
3Below fanfiction (my oc Vincent is Krel’s royal

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/28 Read: 6551

3Below fanfiction (my oc Vincent is Krel’s royal advisor in waiting, he’s still a teen like Krel and Aja. about to be granted the blessing on the same day Krel will be blessed as king in waiting, But Aja, Krel’s sister. hated Vincent. until on the day of the ceremony, disaster struck and Krel got injured, Vincent, Aja and Krel’s parents slayed and only Varvatos Vex at their care, since their still teens, )

The air crackled with anticipation. The Grand Hall of Akiridion-5 was ablaze with light, the jeweled ceiling reflecting a thousand shimmering stars. Today was the day. Krel, heir to the throne, and Vincent, his royal advisor in waiting, were to be blessed. It was a momentous occasion, one that would usher in a new era for their people.

Vincent, a tall, lanky teenager with a mop of unruly brown hair and eyes the color of storm clouds, felt a nervous tremor run through him. He was excited, of course, but beneath the excitement lay a deep unease. He knew that Aja, Krel’s fiery and unpredictable sister, didn’t trust him. She had a reputation for fierce loyalty, and Vincent, being the “new kid” in Akiridion-5, had been scrutinized from the moment he arrived.

Aja, with her auburn hair and sharp emerald eyes, stood with her arms crossed, her gaze fixed on the ceremonial platform where Krel was making his final preparations. She couldn’t help but feel a prickle of suspicion about Vincent. He was young, ambitious, and had somehow managed to secure the position of royal advisor, a role usually bestowed upon a seasoned warrior or a wise elder.

As the ceremony began, the air crackled with energy. The high priestess, adorned in shimmering robes, performed the ancient rites, the chanting echoing through the hall. Then, a sudden, monstrous roar echoed from the outside. The ground beneath their feet trembled. The high priestess stopped mid-chant, her eyes widening in horror.

A giant, winged creature with scales of obsidian and eyes burning with red fire burst through the dome, its roars shaking the very foundation of the palace. Panic erupted within the hall. The guards, ill-prepared for such a devastating attack, were quickly overwhelmed.

Aja, fueled by primal instinct, lunged forward, her sword glinting in the dim light. She fought with the fierce fury of a cornered animal. Krel, with a roar of his own, joined the battle, his blue energy blasts meeting the creature’s fiery breath. Vincent, despite his initial trepidation, joined the fray, using his quick wit and agile movements to outmaneuver the attacking beast.

But the monster was relentless. It slammed into Krel, sending him flying across the hall. The blow was devastating. As Krel lay crumpled on the floor, his chest heaving, his parents, the King and Queen, rushed to his side, only to be met with the same brutal force, their bodies flung into the air like rag dolls.

Aja, filled with rage, charged at the creature, her blade whistling through the air. The monster roared and dodged, its fiery breath singeing her skin. Vincent, his heart pounding, used his agility to avoid the creature’s attacks, his mind racing. He had to find a way to stop this beast, to save Krel and his parents.

In the chaos, Varvatos Vex, Krel and Aja’s mentor, arrived, his face grim. He saw Krel lying on the floor, his parents lifeless beside him. He knew what this meant. The monarchy, the very backbone of Akiridion-5, was gone.

As the creature lunged at Aja, Varvatos stepped forward. His eyes narrowed, his voice raspy, “This ends now.” A wave of his hand, and a swirling vortex of energy erupted, engulfing the monster. The creature screamed in pain, its body dissolving into dust.

Varvatos, his eyes filled with sorrow, turned to Krel, his heart heavy. Krel, with a groan, tried to stand, but crumpled back to the floor. “Varvatos…” he rasped, his voice weak. “I can’t… I can’t be king.”

Varvatos looked at Vincent, a silent understanding passing between them. “We’ll take care of you, Krel,” he said gently. “But for now, we need to leave this place.”

The weight of the situation pressed down on Vincent’s shoulders. He was just a teenager, thrust into the middle of this devastating tragedy. But he was also Krel’s advisor, his friend. He would stand by his side, no matter what.

As they fled the collapsing palace, Vincent glanced back at the wreckage. He knew this was just the beginning. The war was far from over. The future of Akiridion-5, and his own destiny, were now uncertain. But one thing was clear: he wouldn’t let Krel down. He would protect him, even if it meant sacrificing everything.

Aja, her face streaked with tears and grime, stood beside Vincent. Despite her initial distrust, she knew Vincent was now the only one left to protect Krel, the only one left to hold on to the hope that they could rebuild their world.

Vincent, in that moment of chaos and uncertainty, felt a new resolve. He was no longer just a teenager, he was a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience. And he would not falter. He would stand by Krel, by Aja, and by the memory of their fallen king and queen, until the very end.