
Story with dialogue. Story in American. “Journey

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/28 Read: 1052

Story with dialogue. Story in American. “Journey through Time”. Once upon a time there was an autistic and asexual (Aromantic) boy named Gonçalo McTime of 14 years old from a town in Portugal, with brown hair, blue eyes with glasses and he wears a blue jacket, with white t-shirt, grey pants and green shoes. He was a very sweet, smart, creative, humble and responsible boy but he didn’t have any friends at school do to his autism suffering bullying from his classmates calling him weirdo and freak thinking that is autism makes him useless and dumb and even his own dad abandon him because of it. But he was actually a very smart boy with an i.q of 315 and he was very good with technology, quimics, biology, math and history and he was very polite, kind and humble but with some self confidence problems. He lived with his mom named Martha that unlike his father she loved Gonçalo with all of her heart and always supporting him convincing him that his autism is not a disability but a different ability. One day everything chances when some weird purple clouds appeared in the sky in. He go tell the weird thing to his mom, and Martha with a heavy heart, told him the secret story about the Mctime family. A thousand years ago, the McTime family was the most advanced humans ever, they have advanced technology that nobody had in that time, and they used it for the greater purposes. And without nobody knowing they created the first ever time machine, but when they used it to go to the future, they saw all the wars, pandemics, hunger and suffering in the future. To try to avoid all what they found out in the future, they created a machine that could extract all evil through time, they intentions were good, but they made mistake to try to mess with time, because for the world have good it needed to be balaced with evil. They try to control it but their machine exploded and all the remaining evil they try to extract gain a physical form, of a creature that looked a hybrid between a human and a demon. The creature named himself Paradox the Demon of Time, he had a human face with pale skin, his eyes are purple and he sports messy, flaming purple hair and a big chin. He has a large cape on his back that could turn into a pair of large bat wings. He wears a smooth black and purple cloak that appears to have a large skull symbol emblazoned on the front. His hands were black with purple claws, and had purple-tipped spikes on the back of his collar. He was the pure representation of all humanity’s flaws, making him have a really cruel, arrogant, selfish, self-center, rude, sexist, eccentric, racist, violent, ignorant, cunning, manipulative, reckless, cynical, immature, annoying and extremely narcisistic and sadistic personality, but he was also really charismatic making a good manipulator, he had a really sassy sense of humor, he was addicted to smoking, and he could be cowardly when someone or something could harm him. He was a powerful demon with black magic powers, immortality, shapeshifting, fire powers, amazing strenght, he could fly with his wings and he could travel through time with his powers. And he has his minions, that he could create with his dark magic, his Harleimps, his jester-like dark imps, of 2 feet tall, that can’t talk, but laugh like hyenas, that could attack their enemies with their sharp claws. His ambitions were to travel through time causing chaos and destruction, by changing events and causing paradoxes, for only one reason…fun. He saw all the chaos and destruction that the humans caused through the ages, but for him, it was never enough, he wanted to cause chaos across time, by changig historical events or teaming up with evil historical characters. The McTimes, to fix their mistake, they fight Paradox with their advanced technology and knowledge. It was tough, but their leader, the Elder McTime, by sacrificing his life, he trapped Paradox in a Time Loop. But he warned before he died that after a thousand years, Paradox would be back. But to stop him there, the Elder McTime, said he had a prophet a hero that was going to save the world from Paradox. That hero was Gonçalo that with the Mctimes’clock that his family have passing through generations that was the key to activate their secret time machine, and the clock has chosen Gonçalo has the “Child of Time”, a hero that wouldn’t use his muscles, but his head and heart to save the world from Paradox, while Paradox was chaos and destruction, Gonçalo was going to be creation and peacefulness. And along with his 2 allies that he was going to meet that were “The Animal and Machine Hybrid”, and “The Sentient Artificial being”, together they would be the “Triad of Time”. Gonçalo was shocked, insecure and scared at first, he always called himself a useless and weak autistic boy. But his mom said gently that since the day he was born, she knew there something special about him and she said Gonçalo didn’t need to be the strongest to defeat Paradox, because Gonçalo has his brilliant mind and a heart of pure gold. Gonçalo was still hesitant and scared, but he accepted his destiny, because he needed to do this, this was the right thing. She get Gonçalo into pod hidden in the basement, that was going to take him to the Time Machine, she needed to stay to remain vigilant to their era, but she knew Gonçalo was gonna be careful and she promised that his knew companions were waiting in the temple for a really long time, and Gonçalo promised her he would write her and make her proud. When he get into the hideout where the time machine was, an abandon secret temple, being guarded by someone, a little cyber-dog named Cyber, that was “The Animal and Machine Hybrid”. He was once a normal Beagle before, but some bigger dogs attacked him hurting his body really bad after he bravely protected some Mctime’s children from does bigger dogs. But The Mctime elders saved him from the dogs and has a reward for his bravery, they take him with them and upgraded him. The little dog brain was just fine, but his body was dying slowly but the Mctimes changed the dog’s flesh body into a robotic body living only the dog’s brain still organic, making him immortal. Know Cyber had silver robotic Beagle body with blue glowing eyes and a bladed tail, that has a blue collar with a golden tag with a format of a bone, and he had super robotic abilities and immortality, but he still has a personality of a playful, brave and loyal dog. Cyber became their family pet, but when they pass out they lived him to protect the Time machine from evil until the Child of time arrived which make him very solitary. But when Cyber meet Gonçalo for the first time, he knew he was the Child of Time he was waiting for so long, and when smelled Gonçalo he loved him and Gonçalo was happy and grateful he had someone to make him company, and from that moment, Cyber become more than just a pet to Gonçalo, he was his first and best friend. When he found the McTime’s time vehicle named the Chrono-Barrel. At the beggining, Gonçalo was confused how a that old looking Barrel was a time machine, but when he got inside it, he was really suprised, because it was really bigger on the inside, the entrance had stares that get him to a giant lab, with lots of advanced technology and gadgets, in the middle of the lab, there was a big console full of buttons, that controls the Chrono-Barrel, there was a funny looking keyhole in the middle of the console, but when Gonçalo put the Mctime’s clock in the keyhole the Chrono-Barrel was fully activated. But then they heard a voice around the Chrono-Barrel. It was C.H.R.O.N.U.S, a sentient A.I instaled in the Chrono-Barrel by the Mctime elders, to help the Child of Time. He appears with in the console monitors, with a spherical face with two white eyes and a white mouth. C.H.R.O.N.U.S was a very advanced A.I that could think for it self, but he was also very loyal but with a dry sense of humor, and he become advicer and even a fatherly figure to Gonçalo, and Gonçalo was happy to have someone so smart, fatherly and yet funny to help him, C.H.R.O.N.U.S was “The Sentient Artificial being”. And then the adventure begins, Gonçalo, Cyber and C.H.R.O.N.U.S, traveled through time to stop Paradox from causing paradoxes and changing history. Together they become the “Triad of Time”. Gonçalo wasn’t the strongest, but the smartest to stop his enemies but he always can out smart them with his inteligence, creativity and cunning. Gonçalo always hated fire weapons but he has a lot of devices to help him but his favorite one was his sonic multifictions bracelet that can do almost anything except to harm people since Gonçalo was more of a pacifist and just want to help others. Cyber to help Gonçalo, he has super sense of smell that can be use on investigations or to find enemies, and he is the one who fights their enemies directly in a fight, with his robotic super strength, robotic super speed, super robotic jump boost, and he as a special attack named the “spinnerslash”, that makes him launche a rolling attack into his enemies, by curling his body up like a large circular buzz saw with his bladed tail. If somebody tries to arm Gonçalo, Cyber could get very agressive, at the point he could take an all army with his bare paws, and he always was there for Gonçalo, always cheering him with his funny playfulness, always making Gonçalo Laugh. And C.H.R.O.N.U.S, can always help Gonçalo giving him information, knowledge, hacking, control technology and and use his dry sense of humor to make him laugh. In their adventures Gonçalo starts becoming more brave and self confident and he even created his own catch-phrase; “To now or never, here we go”. They make a lot of allies in his adventures across time meeting a lot of historical characters. Paradox inicially saw Gonçalo nothing but a nobody that thinks it’s a gero, because of his autism but as time goes on he and Gonçalo start to grow an arch enemy bond with Gonçalo always outsmarting and winning Paradox even with all of his powers and evil allies through time, yelling when he loses “Curse you, Gonçalo Mctime”. And so Gonçalo, Cyber and C.H.R.O.N.U.S had a lot of adventures and humourous momets, but they knew their Journey would take time and have dangerous, but they also know that together they are unstoppable. /(Part 7) “The Twin Towers” One day Gonçalo, Cyber and C.H.R.O.N.U.S were in the early morning of september 11 2001, today was the day The Twin Towers were attacked by terrorists, but Paradox had bigger plans to turn the attack into a bigger threat, so the U.S go to war with the Islamic state.

The Twin Towers, Time Travel Style

“Alright, team,” Gonçalo McTime, our time-traveling autistic hero, announced, his voice echoing in the Chrono-Barrel’s spacious lab. “We’re in New York City, September 11th, 2001. A date that’s going to go down in history, but not for the reason Paradox wants.”

Cyber, the robotic beagle, barked excitedly, tail spinning like a helicopter blade. His blue, glowing eyes scanned the console, his robotic body twitching with anticipation. “Woof! I smell trouble, Gonçalo! Big trouble!”

C.H.R.O.N.U.S, the sentient A.I., popped up on the console monitor with a pixelated grin. “Indeed, Cyber. Paradox has been fiddling with the timeline, attempting to escalate the tragedy of this day into a full-blown global conflict. We need to nip that in the bud before things get messy.”

“How?” Gonçalo asked, adjusting his glasses. “It’s a pretty big event. Even for us.”

“We need to find Paradox’s scheme,” C.H.R.O.N.U.S explained, his voice devoid of emotion. “He’s probably using his black magic to influence the terrorists, making them more aggressive and unpredictable.”

“We need to stop him before he makes this whole thing worse,” Gonçalo said, his brow furrowed. “But how? We can’t just stop the planes from hitting the towers… right?”

Cyber, ever the optimist, perked up. “Woof! Maybe we can use my spinner-slash to deflect those planes, like a giant dog-shaped frisbee!”

“Cyber,” C.H.R.O.N.U.S said dryly, “that’s not going to work. It’s a rather large-scale event.”

“But we can’t just stand around while innocent people are hurt!” Gonçalo exclaimed, his voice rising in a panic.

“Relax, Gonçalo,” C.H.R.O.N.U.S said, projecting a soothing image of a calm, blue ocean. “We have a plan. We need to use our brains, not our brawn. Let’s figure out how Paradox is making things worse and then we can fix it.”

Cyber, sensing Gonçalo’s anxiety, jumped up and licked his face. “Woof! Don’t worry, Gonçalo! We’ll get through this, together! We always do.”

Gonçalo sighed. “Thanks, Cyber. It’s just… this feels different. More important. Like, if we screw this up, things could get really, really bad.”

“And that’s why we’re here,” C.H.R.O.N.U.S said. “To make sure things don’t get really, really bad. Now, let’s find Paradox’s mischievous little paws before he makes this day even more tragic.”

Gonçalo, his heart pounding in his chest, nodded. “To now or never, here we go!” he declared, his voice firm. “Let’s stop this before it starts.”

Cyber barked in agreement and, with a whirring of gears, the Chrono-Barrel transported the Triad of Time to the bustling streets of New York City. It was a race against time, and the future of the world hung in the balance. But with Gonçalo’s ingenuity, Cyber’s unwavering loyalty, and C.H.R.O.N.U.S’s dry wit, they were ready to face whatever Paradox threw their way. After all, even the worst day in history couldn’t stop the Triad of Time. They were, after all, the guardians of time.