
Title: A Flea Problem A Hotel Transylvania Speci

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/28 Read: 2644

Title: A Flea Problem

A Hotel Transylvania Special

Inspired by Disco Fleaver- Pocoyo

Wayne was playing fetch with 3 human children in the nearby forest, as he couldn’t help acting like a dog as he chased around in all fours and catches the ball with his mouth.

But soon after several throws as he chased after it the ball (1st middle scene) Wayne stopped in his tracks to start scratching furiously, rolling on the ground and biting (\grooming) his fur, realizing he has fleas that are having are intense party, causing Wayne to itch. The only way for Wayne to stop scratching is for the children to tell the fleas to play more calmer music.

Info: (3rd opening scene) After Wayne catches the ball, he has a moment to scratch his ears rapidly (but NOT roll on the ground) in front of the children for a while as he nudges the ball to be thrown again as Wayne hops for joy.

But the children don’t mind the scratching or think that something is amiss. Wayne repeats this process 1-4 times, unaware. The children are unaware too. (DO NOT SKIP, repeated scene)

Info 2: Wayne whimpers and howls softly (but cutely in a way) when he realizes he has fleas.

Info 3: (3rd middle scene) The children try to tell the fleas to play calmer music as Wayne scratches himself.

The fleas are having a banging good time that they don’t hear the children.

(4th middle scene) The DJ soon hears it though, and proceeds to play calmer music as Wayne’s itching and scratching slow down as he grunts in happiness. The fleas boogie along to the calm music but they don’t leave, but the children mean no harm.
(ending scene)

Info 4: Wayne acts like a dog, he doesn’t speak.

Info 5: (2nd opening scene) After Wayne catches the ball for the first time, Daisy scratches him behind the ears and say “Who’s a good boy?” You are!” , before Wayne scratches his ears by himself (but NOT roll on the ground) in response to the scratching as he stops to nudge the ball to be thrown again. (DO NOT SKIP, repeated scene)

Info 6: The characters play at nighttime.

Info 7: (2nd middle scene) When Wayne scratches himself furiously, rolling on the ground and biting (\grooming) his fur, Max imitates what Wayne’s doing, but the two children stop them to their dismay.

Info 8: (1st opening scene) Max, Daisy and Emma play with each other for a while as Wayne’s trying to catch the ball they’re having.

Scenes Organized In Order:
1st opening scene
2nd opening scene (DO NOT SKIP)
3rd opening scene
1st middle scene
2nd middle scene
3rd middle scene
4th middle scene
Ending scene

Wayne the Werewolf
3 Children (Max, Daisy and Emma)

A Flea Problem

The moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the forest floor. Max, Daisy, and Emma, three human children, giggled as they tossed a bright red ball for Wayne, the werewolf, to chase. Wayne, despite his hulking form, couldn’t help but act like a dog. He bounded through the undergrowth, ears flapping, and caught the ball with a happy snort.

After a few throws, Wayne stopped in his tracks, tail drooping. Daisy scratched him behind the ears, “Who’s a good boy? You are!” Wayne, in response, started to scratch his ears rapidly, nudging the ball with his nose for another throw.

But this time, the scratching was different. He wasn’t just a little itchy. Wayne started to scratch furiously, rolling on the ground and biting at his fur. It was as if something was crawling beneath his skin.

The children noticed his distress, but they didn’t understand. They continued to throw the ball, their laughter growing more worried.

Max, with a concerned frown, said, “Wayne, what’s wrong?”

Emma piped up, “Are you feeling sick, Wayne?”

Wayne whimpered softly, his eyes pleading for help. He was having a party, but not the kind he wanted. A whole colony of fleas had set up camp in his fur, and they were having a wild, buzzing bash!

The fleas, unaware of the havoc they were wreaking, danced and frolicked to a booming, thumping rhythm. The music pulsed through Wayne’s fur, making him itch and scratch with every beat.

Max, Daisy, and Emma noticed the frantic scratching and worried expressions on Wayne’s face. They looked closer and saw tiny, dark specks flitting around. “Fleas!” Max cried. Daisy exclaimed, “They’re having a party!”

The children decided to help. They walked over to the fleas and politely asked, “Could you please play some calmer music? Wayne doesn’t feel well.”

The fleas, completely engrossed in their party, didn’t even hear them. They continued to boogie and bounce, oblivious to Wayne’s suffering.

Suddenly, a large flea, adorned with a tiny DJ headset, noticed the children. He listened to their plea, then smiled and adjusted the dials on his miniature sound system.

The music softened, the rhythm slowed down. Wayne’s scratching subsided, replaced by a deep, rumbling growl of contentment.

The fleas, still partying, started to sway to the calmer music. They didn’t leave, but the itching stopped.

Wayne, relieved, wagged his tail and nudged the ball with his nose, ready to play fetch again. The children, happy that Wayne was feeling better, resumed their game, knowing that the fleas, even though still present, were now having a much more peaceful party.