
At Echo Creek Academy on Earth, King and Queen But

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/08/27 Read: 6146

At Echo Creek Academy on Earth, King and Queen Butterfly “convince” Principal Skeeves to enroll Star and Aurora ( with a bribe of a chest full of gold and jewels ). The Kingdom of Mewni is being looked after by Aurora’s father and Queen Moon’s brother, King Orion Winterflame of Lynphea. They advise the principal to provide the curious and naïve Star and the intelligent and soft-spoken Aurora with a guide, so the principal appoints “safe kid” Marco Diaz. As the disgruntled Marco shows Star and Aurora around the school, he mentions that he would like a little danger in his life. Star obliges by using her wand to turn a butterfly into a screeching winged monster that carries away a fellow student. Aurora, acting quickly, uses her ring to turn the winged monster back into a gentle butterfly and uses wind to safely bring the student back to the ground, rushing to check if they were okay. After Star tells him who they are, Marco, frightened by Star’s display of power, declares the tour over and races home.

The polished oak door of Principal Skeeves’ office creaked open, revealing a spectacle that would make any head turn. King Butterfly, regal and stern, stood beside Queen Butterfly, radiating a quiet, yet undeniable power. The two of them, monarchs of the fantastical Kingdom of Mewni, were here on a mission: to enroll their daughters, Star and Aurora, at Echo Creek Academy.

“Principal Skeeves, I trust you’re aware of the… unique circumstances of our daughters,” King Butterfly began, his voice as smooth as velvet.

“Unique?” Principal Skeeves, a man whose only experience with ‘unique’ was the time a student had brought a pet iguana to school, nervously adjusted his spectacles.

“Indeed,” Queen Butterfly chimed in, her voice as delicate as a songbird’s. “They require… specialized education.”

She gestured toward a chest, overflowing with jewels that gleamed like captured starlight. It wasn’t exactly a subtle bribe, but it was enough to convince Principal Skeeves that “specialized” meant “we’ll pay you to take them.”

Thus began the education of Star Butterfly and Aurora Butterfly at Echo Creek Academy. However, their arrival wasn’t met with much fanfare. King Orion Winterflame, Aurora’s father and King Moon’s brother, had sent a message with the monarchs, urging Principal Skeeves to provide a guide for the two young princesses.

Enter Marco Diaz, a student whose life revolved around routine, predictability, and the occasional, unexciting adventure of finding the perfect shade of blue for his notebook. He was chosen because he was the most “safe” kid in school, a safe harbor in the turbulent ocean of teenage life.

As Marco led the two princesses on a tour of the school, he couldn’t help but let a hint of his own frustration slip out. “I kind of wish things were a bit… more exciting around here,” he grumbled, looking at the sterile hallways.

Star, ever the adventurer, grinned mischievously. “Well, Marco, you’re in for a treat!” She pointed her wand at a harmless butterfly flitting nearby. With a flick of her wrist, the butterfly transformed into a screeching winged monstrosity, its eyes glowing with an ominous red light. The creature snatched up a nearby student and took off with a terrifying screech.

The air thickened with a sudden tension, but Aurora, with a grace that belied her age, moved swiftly. Her ring, a gift from her mother, glowed with a soft, calming light. With a whispered incantation, she transformed the monster back into a gentle butterfly. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a gentle gust of wind, safely returning the student to the ground.

“Oh, right!” Star exclaimed, her voice full of the pure joy of someone who had just discovered a new game. “We didn’t tell you who we are!”

Before Marco could ask, she continued, “I’m Star Butterfly, Princess of Mewni!” She waved her wand in the air, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

Aurora, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward. “And I’m Aurora Butterfly, Princess of Lynphea.” She gave a small smile, a touch of apprehension in her eyes.

Marco, aghast at the sudden display of magic, the screams of the student, and the realization that his boring life just took a wild turn, stammered, “I… I think… that’s enough tour for today. I’ll see you guys around.” He raced off, leaving Star and Aurora standing in the hallway, giggling at the look on his face.

From that day forward, Marco Diaz’s life was never the same. He was now the designated guide for the Princesses of Mewni and Lynphea, a role that promised to be anything but boring. After all, where Star and Aurora went, adventure was sure to follow.