
The Evil Queen returns from The Princess Academy e

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/16 Read: 4455

The Evil Queen returns from The Princess Academy empty-handed, and the villains speculate who could have gotten to the sundial first, concluding that someone must have betrayed them. But Lady Tremaine informs her that they would never sabotage their chances of revenge. Captain Hook knows that something smells fishy about this situation. Jafar, The Evil Queen, and Maleficent knew already that Ursula might be behind all of this, since she was banished by all of the villains in the council.

Jafar and Frollo remember all too well about Ursula, sticking her tentacles where they didn’t belong. They all didn’t trust her and her deals, so they made a collective effort on all of the villains’ part. Only with all of their powers combined, she can be imprisoned and the only way she can be released. Jafar found it impossible that she escaped from her prison, since the curse they placed on her was absolute. Maleficent realizes that it was Dr Facilier’s plan all along to have the villains cast the time reversal spell that released Ursula. All the other villains angrily threaten him with consequences for going behind their backs. The Red Queen even included “Off with his head!”

Taking this as their cue to leave, Cruella De Vil, Mother Gothel and Gaston make a break for the door, only to be prevented from leaving by Maleficent. They feebly protest the innocence of any knowledge about releasing Ursula, but no one believes them. They are then interrupted by an uninvited guest, Vanessa who they assume is an underling of the Sea Witch, whom they tell Ursula to hand over the sundial to them. Vanessa then reveals herself to be none other than Ursula in disguise, who tells the villains they will need her to get the Sundial of Kronos to work, as it requires a god or a descendant of a god. In Ursula’s case, she’s the daughter of Poseidon.

She takes delight in having the upper hand, after so many years of waiting to get revenge on them, throwing their plan back in their faces.
She and Dr Facilier then vanish, as the rest of the Villain Council warily begin to accept yet another obstacle in the way of getting their revenge…

“We now have a problem,” The Evil Queen said.

The Evil Queen stomped back into the Villain Council chamber, her face a mask of fury. She had returned from the Princess Academy empty-handed, the coveted Sundial of Kronos still out of reach.

“Who could have gotten there before us?” snarled Jafar, his voice dripping with venom.

The whispers began, accusations flying like poisoned darts. “It was Ursula,” hissed Maleficent, her green eyes blazing. “She always had a knack for interfering.”

“Impossible,” countered Jafar, “we banished her, imprisoned her, and cursed her. She can’t escape.”

Frollo, his face contorted in a grim scowl, agreed. “Her power was nullified. We were sure of it.”

But Captain Hook, ever the cynic, saw through the denials. “Something doesn’t smell right,” he said, his voice sharp. “Why would we be thwarted just when we were so close?”

Lady Tremaine, her voice calm and measured, stepped forward. “We would never betray each other, Captain. Our desire for revenge binds us.”

The Queen, her eyes narrowed, added, “And we all know Ursula is the only one who could have pulled this off.”

A wave of realization swept through the room. Dr. Facilier, the voodoo sorcerer, had been conspicuously absent. The Queen’s eyes narrowed. “Facilier… his meddling hand is in this, I’m certain.”

Suddenly, Maleficent’s eyes widened. “He was the one who suggested the time reversal spell! He knew it would free Ursula!”

The villains erupted in a chorus of enraged accusations. “You slimy toad!” roared the Red Queen, her voice thick with fury. “Off with his head!”

Cruella de Vil, Mother Gothel, and Gaston, their guilt apparent, made a break for the door. But Maleficent, faster than a bat out of hell, blocked their escape.

“You knew about this, didn’t you?” she snarled, her voice a low growl.

The three villains, caught red-handed, stammered apologies. “We had no idea,” they pleaded. “We had nothing to do with Ursula’s escape!”

The accusations were cut short by a sudden, chilling voice. “I believe you’re all looking for me.”

The room spun as a figure stepped into the light. It was Vanessa, her dark hair cascading down her back. But something about her was… different. As she spoke, her voice morphed into a deep, menacing growl. “I am Ursula. And I have what you desire.”

She revealed her true form: the Sea Witch, her tentacles shimmering with an eerie luminescence. She had returned, stronger than ever, with a cruel smile playing on her lips.

“And now, dear villains,” she hissed, “you will be the ones who help me unleash the full power of the Sundial of Kronos.”

The villains’ expressions shifted from anger to apprehension. They had been outmaneuvered, their own plan turned against them. The threat of Ursula was far greater than they had ever imagined.

“You see,” she sneered, “you’ll need me to make the Sundial work. After all, it requires the blood of a god. And I, my dears, am the daughter of Poseidon.”

The villains, their faces etched with dread, realized that the game had just gotten a whole lot more complicated. They had created a monster, and now they were forced to deal with its wrath.

“We now have a problem,” the Evil Queen muttered, her voice laced with a fear she rarely showed. And they all knew she was right. The battle for the Sundial of Kronos had just taken a terrifying turn.