
Prompt- Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot are watching

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/11 Read: 2684

Prompt- Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot are watching a movie. Ban and Meliodas are playing poker. King is working on a painting. Diane, Elaine, and Elizabeth are talking. They all suddenly hear a loud knock on the front door of the apartment. It was their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, who are always complaining about the “loud noise”.

Characters- Tristan Liones is the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth Liones. Tristan closely resembles both of his parents. He is 18 years old. He is 5 feet and 8 inches tall. He has the same face and hairstyle as Meliodas, although his hair is long and silver like Elizabeth’s. He has heterochromia, his right eye being blue like Elizabeth’s and his left being emerald green like Meliodas’s. He is taller than both his parents and wearing a blue earring closely resembling Elizabeth’s on his right ear. He wears a white shirt with turquoise edges on the sleeves and collar frills topped with a winged brooch, black pants and golden colored boots. He wears a necklace with a Dragon Wrapped Sword Cross Pendant. Tristan is a very calm and tenacious boy. Tristan is also bad at cooking like his father, Meliodas. He holds a great sense of justice and feels the need to protect his friends from any threats. He is more of a pacifist like his mother. Nevertheless, he is not hesitant to use force when need arises. Tristan is Tioreh’s and Lancelot’s childhood friend.

Tioreh is King and Diane’s daughter. She is 5 feet and 5 inches tall. She is 18 years old. Tioreh is a young girl with a slender and curvaceous body, fair skin, burnt sienna eyes, light pink hair with bangs that covers the right side of her forehead, tied in a long ponytail with a fuschia bow and blue floral decoration. Her face also bears a strong resemblance to the face of her mother, Diane. Tioreh wears a short white short-sleeved, high-neck dress with hot pink tips and hot pink boots with white heels and cotton on top. She has a small Greenwood shoulder bag with an ouroboros stitched into the flap draped across her body. She wears a golden ouroboros necklace made by King. Just like her mother, Tioreh is a friendly, innocent, curious and energetic young girl who cares a lot about her friends, such as Tristan and Lancelot. However, Tioreh can also show an unsympathetic and childish side. But despite her childish and playful personality, she also proved to be quite observant. Tioreh has also shown a somewhat sentimental side. Although in general, Tioreh is a calm, serious, insightful and polite individual, just like King. Just like her father, she can be very sentimental and shy. Tioreh also inherited some personality traits from Diane, such as her friendly and serene nature. Tioreh also have the same habit as her mother of hiding her face when she is embarrassed.

Lancelot is the son of Ban and Elaine. He is 18 years old. He is 5 feet and 9 inches tall. He has a set of fangs. Lancelot appears to inherit both traits from his parents, although he inherited his mother’s facial features mostly. Lancelot is a tall and ripped boy. His hairstyle is more pointed, more like his father’s. He has blonde hair. He wears a sleeveless white and magenta hoodie, red pants, and white shoes that were made by his uncle, King. He wears his father’s old necklace, four red rubies; two small rubies and the other two are bigger, incased in a silver pendent that hangs on a long chain that reaches the waist band of his pants. He demonstrates symptoms of somniloquy (sleep talking). Lancelot is actually a considerably good cook like his father, Ban. He has scarlet-red eyes like his father. At first glance, Lancelot appears to be cheerful and friendly towards a con artist merchant, appearing naive and innocent, but he later revealed a crueler side, similar to his father, when he sees that the merchant was tricking a few children by offering them “candy”. Just like his mother, Lancelot always seems to be a very serious, quiet, stoic and responsible person, however, he also takes a little after his father, such as his sloppy and playful nature. Like his parents, he rarely shows any compassion for his enemy, never hesitating to kill them when necessary. Although he rarely shows it, he cares deeply for those he loves, determined to punish anyone who makes them suffer.

Meliodas is the husband and lover of Elizabeth Liones, the owner of the renowned tavern Boar Hat, and the father of Tristan. He is 40 years old. He is 5 feet tall. He is exceptionally short compared to other characters, with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes. He also lacks facial hair, further accentuating his adolescent appearance. Regardless of his stature and youthful looks, he is relatively muscular, possessing an array of well-developed abdominal muscles. He often wears an ordinary, clean white button-front shirt and a black sleeveless vest on top with a loosely worn tie. Without any socks, he wears a pair of black boots. Meliodas has the symbol of a dragon biting its own tail, making a circle on his left arm, near the shoulder. Meliodas’ dominant traits are his frankness and his utter fearlessness. He has a strong sense of justice and is willing to help people in distress. Even when he is severely injured, he tries not to show weakness and stays strong in front of his companions. He holds resentment for himself, deeming himself a failure as an older brother to Zeldris due to the suffering he caused him. He maintains the facade of a very calm person. However, if his companions or friends are harmed in any way, he is shown to be capable of extreme rage.

Elizabeth Liones is the lover of Meliodas and the mother of Tristan Liones. She is 35 years old. She is 5 foot 4 inches tall. Elizabeth is a beautiful young woman with a slender yet curvaceous physique, a big bust and regular height. She has very pale skin, large light blue eyes, and long silver hair reaching her waist. She wears a white dress, covered by a short pink coat, and fluffy white and pink winter boots. Elizabeth is a very polite, grateful and caring individual who prefers a rather peaceful, diplomatic approach. She often shows a calm yet incredibly warm attitude towards others, helping them as much as she can and offering home to strangers. She is very open and tends to cooperate with others quite well, all in order to surpass their goals and return to their beloved ones. Elizabeth has shown to be very brave and courageous. More often than not, her determination acts as an inspiration to others. She is also optimistic.

Ban is the husband of Elaine, father of Lancelot, and the cook in the Boar Hat. He is 41 years old. He is 6 foot and 11 inches tall. Ban is a very tall, muscular man with pale tan skin, who possesses a set of well-developed abdominal muscles and usually has a slouch. He has short, spiky, pale blue hair and thin black eyebrows, and scarlet-red eyes. On the left side of his jaw and extending down to his neck, he has a large scar given to him by Meliodas. He is shown wearing a red leather jacket and pants with metal studs sewn into both alongside shoes of a similar, yet darker color. Ban has the symbol of a fox on the left side of his waist. Ban is shown to be a passionate man. He takes actions based on whatever catches his interest. He has shown some aspects of greed as well as selfish desire; however, he will stay his hand if he is given a good reason to stop. He has a strange habit of making singing tones while talking, which he developed at a young age after he was adopted by Zhivago. Though he can be selfish and greedy, he is also shown to be caring, which is shown when he rushed toward Elaine to save her despite being a “bad person”. Ban is easily surprised and excited. Ban demonstrates symptoms of somniloquy (sleep talking). Ban is actually a considerably good cook. He is a self-taught cook.

King is the older brother of Elaine. He is the father of Tioreh, and husband of Diane. His real name is Harlequin. He is 41 years old. He is 5 foot and 11 inches tall. He has orange-brown hair, thin eyebrows and amber eyes. King’s body resembles that of a tall and thin teenager, with a longer hairstyle with a populated frontal crest. When wearing clothes, he wears a suit. King has the mark of a grizzly bear facing towards its left above his left foot, it is usually hidden beneath his pants and shoes. In the past, he was shown to be a compassionate character who returned stuffed animals stolen by Ban to children. Furthermore, it appears that he is an emotional person who cries easily. King has trouble admitting his affection for Diane. Although he enjoys being with Meliodas and Diane, he could not bring himself to express it. He cares deeply for his sister, Elaine. He is hardworking and serious at times. Despite King’s kind personality, he is not against killing someone, if pushed to his limits.

Diane is the mother of Tioreh, and the wife of King. She is 38 years old. She is 5 foot and 9 inches tall. She is a fair maiden, described as “lovely, beautiful” with purple eyes and medium length brown hair which is tied up into large twin tails. She has a well-endowed and curvaceous body. Diane has the mark of a snake with one end of its tail rolled up on her left thigh. Diane is a very friendly. Although, Diane can become extremely fierce and hostile towards anyone who threatens her friends. She wears a short pink sleeveless dress with white puffballs down the front. Diane isn’t as assertive with King like she was with Meliodas, in the past, because she would get embarrassed. She is selfless when saving people who are in danger like when she risked her life to protect the elderly man as a teenager. Despite her brave and strong appearance, Diane is a somewhat emotionally fragile person as shown by her hatred of loneliness. This was portrayed when she was a child and insisted that King stays by her side when she was sick instead of getting herbs to heal her and when she waited in tears for him to return to her.

Elaine is the younger sister of the Harlequin, the wife of Ban, and the mother of Lancelot. She is 36 years old. She is 5 foot and 2 inches tall. Elaine is a slender pale-skinned female with a very petite frame. She has neck-length blonde hair, big amber eyes and long, thin eyelashes. Like Elizabeth, Elaine is a very harmonic, curious and open-minded individual, noticing differences but respecting them due to thinking all things and beings and their properties complement each other. Elaine has shown to be a very kind, caring girl who tends to put others’ well-being before her own. Due to Ban’s encouragement in trying out ale, Elaine becomes quite angry, bashful and easily embarrassed while drunk, sharing these traits with King.

Setting- Modern-day, in Tioreh’s parents’ (King and Diane) apartment, at night while it’s raining.

Atmosphere- calm

The flickering light of the television painted the living room in shades of blue, illuminating the comfortable scene. Tristan, Tioreh, and Lancelot sat huddled on the couch, engrossed in the latest action film. Tristan, ever the thoughtful one, offered Tioreh a handful of popcorn, which she happily accepted, her eyes glued to the screen. Lancelot, meanwhile, was lost in the narrative, occasionally muttering a commentary that made the others chuckle.

Across the room, the card game was in full swing. Ban, with a sly grin and a twinkle in his scarlet eyes, was dealing the cards. Meliodas, ever the competitor, sat opposite him, his gaze focused and intense. King, perched on a stool, was immersed in his painting, the faint brushstrokes adding to the symphony of sounds.

Elizabeth, Diane, and Elaine were engaged in a quiet conversation near the window, their laughter occasionally piercing the peaceful atmosphere. Rain lashed against the glass, a steady rhythm that accompanied the background music of the film.

Suddenly, a loud, insistent knocking shattered the serenity.

“What the-?” Meliodas exclaimed, glancing at the door with a frown. Ban, with a sigh, tossed his cards onto the table. “Someone’s got a bone to pick with us.”

The knocking came again, more forceful this time. Tioreh, who was closest to the door, frowned. “It’s probably Mr. Henderson,” she whispered. “He’s always complaining about the noise.”

Tristan rose from the couch, his expression a mixture of annoyance and resignation. “I’ll get it,” he said, heading towards the door.

The moment he opened the door, the familiar voice of Mr. Henderson boomed through the apartment. “Quiet down in there! It’s past ten o’clock!”

“Mr. Henderson, it’s just a movie,” Tristan replied calmly, his voice a stark contrast to the man’s loud complaint. “We’re not being intentionally loud.”

“Well, you’re certainly loud enough!” Mr. Henderson retorted, his face flushed with anger. “We’re trying to sleep, and you’re making it impossible!”

“We’ll keep it down,” Tristan said, holding his ground. “But we have a right to enjoy ourselves too, you know.”

Before Mr. Henderson could respond, a voice from behind him cut him off. “Mr. Henderson, it’s just a movie,” Elizabeth said, stepping forward with a gentle smile. “We’ll be quiet soon, I promise.”

Mr. Henderson seemed taken aback by her kindness. “Well,” he mumbled, “I suppose a little movie watching isn’t the end of the world.”

“Of course not,” Elizabeth said, nodding. “Thank you for understanding.”

With a grumble, Mr. Henderson retreated back to his apartment, leaving the door open for a moment as he mumbled something about ‘respecting the peace’.

Tristan closed the door, a relieved sigh escaping his lips. “That was a close one,” he murmured, shaking his head.

Tioreh giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “I guess we’re not quite as stealthy as we thought.”

The others laughed, the tension broken. They returned to their activities, the sound of laughter and conversation filling the apartment once more. But this time, they were more mindful of their volume, the memory of Mr. Henderson’s complaint a reminder of the need for some semblance of peace in their otherwise lively household.