
Please write a transcript for a Learning with Pibb

Author:Jayden Time:2024/08/25 Read: 3578

Please write a transcript for a Learning with Pibby episode called “Saving Pibby”, in which Ally Gator tells Bun Bun that Pibby’s rival had kidnapped Pibby, and they sent Ally a picture of Pibby bound and gagged to prove it! Bun Bun tells Ally Gator that they have to rescue her. Bun Bun and Ally Gator figure out what to do using Pibby’s Magical Map: they need to leave Cinnamon Cube Vally, Cross the Chocolate River, and enter the Lollipop Forest, where they’ll save Pibby. when they get to the Lollipop Forest, Ally Gator says, “Bun Bun, I don’t see Pibby anywhere!” to which Bun Bun replies, “Me neither.”. Bun Bun then asks the viewers, “Do YOU guys see Pibby anywhere?”. after the viewers tell Bun Bun and Ally Gator that Pibby is tied to one of the Lollipop Trees, Ally Gator says, “Look, Bun Bun! There’s Pibby! The viewers were right!”. Bun Bun and Ally Gator untie Pibby.

Saving Pibby

[Scene: Cinnamon Cube Valley, Pibby’s house]

Ally Gator (frantic, holding a phone)
Bun Bun, you won’t believe this! Pibby’s been kidnapped!

Bun Bun (eyes wide with horror)
What?! By who? Where did they take her?!

Ally Gator
They just sent me a picture…Pibby’s tied up and gagged!

[A picture of Pibby bound and gagged is shown on the screen.]

Bun Bun
We have to get her back! But how?

Ally Gator
Don’t worry, I think I have an idea…Pibby’s magical map!

[Ally Gator pulls out a tattered map, showing it to Bun Bun.]

Bun Bun
(reading from the map)
“To reach the Lollipop Forest, you must leave Cinnamon Cube Valley and cross the Chocolate River.”

Ally Gator
So, that’s where they took her! Let’s go!

[Ally Gator and Bun Bun rush off, running through Cinnamon Cube Valley towards the Chocolate River.]

[Cut to: The Chocolate River, where Bun Bun and Ally Gator are trying to cross.]

Ally Gator
Ugh! This chocolate is way too thick!

Bun Bun
Don’t worry, I got this! (Pushes a huge chocolate button)

[The chocolate river shifts, opening a path for Bun Bun and Ally Gator to cross.]

[Cut to: The Lollipop Forest, where Bun Bun and Ally Gator arrive.]

Ally Gator
(looking around)
Bun Bun, I don’t see Pibby anywhere!

Bun Bun
Me neither…Do YOU guys see Pibby anywhere?

[The screen cuts to a close-up of Bun Bun, talking directly to the viewers.]

Bun Bun
(to the viewers)
Hey there, friends! We need your help! We can’t find Pibby. Look carefully, do you see her anywhere in this forest?

[Cut back to the forest, where Ally Gator and Bun Bun are searching.]

[A viewer shouts “Pibby’s tied to the Lollipop Tree!”]

Ally Gator
(spotting Pibby)
Look, Bun Bun! There’s Pibby! The viewers were right!

[Pibby is tied to a giant lollipop tree.]

Bun Bun
(running towards Pibby)
We’re coming, Pibby! Don’t worry!

[Ally Gator and Bun Bun rush to the tree and untie Pibby.]

(shaking off the rope)
Thanks, guys! I was so scared!

Bun Bun
We’re so glad you’re okay!

Ally Gator
Let’s get out of here, fast!

[Pibby, Bun Bun, and Ally Gator run away, leaving the Lollipop Forest behind. The screen fades to black.]

[Ending card: “To be continued…”]