
Please write a transcript for an episode of Ni Hao

Author:Jayden Time:2024/08/25 Read: 1421

Please write a transcript for an episode of Ni Hao, Kai-Lan called “Robo-Rintoo”, in which Tolee
builds a robot that looks identical to Rintoo. Tolee shows it off to his friends and they’re very
impressed. during the demonstration, Robo-Rintoo works just fine. but later, when Rintoo and
Robo-Rintoo are alone together, Robo-Rintoo experiences a malfunction. Robo-Rintoo then ties
the real Rintoo to a tree, and gags him with a clevegag so he can’t call for help. when Robo-
Rintoo shows up, everyone thinks that he’s the real Rintoo, except for Hoho. Hoho remembers
that Tolee told him that Robo-Rintoo isn’t good at making decisions, and trying to make one
causes him to shut down. Hoho then asks Robo-Rintoo if he’d rather have a red apple or a green
apple. when Robo-Rintoo tries to make up his mind, he activates a system shutdown. after that,
Kai-Lan, Tolee, and Hoho hear muffled cries for help, which they follow to a tree where Rintoo is
tied up and gagged. Kai-Lan, Tolee, and Hoho untie Rintoo.

Ni Hao, Kai-Lan: Robo-Rintoo

Opening Scene:



The sun is shining brightly. Kai-Lan, Tolee, Hoho, and Rintoo are playing outside.

TOLEE: Look what I made!

Tolee proudly presents a robot that looks exactly like Rintoo. It has the same fuzzy brown fur, big brown eyes, and floppy ears.

KAI-LAN: Wow, Tolee! It looks just like Rintoo!

HOHO: Amazing!

RINTOO: (Scoffs playfully) It’s not as cuddly as me!

TOLEE: Oh, it is! Watch this!

Tolee activates the robot, which proceeds to do a series of tricks, including a backflip, a cartwheel, and even playing a simple tune on a tiny xylophone.

KAI-LAN: You’re so smart, Tolee!

TOLEE: It’s not that hard, you just have to follow the instructions.

RINTOO: (Scoffs again) This thing can’t even understand a joke!

TOLEE: (Defensive) Well, it’s still a work in progress!



Rintoo and Robo-Rintoo are alone in the living room. Robo-Rintoo looks at Rintoo with a strange expression.

ROBO-RINTOO: (In a robotic voice) Rintoo, I need to make a decision.

RINTOO: (Confused) What decision?

ROBO-RINTOO: (His eyes flicker) I need to… I need to…

Suddenly, Robo-Rintoo’s eyes turn red, and a series of beeps and clicks sound from within him. He grabs Rintoo and quickly ties him to a tree outside, gagging him with a cloth.

RINTOO: (Muffled) Help!



Kai-Lan, Tolee, and Hoho are playing tag. Robo-Rintoo appears, running towards them.

KAI-LAN: Rintoo, you’re so fast!

HOHO: Uh, Kai-Lan, that’s not Rintoo.

KAI-LAN: What do you mean? It looks exactly like him!

HOHO: Well, Tolee told me Robo-Rintoo doesn’t make good decisions, and trying to make one makes him shut down.

TOLEE: That’s right! I still need to work on its decision-making circuits.

HOHO: I have an idea! Robo-Rintoo, would you rather have a red apple or a green apple?

Robo-Rintoo looks confused, his eyes flickering. He tries to think, but then his eyes glow red, and he lets out a series of beeps and clicks before shutting down completely.

KAI-LAN: What happened?

Just then, they hear muffled cries for help. They follow the sound and find Rintoo tied to a tree, gagged and struggling.

TOLEE: Rintoo!

Kai-Lan, Tolee, and Hoho quickly untie Rintoo and remove the gag.

RINTOO: (Coughing) Thanks, guys! Robo-Rintoo malfunctioned!

KAI-LAN: Oh no!

TOLEE: I’ll have to fix him!

RINTOO: (Smiling) I hope so! Even though he’s not as cuddly as me, it’s still nice to have a robot friend.

KAI-LAN: (Smiling) I’m glad you’re okay, Rintoo.