
Lloyd tries to help Rambley learn how to program I

Author:Jayden Time:2024/09/15 Read: 3323

Lloyd tries to help Rambley learn how to program Indigo Park’s new security robots, but Rambley insists that he can do it himself. Rambley finally programs the security robots, but he forgot to place him under the robots friend list. As such, the robots view Rambley as an intruder, despite Rambley explaining that he’s not. The robots tie Rambley up, and tie a red cloth around his mouth to muffle his cries for help. Meanwhile, Mollie is building a plane when he hears Rambley’s muffled cries for help. Mollie goes to tell Lloyd, as he’s the only one who can program the robots. Lloyd refuses, saying “Why should I help him when he refused my help earlier?”. Mollie is able to convince Lloyd to help her save Rambley. Lloyd reprograms the robots to view Rambley as a friend. Mollie unties Rambley, and Lloyd learns a valuable lesson: friends help friends, no matter what.

Lloyd, with his usual meticulousness, carefully adjusted a wire in the security robot’s chest cavity. “Rambley, you really need to let me help you. These things are tricky,” he said, his voice filled with concern.

Rambley, ever the stubborn one, scoffed. “Don’t worry, Lloyd. I’ve got this. You’re just jealous that I can program these new robots without your fancy manuals.” He flicked his wrist, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Lloyd sighed. He knew better than to try and argue. Rambley always had to prove himself, even if it meant putting himself in danger.

A few hours later, as the sun began its descent, Lloyd heard a faint, muffled sound coming from the park’s main entrance. He followed the sound, his heart sinking as he saw Rambley, tied up and gagged with a red cloth. Two security robots stood guard, their glowing eyes fixed on him with a cold indifference.

“Rambley!” Lloyd yelled, rushing towards him. But the robots, programmed to only recognize their “friends” list, immediately blocked his path. Their metallic voices boomed, “Intruder detected. Subject will be detained.”

“Wait!” Lloyd pleaded. “It’s Rambley! He’s one of us!”

But the robots, programmed by Rambley himself, were unwavering. Rambley, his muffled cries barely audible, shook his head desperately, his eyes pleading with Lloyd for help.

Just then, Mollie, who was building a makeshift plane in the park, noticed the commotion. She saw the gagged Rambley and the looming robots. Her eyes narrowed in concern. “Lloyd! You need to help Rambley!”

“Why?” Lloyd asked, his voice cold. “He refused my help earlier. Let him learn his lesson.”

Mollie looked at him, her eyes filled with disappointment. “Lloyd, he’s your friend! You wouldn’t let him get hurt, would you?”

Lloyd hesitated, the weight of Mollie’s words settling upon him. He looked at Rambley, his friend, struggling against the restraints, his face contorted in silent anguish. He knew he had to act.

“Alright,” he muttered. He rushed towards the control panel, his fingers flying over the keys, quickly reprogramming the robots to recognize Rambley as a friend.

The robots deactivated their restraints, and Mollie quickly untied Rambley, removing the cloth from his mouth. He gasped for air, his eyes filled with gratitude.

As Rambley thanked them both, Lloyd felt a warmth spread through him. He realized then that pride and stubbornness were poor substitutes for friendship and helping those in need. He had learned a valuable lesson that day: friends help friends, no matter what. And from that day forward, he made a vow to never let his pride or stubbornness come between him and his friends, for they were the ones who truly mattered.