
Please write a transcript for an Angry Birds TV ep

Author:Jayden Time:2024/09/15 Read: 5223

Please write a transcript for an Angry Birds TV episode called “Trudy to the moon!”, in which The birds go back into space to find new planets, when their old friend Ice Bird tells them that the pigs have stolen his Space Egg. The birds follow Ice Bird, but Chuck thinks that something is up, so he stays. Ice Bird tells the flock that his Space Egg is inside a Hover Truck. The birds enter the Hover Truck, and the door locks. The birds realize they’ve been tricked by a robotic Ice Bird drone. The drone scans the inside of the truck, and notices that Chuck didn’t follow, so it goes to catch him. Chuck is wondering where the other birds are, when he notices the drone coming at him. Chuck quickly writes a note, attaches it to a nearby firework, and sends it trough a portal before he gets caught by the drone. Back on Earth, Trudy, who was told by the others to guard the eggs before they went to space, was starting to get worried about her friends. Trudy then notices a firework coming trough a portal. She heads to where the firework landed, and reads the note: “Dear Trudy, my friends have been captured by an Ice Bird drone! They’re gonna be sold to the pigs! I won’t be here long because I’ll be captured too! Please help us! -Chuck.”. Trudy knows she has to save her friends, so she activates her Space Mode, and blasts off for the portal. Once in space, Trudy sees the Hover Truck that has her friends, and chases after it. The Hover Truck leads Trudy to a factory that turns birds into robots! Trudy heads to the security office, and sets the factory to self-destruct. Trudy then frees her friends from their cells, and they all escape just as the factory explodes. The birds thank Trudy for saving them, and they head back to Earth. They find the eggs safe and sound, alongside a note from the real Ice Bird: “Tell Trudy not to worry about the pigs while she’s saving you guys. I’ve taken care of it.”. Trudy and the others see some pigs encased in ice, and they all share a good laugh.

Trudy to the Moon!



The familiar sight of space. Stars twinkling, planets swirling. The Angry Birds’ spaceship, the “Red Rocket,” floats through the cosmos. Inside, RED, BOMB, and MATILDA are discussing their mission: searching for new planets to inhabit.

RED: This is it, guys! Our first mission into the great unknown! We’re gonna find a planet perfect for birds!

BOMB: Just hope there are no pigs there… wink

MATILDA: We’ll be careful, Bomb. No need to start any interplanetary conflicts, right?

ICE BIRD (O.S): You’re not gonna need to worry about pigs… for long.

The birds turn to see ICE BIRD, their icy friend, floating in space, a worried look on his face.

ICE BIRD: The pigs… they stole my Space Egg!

RED: Your Space Egg?! But… where?

ICE BIRD: I tracked them to a hover truck… it’s heading for a space station. You have to help!

CHUCK: Hold on, something’s not right…

RED: What do you mean, Chuck?

CHUCK: Ice Bird… He’s acting… strange. Like he’s… forced to do something. I’m staying behind, just in case.

MATILDA: But Chuck…

CHUCK: Trust me. Something’s not right.

RED: Alright, Chuck. We’ll be careful.

The other birds follow Ice Bird to the hover truck.


The birds enter the truck, only to find the doors locking shut.

BOMB: What the…?!

ICE BIRD: I… I don’t know! This… wasn’t supposed to happen!

A mechanical whirring sound echoes through the truck. The birds look up to see a robotic Ice Bird drone, its eyes glowing red.

ROBOTIC ICE BIRD: You’re all mine now! Time to join the pig’s robotic army!

MATILDA: No! We’ve been tricked!


Chuck waits outside the hover truck, his suspicions growing.

CHUCK: Where did they go? Something’s definitely up.

He sees the robotic Ice Bird drone emerging from the hover truck and heading towards him.

CHUCK: Oh no… it’s after me!


The robotic Ice Bird drone scans the inside of the truck.

ROBOTIC ICE BIRD: Target not located. Proceed to capture Chuck.


Chuck, realizing he has no time, grabs a nearby firework, quickly scribbles a message on it, and attaches it to a portal.

CHUCK: Trudy’s gotta know!

He activates the portal, sending the firework through it. The drone catches up, but Chuck escapes through a different portal.


TRUDY: I’m so worried about them! They should be back by now!

Trudy is pacing back and forth, guarding the eggs as instructed. Suddenly, a firework comes crashing through a portal, landing near her feet.

TRUDY: What is that?

She picks up the firework and reads the message: “Dear Trudy, my friends have been captured by an Ice Bird drone! They’re gonna be sold to the pigs! I won’t be here long because I’ll be captured too! Please help us! -Chuck.”

TRUDY: Oh no! I have to save them!

Trudy activates her Space Mode, her body glowing blue, and rockets through the portal.


Trudy spots the hover truck, with her friends inside, and gives chase. The truck leads her to a large factory.

TRUDY: This can’t be good…


The truck docks inside the factory. Trudy watches, horrified, as her friends are being forced into cells.

ROBOTIC ICE BIRD: Now, let’s get these birds ready for pig service!

The factory begins churning out robotic bird duplicates, their eyes gleaming red. Trudy sneaks into the security office, where she discovers a self-destruct sequence.

TRUDY: This is my chance!

She activates the sequence, setting the timer to blow up the factory. Then, she busts into the cells and frees her friends.

RED: Trudy! You saved us!

BOMB: But… how?

TRUDY: I got Chuck’s message. We have to get out of here!

They escape from the factory just as it explodes in a fiery blast.


Trudy and her friends are safe, back in the Red Rocket, returning to Earth.

MATILDA: We owe you big time, Trudy!

RED: You saved our bacon, or… birdseed, I guess!

CHUCK: You were amazing, Trudy!

TRUDY: I’m glad I could help, but what about the real Ice Bird? Is he okay?

ICE BIRD (O.S): Don’t worry about me, Trudy. I’ve got things under control.

The Red Rocket lands back on Earth. The birds find the eggs safe and sound. Next to them, a note from the real Ice Bird: “Tell Trudy not to worry about the pigs while she’s saving you guys. I’ve taken care of it.”

They walk over to the side of the island and see a whole bunch of pigs encased in ice. The birds all burst out laughing.