
Prompt- Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot are in Hot T

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/11 Read: 1198

Prompt- Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot are in Hot Topic when a group of their classmates walk up to them.

Characters- Tristan Liones is the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth Liones. Tristan closely resembles both of his parents. He is 18 years old. He is 5 feet and 8 inches tall. He has the same face and hairstyle as Meliodas, although his hair is long and silver like Elizabeth’s. He has heterochromia, his right eye being blue like Elizabeth’s and his left being emerald green like Meliodas’s. He is taller than both his parents and wearing a blue earring closely resembling Elizabeth’s on his right ear. He wears a white shirt with turquoise edges on the sleeves and collar frills topped with a winged brooch, black pants and golden colored boots. He wears a necklace with a Dragon Wrapped Sword Cross Pendant. Tristan is a very calm and tenacious boy. Tristan is also bad at cooking like his father, Meliodas.

Tioreh is King and Diane’s daughter. She is 5 feet and 5 inches tall. She is 18 years old. Tioreh is a young girl with a slender and curvaceous body, fair skin, burnt sienna eyes, light pink hair with bangs that covers the right side of her forehead, tied in a long ponytail with a fuschia bow and blue floral decoration. Her face also bears a strong resemblance to the face of her mother, Diane. Tioreh wears a short white short-sleeved, high-neck dress with hot pink tips and hot pink boots with white heels and cotton on top. She has a small Greenwood shoulder bag with an ouroboros stitched into the flap draped across her body. She wears a golden ouroboros necklace made by King. Just like her mother, Tioreh is a friendly, innocent, curious and energetic young girl who cares a lot about her friends, such as Tristan and Lancelot. However, Tioreh can also show an unsympathetic and childish side. But despite her childish and playful personality, she also proved to be quite observant. Tioreh has also shown a somewhat sentimental side.

Lancelot is the son of Ban and Elaine. He is 18 years old. He is 5 feet and 9 inches tall. He has a set of fangs. Lancelot appears to inherit both traits from his parents, although he inherited his mother’s facial features mostly. Lancelot is a tall and ripped boy. His hairstyle is more pointed, more like his father’s. He has blonde hair. He wears a sleeveless white and magenta hoodie, red pants, and white shoes that were made by his uncle, King. He wears his father’s old necklace, four red rubies; two small rubies and the other two are bigger, incased in a silver pendent that hangs on a long chain that reaches the waist band of his pants. He demonstrates symptoms of somniloquy (sleep talking). Lancelot is actually a considerably good cook like his father, Ban. He has scarlet-red eyes like his father. At first glance, Lancelot appears to be cheerful and friendly towards a con artist merchant, appearing naive and innocent, but he later revealed a crueler side, similar to his father, when he sees that the merchant was tricking a few children by offering them “candy”. Just like his mother, Lancelot always seems to be a very serious, quiet, stoic and responsible person, however, he also takes a little after his father, such as his sloppy and playful nature. Like his parents, he rarely shows any compassion for his enemy, never hesitating to kill them when necessary. Although he rarely shows it, he cares deeply for those he loves, determined to punish anyone who makes them suffer.

Setting- Modern-day, in a mall, during the day while it’s raining.

Atmosphere- calm

The fluorescent lights of Hot Topic cast a harsh glow on the three teenagers huddled amongst racks of band tees and gothic accessories. Tristan, his silver hair catching the light, was carefully examining a skull-shaped lighter, his heterochromatic eyes scanning the intricate carvings. Tioreh, her pink hair bouncing with each excited jump, was trying on a pair of black fishnet gloves, giggling as she admired their intricate web-like design. Lancelot, ever the stoic one, was quietly browsing the shelves, his gaze lingering on a particularly menacing-looking studded belt.

Suddenly, the calm of their browsing was shattered by a chorus of familiar voices. “Hey, look who it is!”

Turning, Tristan saw a group of their classmates, their faces a mixture of amusement and curiosity, congregated near the entrance. They were all dressed in a variety of styles, from preppy to punk, reflecting the eclectic nature of their school.

“What are you guys doing in here?” a blonde girl, named Anya, asked, her voice dripping with mock surprise. “I didn’t know you guys were into this kind of thing.”

Tioreh, always the most outgoing, puffed out her chest with pride. “We’re just here for some cool stuff! Isn’t this place awesome?”

Lancelot, his scarlet eyes flashing with a hint of amusement, simply nodded in agreement. “There’s some interesting stuff here.”

Tristan, ever the calm one, simply shrugged. “It’s alright.”

The group exchanged a few more lighthearted barbs, their conversation bouncing around the shop like a rogue melody. The rain outside had intensified, the drumming on the glass roof mirroring the rhythm of their banter.

As the conversation started to drift towards more personal topics, Tristan subtly excused himself, heading towards the back of the shop. He needed a moment, a quiet space away from the playful teasing of his classmates.

The back of the store was a labyrinth of dark corners and forgotten trinkets. Tristan found himself drawn to a corner filled with dusty old vinyl records. He picked up a faded album cover, the image of a band he’d never heard of. The title, “The Shadow Knights,” echoed in his mind.

He was lost in his contemplation when a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.


Turning, he saw Tioreh standing at the edge of the corner, her expression a mixture of concern and amusement. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice soft.

Tristan hesitated, then shrugged. “Nothing, just needed some space.”

“You’re always so quiet,” Tioreh said, her voice tinged with a touch of disappointment. “I wish you would open up more.”

Tristan sighed. “I’m just not good at expressing myself,” he admitted, his voice barely a whisper.

Tioreh stepped closer, her hand resting gently on his arm. “It’s okay,” she said, her voice filled with understanding. “I know you’re always there for us, even when you don’t say anything.”

The rain outside had stopped, a sliver of sunlight piercing through the clouds and illuminating the two teenagers huddled together in the corner. Their silence, filled with unspoken emotions and an unspoken understanding, was as comforting as any word could be.

As they turned to leave, Tristan saw Lancelot standing at the door, his expression unreadable. He was holding a small, black notebook with a skull embossed on the cover.

“What’s that?” Tristan asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

Lancelot simply smiled, his red eyes gleaming with an uncharacteristic glint of mischief. “Just a little something I found,” he said, his voice low. “I think it might be interesting.”

As they left the shop, Tristan couldn’t help but wonder what secrets lay hidden within the pages of the notebook. He had a feeling that their afternoon adventure in Hot Topic was just the beginning of something much bigger, something that would test their friendship and their courage in ways they could never have imagined.