
Prompt- Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot were walking

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/11 Read: 4056

Prompt- Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot were walking around the mall when a group of their classmates walks up to them.

Characters- Tristan Liones is the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth Liones. Tristan closely resembles both of his parents. He is 18 years old. He is 5 feet and 8 inches tall. He has the same face and hairstyle as Meliodas, although his hair is long and silver like Elizabeth’s. He has heterochromia, his right eye being blue like Elizabeth’s and his left being emerald green like Meliodas’s. He is taller than both his parents and wearing a blue earring closely resembling Elizabeth’s on his right ear. He wears a white shirt with turquoise edges on the sleeves and collar frills topped with a winged brooch, black pants and golden colored boots. He wears a necklace with a Dragon Wrapped Sword Cross Pendant. Tristan is a very calm and tenacious boy. Tristan is also bad at cooking like his father, Meliodas. He holds a great sense of justice and feels the need to protect his friends from any threats. He is more of a pacifist like his mother. Nevertheless, he is not hesitant to use force when need arises. Tristan is Tioreh’s and Lancelot’s childhood friend.

Tioreh is one of King and Diane’s eight children. She is 5 feet and 5 inches tall. She is 18 years old. Tioreh is a young girl with a slender and curvaceous body, fair skin, burnt sienna eyes, light pink hair with bangs that covers the right side of her forehead, tied in a long ponytail with a fuschia bow and blue floral decoration. Her face also bears a strong resemblance to the face of her mother, Diane. Tioreh wears a short white short-sleeved, high-neck dress with hot pink tips and hot pink boots with white heels and cotton on top. She has a small Greenwood shoulder bag with an ouroboros stitched into the flap draped across her body. She wears a golden ouroboros necklace made by King. Just like her mother, Tioreh is a friendly, innocent, curious and energetic young girl who cares a lot about her friends, such as Tristan and Lancelot. However, Tioreh can also show an unsympathetic and childish side. But despite her childish and playful personality, she also proved to be quite observant. Tioreh has also shown a somewhat sentimental side. Although in general, Tioreh is a calm, serious, insightful and polite individual, just like King. Just like her father, she can be very sentimental and shy. Tioreh also inherited some personality traits from Diane, such as her friendly and serene nature. Tioreh also have the same habit as her mother of hiding her face when she is embarrassed.

Lancelot is the son of Ban and Elaine. He is 18 years old. He is 5 feet and 9 inches tall. He has a set of fangs. Lancelot appears to inherit both traits from his parents, although he inherited his mother’s facial features mostly. Lancelot is a tall and ripped boy. His hairstyle is more pointed, more like his father’s. He has blonde hair. He wears a sleeveless white and magenta hoodie, red pants, and white shoes that were made by his uncle, King. He wears his father’s old necklace, four red rubies; two small rubies and the other two are bigger, incased in a silver pendent that hangs on a long chain that reaches the waist band of his pants. He demonstrates symptoms of somniloquy (sleep talking). Lancelot is actually a considerably good cook like his father, Ban. He has scarlet-red eyes like his father. At first glance, Lancelot appears to be cheerful and friendly towards a con artist merchant, appearing naive and innocent, but he later revealed a crueler side, similar to his father, when he sees that the merchant was tricking a few children by offering them “candy”. Just like his mother, Lancelot always seems to be a very serious, quiet, stoic and responsible person, however, he also takes a little after his father, such as his sloppy and playful nature. Like his parents, he rarely shows any compassion for his enemy, never hesitating to kill them when necessary. Although he rarely shows it, he cares deeply for those he loves, determined to punish anyone who makes them suffer.

Setting- Modern-day, in a mall, during the day while it’s raining.

Atmosphere- calm

The rhythmic patter of rain against the mall’s glass roof created a calming, almost melancholic atmosphere. Inside, Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot were browsing the latest releases in the music section, their laughter echoing faintly through the quiet space. Tristan, ever the calm one, held a copy of a new indie band album, while Tioreh, her eyes wide with excitement, was captivated by a flashy pop group’s latest release. Lancelot, ever stoic, was sifting through a pile of classic rock vinyls, a faint smirk playing on his lips.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by a chorus of excited voices and the clatter of footsteps. A group of their classmates, led by the boisterous, yet seemingly harmless, Arthur Pendragon, walked towards them.

“Hey, guys! Look who it is, the trio of legends!” Arthur exclaimed, his grin wide. He was followed by a throng of their classmates, their expressions ranging from curiosity to amusement.

Tristan, ever polite, greeted them with a slight nod. Tioreh, with her usual infectious enthusiasm, waved excitedly. Lancelot, however, simply raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable.

“What are you guys up to?” Arthur asked, his voice booming over the background music.

“Just browsing,” Tristan answered, holding up the album. “Looking for some new tunes.”

Tioreh, ever the chatterbox, was already recounting her discovery of the pop group, her words flowing in a rapid stream. Lancelot, his interest piqued, joined in, discussing the merits of a classic rock band with Arthur.

The conversation flowed easily, a mixture of laughter, teasing banter, and genuine interest. The rain outside continued to fall, a constant backdrop to their afternoon of casual camaraderie.

As the conversation shifted to upcoming exams, a sense of nervous anticipation settled over the group. Tristan, ever the responsible one, offered words of encouragement, while Tioreh, in her usual optimistic tone, reminded them that they would all pass with flying colors. Lancelot, his eyes narrowed in concentration, spoke only when necessary, his words brief and to the point.

The rain intensified, its drumming on the glass roof becoming more insistent. It was time for them to part ways.

“See you guys later,” Tristan said, a warm smile gracing his face.

“Bye!” Tioreh waved, her smile mirroring Tristan’s.

Lancelot, his eyes meeting Arthur’s for a fleeting moment, simply nodded before turning away.

They left the music section, their laughter echoing softly into the now-silent space. The rain continued to fall, but the atmosphere inside the mall was still calm, a sense of peace and camaraderie lingering in the air. Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot, their friendship as strong as ever, walked away, their shared journey through life continuing, rain or shine.