
(please actually use the sentence “x character”

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/04 Read: 4518

(please actually use the sentence “x character” strangles “x character” when it’s in the story)
The battle begins and Erza requips into Heaven’s Wheel Armor, launching her Circle Sword at Ajeel, who effortlessly defends himself, claiming that such attack won’t even scratch him. However, Erza quickly follows with her next armor, Black Wing Armor and uses Moon Flash, which Ajeel evades at high speed. He wonders how many people stronger than Erza are at the guild and Erza warns him not to underestimate Fairy Tail, however, Ajeel dodges yet another attack and Erza’s body is suddenly getting enveloped by his sands. Ajeel smirks, stating that Erza isn’t even worth underestimating as she continues to fall prey to the sand, wondering why her Requip isn’t working properly. She continues to struggle against the surrounding sands, with Ajeel revealing that her body’s water will soon dry up.
However, after Lucy, elsewhere in the town, knocks out Marin, Erza can feel her Requip working again and dons Wind God Armor, blowing the sand away and swifly striking Ajeel, who is thrown into the ship’s wall by the impact, even though he appears unfazed afterwards. Elsewhere, as Natsu is fighting the members of Ajeel’s squad, he punches Bakel with such force that he’s thrown into air, crashing right through Ajeel’s battleship. This distracts Ajeel and gives Erza courage to charge at her enemy, slashing him with her two swords in a cross patern. As he heavily bleeds from his chest, Ajeel is shocked to see Erza perform such a feat just as she cuts him one more time, revealing that she’s in a possession of Sea King Sword that hardens Ajeel’s sand. Enraged, Ajeel unleashes a vortex of sand, however, Erza quickly gets rid of it with Wind God Sword, stating that she’s seen through his Magic, as sand has too many weaknesses. Ajeel smirks, asking if she can do the same to a sandstorm that suddenly seems to cover an entire ship, as Erza notes. However, Ajeel corrects her, revealing that the entire town is affected by this.
Seeing this, Erza fully realizes the might of their enemies just as Ajeel welcomes her to his sand world, calling himself a god of that space. He launches blades of sand at Erza who ends up being pushed back, with Ajeel provoking her further. She attempts to slash through the sand, temporarily dispersing it, however, Ajeel appears right in front of her and grabs her by the neck, holding her midair. He continues telling her to worship him as a god, while his ability sucks away the water from Erza’s body. Even though she’s greatly suffering, Erza states that no one from the guild would ever bow down to such a god, claiming that they have their own beliefs and requips into Morning Star Armor. Thinking that Erza’s action will be of no help to her, Ajeel creates an axe of sand, ready to take her head. However, the light from Erza’s armor is noticed by Bisca, who, at the ground, is waiting with a charged Jupiter and so, she fires the cannon to the light’s direction, hitting the target. Unable to believe this, Ajeel is blown away and Erza, now in her Nakagami Armor, quickly slashes through Ajeel, defeating him with her Nakagami Starlight, which causes the sandstorm to finally disappear.

The air crackled with magic as Erza Scarlet, the Titania of Fairy Tail, unleashed her Heaven’s Wheel Armor. Its ethereal wings unfurled, and she launched her Circle Sword at the towering sand mage, Ajeel. The weapon, a radiant disk of pure energy, sliced through the air, aimed at Ajeel’s chest. But the sand mage simply chuckled, effortlessly deflecting the attack with a flick of his wrist.

“Such a pitiful attack, little girl,” Ajeel scoffed, his voice a gravelly rumble. “You think a mere blade will scratch this god?”

Erza, ever the strategist, didn’t hesitate. She shifted into her Black Wing Armor, its dark feathers shimmering with a malevolent gleam. With a flash of movement, she unleashed her Moon Flash, a blinding beam of light that tore through the air. Ajeel, however, was too fast. He vanished in a swirl of sand, reappearing behind Erza.

“Impressive,” he admitted, his eyes narrowed. “But how many others in your little guild can match your speed?”

Erza met his gaze, her expression unreadable. “You underestimate Fairy Tail at your peril,” she warned, her voice laced with steel. But as she launched another attack, Ajeel was already gone, leaving only a swirling vortex of sand in his wake. Before Erza could react, the sand began to close in, encasing her like a quicksand tomb.

“A pathetic attempt to fight a god,” Ajeel sneered, his voice echoing around her. “Your water will dry up soon, little girl. Just like the rest.”

Erza struggled against the suffocating sand, her Requip magic failing to break free. Panic flared in her chest. Why wasn’t it working?

Meanwhile, in another part of the town, Lucy Heartfilia, Erza’s teammate, landed a powerful blow on Marin, knocking him unconscious. As if sensing the shift in energy, Erza felt a jolt. Her Requip magic surged back to life. With a fierce cry, she donned the Wind God Armor, its azure wings catching the wind. A powerful gust of wind erupted, blasting away the sand and revealing her trapped form.

With a speed that defied gravity, she charged towards Ajeel. Her fists, imbued with the power of the wind, slammed into his chest, sending him hurtling back into the ship’s wall. He landed with a grunt, seemingly unfazed.

“You still have some fight in you,” Ajeel admitted, a flicker of respect in his eyes.

But the moment was interrupted. A deafening roar echoed through the air as Natsu Dragneel, the fire mage, unleashed a fiery punch on Bakel, sending him hurtling through the air. The man crashed through Ajeel’s battleship, creating a massive hole. The distraction was all Erza needed.

She surged forward, her two wind-wielding swords flashing in the air. Ajeel barely had time to react before her blades crossed in a deadly arc, tearing through his chest. Blood spouted from the wounds, staining the sand crimson.

Ajeel stared in shock as Erza, with a cold fury in her eyes, plunged her Sea King Sword into his chest. The sword, infused with the power of the sea, solidified the sand, trapping Ajeel in his own magic.

“Your sand is nothing before the might of the ocean,” Erza said, her voice low and dangerous.

Enraged, Ajeel unleashed a torrent of sand, attempting to bury her beneath a swirling vortex. But Erza, her Wind God Sword shimmering with power, sliced through the sand with ease.

“Your magic is pathetic,” she declared, her voice echoing through the storm. “Sand has too many weaknesses. I’ve seen through you.”

Ajeel, his eyes filled with malice, let out a derisive laugh. “Seen through me? You think you can withstand this?”

A sandstorm erupted, engulfing the entire ship. Erza, caught in the maelstrom, felt a chill run down her spine. This wasn’t a mere storm; this was something far more powerful.

“This isn’t just a sandstorm,” Ajeel’s voice boomed, echoing through the swirling sand. “This is my world! And you, little girl, are trapped within it!”

Erza, her face grim, felt the sand pushing her back. Ajeel’s power was immense, an oppressive force that threatened to crush her.

“Worship me as your god,” Ajeel sneered, his voice distorted by the sandstorm. “You can’t escape this.”

Erza, her determination unwavering, raised her swords and slashed through the sand. For a moment, it parted, revealing a glimpse of the ship beyond. But Ajeel, a cruel smirk playing on his lips, appeared before her, his hand gripping her throat.

“No one can defeat a god,” Ajeel hissed, his grip tightening. “You’ll bow down to me, just like everyone else!”

He squeezed, his power sucking away the water from Erza’s body. She gasped, her vision blurring. But even in her pain, her spirit remained unbroken.

“No one in Fairy Tail bows down to anyone,” she choked out, her voice hoarse. “We have our own beliefs. And our own Requip magic.”

With a surge of willpower, she activated the Morning Star Armor, its radiant light illuminating the sandstorm. Ajeel’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“You… you’re trying to fight back?” he scoffed. “That won’t save you.”

He raised a sand-forged axe, ready to strike. But before he could, a blinding flash of light erupted from Erza’s armor. Bisca, seeing the light from afar, fired her charged Jupiter cannon, a powerful beam of energy, towards the source.

The cannon blast slammed into Ajeel, sending him flying backwards. He crashed into the ship’s railing, spitting blood.

Erza, in her Nakagami Armor, didn’t waste a moment. Her Nakagami Starlight, a sword that cut through even the strongest barriers, glowed with ethereal power. With a swift, deadly motion, she slashed through Ajeel.

The sandstorm dissipated. The air grew still. Ajeel, his body shattered by the Nakagami Starlight, collapsed to the ground, his life extinguished.

Erza, her body battered and bruised, looked at Ajeel’s lifeless form. Her victory felt hollow, a victory born of pain and sacrifice. She had seen the true depths of their enemy’s power, the overwhelming force that had nearly crushed her. But she had also seen the strength of Fairy Tail, the unwavering faith they held in each other, and the belief that even a god could be brought down by their collective willpower.