
Please write a transcript for an episode of Learni

Author:Jayden Time:2024/08/31 Read: 2104

Please write a transcript for an episode of Learning with Pibby called “Ally Gator’s Jealousy”, in which Ally Gator is jealous that Pibby has all the attention, so he devises a plan to kidnap Pibby. Later, Pibby is drawing a picture of Bun Bun, when she hears Ally Gator calling for her. Pibby goes to the alleyway where she heard Ally Gator’s voice, when Ally Gator knocks her out. When Pibby wakes up, she finds herself tied up and a red cloth around her mouth. Meanwhile, Bun Bun is looking for Pibby, when he hears muffled cries for help. He follows the sounds and finds Pibby tied up and gagged. Bun Bun unties Pibby, and they go to confront Ally Gator, who admits he got jealous and apologizes.

Learning with Pibby: Ally Gator’s Jealousy


INT. Pibby’s Room – Day

Pibby is happily sketching Bun Bun, adding a goofy smile and oversized ears. Bun Bun is perched on her desk, happily watching her draw.

Pibby: (Smiling) You’re looking extra cute today, Bun Bun! Almost as cute as my drawing!

Bun Bun: (Chirps enthusiastically)

Suddenly, the door bursts open. Ally Gator bursts in, looking glum.

Ally Gator: (Sighs dramatically) I can’t believe I’m even here, but… You get all the attention. All the time!

Pibby: (Confused) Ally Gator, what’s wrong?

Ally Gator: (Scowls) I mean, look at you! Drawing with Bun Bun, being the star of the show! I’m just… overlooked!

Bun Bun: (Tilts head, confused)

Pibby: But you’re awesome, Ally Gator! You’re funny and strong, and you always make me laugh.

Ally Gator: (Scoffs) Yeah, well, that’s not enough. I want… I want to be… special!

He stomps off, muttering about being overlooked.

Bun Bun: (Chirps worriedly)

Pibby: (Shrugs) He’s just being dramatic. Don’t worry, Bun Bun.



INT. Dark Alleyway – Day

Pibby finishes her drawing, a proud smile on her face.

Pibby: (To Bun Bun) This is going to be my masterpiece!

Suddenly, a gruff voice cuts through the air.

Ally Gator: (Off-screen) Pibby!

Pibby glances at Bun Bun, then towards the alleyway.

Pibby: (Curious) That sounded like Ally Gator. Wonder what he wants?

She cautiously walks towards the alley, Bun Bun hopping along behind her.

Ally Gator: (Off-screen) Pibby! Over here!

As Pibby enters the alleyway, Ally Gator jumps out, grabbing her arm.

Ally Gator: Sorry, Pibby. Gotta be special, remember?

He quickly knocks her unconscious with a swift blow to the head.



INT. Abandoned Warehouse – Day

Pibby wakes up, her head pounding. She finds herself tied to a chair, a red cloth gagging her mouth.

Pibby: (Muffled) Mmph!

She struggles against the ropes, but they are too tight.



INT. Abandoned Warehouse – Day

Meanwhile, Bun Bun is frantically searching for Pibby.

Bun Bun: (Chirps desperately) Pibby! Where are you?

He hears a muffled cry coming from a nearby warehouse. He runs towards it, fear tugging at his heart.

Bun Bun: (Chirps) Pibby!

He pushes open the warehouse door to find Pibby tied up and gagged.

Bun Bun: (Chirps frantically) Pibby!

He quickly gnaws at the ropes binding her, using his sharp teeth to loosen them. Finally, they come undone.

Pibby: (Gasps) Bun Bun! Thank goodness you’re here!

Bun Bun chirps happily, nudging the red cloth away from Pibby’s mouth.

Pibby: (Coughs) That was close! But who did this?

Ally Gator emerges from the shadows, looking ashamed.

Ally Gator: Pibby… I… I did this.

Pibby: (Confused) You? But why?

Ally Gator: (Hangs his head) I was jealous. I wanted attention too. I wanted to be special.

Pibby: (Sighs) Ally Gator, you are special. You’re funny and strong and kind. You don’t need to kidnap people to feel special.

Ally Gator: (Tears welling up) You’re right. I’m sorry, Pibby. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

He walks over and gently unties the ropes binding Pibby.

Pibby: (Smiles) It’s okay, Ally Gator. We all make mistakes.

Ally Gator: (Whispering) You’re the best, Pibby.

Bun Bun: (Chirps happily)

Pibby: Come on, Bun Bun, let’s get out of here.

Pibby and Bun Bun walk out of the warehouse, Ally Gator trailing behind them.