ship for an soft landing, the ship would hit the floor of the moon at an unstoppable force, destroying the spaceship, possibly killing Aeternus himself, it would be an terrible ending, Aeternus didnt want to give up, so he tried to find some ways to slow down the ship, He saw an parachute button, but that didn’t work. as he was too high up in space. His only option was the airbrake. in which he tried to pull, The airbrake was jammed, The co pilot alerted Aeternus whilst telling him “Uhm sir… We’re almost out of fuel.” Aeternus yelled at the co-pilot whilst saying “WELL CAN YOU DO SOMETHING RATHER THAN DO NOTHING!? WE ARE IN A SERIOUS SITUATION!!!”

The Co pilot helped Aeternus try to pull the airbrake, Aeternus told the co pilot that the airbrake was jammed, he needed a wedge, But when he went into his pocket. he saw an pen, an gold mine to help his situation, He fixed the jammed problem and pulled the airbrake, This soften the impact by pulling the spaceship up. but it still caused an massive explosion, engulfing everything except Aeternus and an few other men. Selene went out to look for Aeternus, Aeternus meanwhile was severely injured, whilst that was happening, Aeternus woke up, battered and bruised, with deep cuts all over his body, he tried to stand up. His remaining comrades transported him whilst his bodyguards transported him to safety. “Do not worry Aeternus, you will be safe.” Selene finds the now destroyed flagship that Aeternus once owned. but sees Aeternus’s comrades taking him somewhere, Mistakenly, she intercepted the comrades and killed all of his comrades, Without Aeternus, there was an total loss of control from the army, nobody gave orders, Selene tried talking to Aeternus, but only heard an sigh, then he went and fainted.

Aeternus was transported to Celestia, the shining capital of the lunar empire. At an hospital, He sees himself somehow recovered. He looks at an doctor near him, “Sir, why am i here. Please explain to me.” The doctor whispers to one of the other doctors, whilst he hears an curtain unwrapping. He sees Selene, He questions why is he here. Selene tells him that his ship was destroyed by an bunch of idiots in an artillery regiment. Aeternus is angry whilst saying “Are you kidding me!?!? How on earth am i supposed to go back to mars without my flagship. those freaking trainwreck idiots, Im going to impale them with my sword!!” Selene holds him, telling him that he can stay here, right before injecting an sleeping potion, in which he would stay in an relaxation pod for two months.

6 months later…

Aeternus, fully recovered from the crash, He had improved relations with Selene, negotiated relations, they even figured out how to mix their magic to make great moves. He was going to talk to Selene for updates for the future war against Negaversa. Selene, silent gave him an paper that said “Meet me at my quarters for an meeting. 11:45 PM. Aeternus was pretty suspucious but agreed to the letter, Selene walks away with an blush on his cheek. Whilst that was happening, Aeternus went back to his quarters, trying to figure out some plans for the war, he was beginning to figure out some ideas to do with Negaversa and Thanatos after the war. he thought that he would imprison him, then after an few years, he will kill him. Aeternus would go down in history as an good general and an great fighter for his time, At dinner. Aeternus would eat some of his food to boost himself for the night, Whilst that was happening,

at 11:25 PM, Aeternus woke up and went up to top of the castle. Due to it being so dark, he used an flashlight to lead the way, After some minutes of climbing, he would enter the quarters, Selene greeted him. Aeternus was curios over how would this meeting go. Selene told him that it would start soon, He was told by Selene to sleep in the bed for now. Aeternus said yes to that, He went to the bedroom. Selene meanwhile went up to the bedroom, Aeternus asked her why is she here. Selene told him to calm down when she does this. Selene proceeds to lean towards Aeternus,

Aeternus is suspicious, in which he tells her “Uhm… what are you doing…” Aeternus starts to lean away from Selene, but Selene pinned him down to the ground. Selene proceeds to wrap her arms around Aeternus warmly, Selene proceeded to kiss him on the mouth, the kiss was soft and warm, Aeternus’s eyes extend as he cant believe Selene is kissing him, Intentionally, he tried to resist, but he eventually gave in and started kissing her back, Aeternus spends some time kissing Selene, until they eventually stop kissing just to get everyone back in place,

Afterwards, they thought that the invasion is now an go, So they invaded the skies of Negaversa, They were successful, winning battle after battle. but they did suffer heavy losses, They were capturing city after city, After an decesive duel with Thanatos, Thanatos told him that he would not stay alive this time, The duel was very difficult, With both sides suffering major injuries, parrying each attacks, and after an crucial move, He was defeated, Negaversa was gone, Thanatos lost everything, And Aeternus got what he wished for, With Aeternus’s military genius and Selene’s diplomat peace, they split the lands between the new Negaversa, now owned by Aeternus, Selene, The Kingdom Of Lemuria and The Zealandia Empire.

The crimson dust of Mars swirled around Aeternus’s boots as he surveyed his burgeoning fortress, the Partisan Fort. Six months ago, he had crash-landed here with a thousand loyal men, a ragtag band of rebels disillusioned by Pandora’s reign of terror. Now, they were building a new future, a haven for those who sought a world free from the shadow of Negaversa.

Aeternus, a man born in the ancient past, was no stranger to war. He had witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of gods. Yet, the current conflict felt different, a personal vendetta against the very essence of his tormentor: Pandora, the Queen of Negaversa.

News had arrived from Earth – Negaversa was attacking, their insatiable hunger for power extending beyond their own borders. This was Aeternus’s chance. He had no desire to rule, but he would not stand idly by while innocent lives were sacrificed.

“It’s time,” Aeternus declared to his assembled comrades, his voice echoing in the vast chamber. “We will show Negaversa that there are those who stand against their tyranny! We will fight for a world where humanity is not a tool, but a beacon of hope.”

A chorus of cheers erupted, their voices reverberating with a fervor that shook the very foundations of the Partisan Fort. Aeternus raised his hand, silencing the crowd. “Lemuria! Zealandia! The Lunar Empire! They are watching! We will avenge the fallen, and we will reclaim the future!”

With a resolute nod, Aeternus led his force of five hundred men aboard their newly constructed spaceship, a vessel that embodied the resilience of the Partisan spirit. They launched into the void, a beacon of defiance against the encroaching darkness.

The initial assault was a resounding success. They crippled Negaversa ships, decimated their ground forces, and took countless prisoners. Yet, victory came at a price.

On the moon, Selene, the Queen of the Lunar Empire, watched the unfolding battle with a mixture of awe and anxiety. She recognized the ship, the symbol of the Partisan rebellion, but she had no idea of their intentions. Mistaking the Partisans for Negaversa forces, a reckless artillery commander ordered a barrage of fire upon the fleeing ship.

The impact was catastrophic. The ship’s engine sputtered, smoke billowing from its mangled wings. The ship spiraled, its course irrevocably altered. Aeternus, caught in the chaos, grabbed the controls, overriding the pilot’s desperate pleas to return to Mars.

“We have two options,” Aeternus yelled, his voice barely audible over the deafening roar of the ship’s engines. “Die in the void, or try to reach the moon. It’s a long shot, but it’s our only chance.”

His words were met with silence. The pilot, stunned by the sudden change of course, remained rooted to his seat. Aeternus, with a grimace, shifted into the pilot’s seat, his hands gripping the controls with a fierce determination. He knew that a vertical descent onto the moon was a recipe for disaster, but he was willing to gamble everything.

The ship plummeted, its trajectory erratic, its fate uncertain. Aeternus fought the controls, desperately trying to maintain a semblance of control. The ship shuddered, its systems screaming in protest. Time seemed to slow down, each second an eternity.

They were running out of fuel. Aeternus knew they were doomed unless they could activate the airbrake. Unfortunately, the airbrake was jammed. Aeternus, desperately searching for a solution, found a pen in his pocket. Using the pen as a wedge, he managed to free the airbrake. The ship, shuddering and shaking, slowed its descent.

The impact was still devastating. The ship slammed into the lunar surface, its metal hull crumpled like a discarded toy. The explosion engulfed the vessel, a maelstrom of fire and debris.

Aeternus, miraculously, survived. He stumbled out of the wreckage, battered and bruised, his vision blurry. He collapsed, his body screaming in pain.

Selene, seeing the wreckage of the Partisan ship, assumed the worst. She had no idea that Aeternus had survived. When she discovered his injured form being carried by his comrades, she mistook them for Negaversa soldiers and attacked, killing them all.

Aeternus, unconscious, was carried to the Celestia, the Lunar Empire’s capital. There, he was tended to by the Empire’s finest healers. He woke to find himself in a hospital bed, a medical team surrounding him.

“Where am I?” Aeternus asked, his voice hoarse. “What happened?”

Selene entered the room, her face etched with concern. “You were in a terrible accident,” she said. “Your ship was destroyed by an artillery mishap.”

Aeternus, his anger boiling over, yelled, “Those idiots! How am I supposed to get back to Mars without my ship? I’ll impale them with my sword!”

Selene, trying to calm him, held his hand, her touch gentle. “You’re safe now,” she said. “You can stay here, rest, recover.”

She injected him with a sedative, a subtle hint that he was to stay put. Aeternus, exhausted and drugged, drifted off to sleep.

Two months later, Aeternus awoke fully recovered. Selene, realizing the depth of her own feelings, had been working closely with him. Together, they devised a plan to retake Negaversa, their shared hatred of Pandora uniting them.

One night, Selene summoned Aeternus to her quarters. He was nervous, unsure of what to expect. Selene, her eyes intense, pulled him close, her lips meeting his in a passionate kiss. Aeternus, surprised by the sudden intimacy, hesitated for a moment before responding.

Their kiss deepened, a whirlwind of emotions swirling between them. It was a connection forged in the fires of war, a bond of shared purpose and shared pain.

In the aftermath of their passionate encounter, Aeternus felt a renewed sense of purpose. The invasion of Negaversa was launched. The Partisans, under Aeternus’s command, fought with unmatched ferocity, their hearts filled with a righteous anger.

Selene, leading the Lunar Empire forces, fought alongside them, her lunar magic a force to be reckoned with.

City by city, they conquered, their victories culminating in a final showdown with Thanatos, the new King of Negaversa. The duel was long and brutal, both warriors pushing themselves to the limit. In the end, Aeternus emerged victorious, his longsword slicing through Thanatos’s defenses, ending his reign of terror.

Negaversa was no more. The world, scarred but not broken, began to heal. Aeternus, his purpose fulfilled, stood beside Selene, his hand clasped in hers. They had brought an end to Pandora’s legacy, paving the way for a new era of peace.

The battle had been long and arduous, but Aeternus had found something he never expected – a love that transcended time, a bond that had been forged in the fires of war. He had found his home, his purpose, his love – all under the watchful gaze of the moon.