
Remy The Wolf 3 A cute male wolf named Remy enjoy

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/19 Read: 1177

Remy The Wolf 3

A cute male wolf named Remy enjoys a snowy day but doesn’t mind getting a lil’ itchy during his adventure.

Scratching scenes:
1. (Opening) Remy wakes up to stretch his legs and smack his lips as he raises a leg to scratch his neck.

2. After he’s breathes the fresh snowy air, he ventures further into the forest. Eventually he freezes for a moment to scratch himself because of his itchy sweater as he continues on his journey.

3. Remy goes fishing to get some fish from a nearby lake. Whenever he failed catching one, he would scratch himself constantly, then stopped to try again. Luckily he got one later on and he scratched himself in success.

4. After a snowstorm, Remy locks his den door as he scratches himself uncontrollably as an attempt to remove all the snow covering his body as he later uses his back scratch to gently remove all the snow. But the itchiness isn’t over quite yet.

5. When he uses his A.C to warm up, it also slightly caused is fur to dry up as his face twitches to scratch his neck furiously, shedding a bit of hair.

6. Remy boils some water to make some hot cocoa. As he waits, he scratches himself constantly as to looking at his timer.

The first rays of dawn painted the snow-laden forest in a soft, rosy glow. Remy, a fluffy, auburn-furred wolf, yawned, stretching his legs and smacking his lips. He raised a paw to scratch behind his ear, a satisfied sigh escaping his snout as he relished the feeling. The snow crunched pleasantly under his paws as he stepped outside, the crisp air tingling his nose.

He inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh, wintry scent, then set off, paws crunching steadily. The forest was a wonderland of white, each tree adorned with an intricate coat of snow. He paused, his tail twitching, as a sudden itch erupted on his back. His sweater, a cozy, hand-knitted creation by his grandmother, was always a bit scratchy. He gave his back a vigorous scratch with his hind leg, the movement sending a cascade of snowflakes tumbling down. Satisfied, he continued his snowy adventure.

Remy decided to try his luck at fishing. He found a small frozen lake, its surface dusted with a pristine layer of snow. He threw his line, his tail swishing excitedly. No luck. He scratched his belly, the itch seemingly fueled by his frustration. He cast again, and again, with the same result. His fur bristled with impatience. He scratched his ear, his neck, his chest, any place he could reach. Finally, with a satisfying tug, his line went taut. He hauled in a plump trout, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. He scratched behind his ear, a joyous sound echoing through the silent forest.

Suddenly, a flurry of snow engulfed Remy. The storm arrived with unexpected fury, swirling snow into blinding white chaos. He scrambled to his den, the wind whistling past his ears. Once inside, he slammed the door shut, shaking off the accumulated snow. The itch, however, remained. He scratched furiously, his claws digging into his fur, his body shaking with the effort. Then, remembering his back scratcher, he retrieved it, carefully brushing away the remaining snow. The itch lingered, a low-level discomfort.

The sun began to set, casting long shadows across the snow. Remy huddled by his fireplace, the warmth soothing his chilled bones. The A.C hummed gently, filling the den with a comfortable warmth. However, the heat seemed to dry out his fur, sending waves of itchiness across his body. He twitched his nose, his face contorting as he scratched furiously behind his ears, a few strands of fur escaping his grasp.

Later, as the moon painted the snow silver, Remy decided on a comforting mug of hot cocoa. He boiled water on the stove, the steam swirling around his furry face. As he waited for the water to boil, he scratched himself, the itch seemingly intensifying in the warm atmosphere. He paced, his paws tapping impatiently on the wooden floor. Finally, the water boiled. He poured the steaming liquid into his mug, added cocoa powder and marshmallows, and took a sip. It was perfect. Despite the lingering itch, Remy was content, his heart warmed by the hot cocoa and the beauty of the snowy night.