
Story with dialogue. Story in American. “Love tha

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/06 Read: 3716

Story with dialogue. Story in American. “Love that Kitty”. Once upon a time there was little town in the Oregon named West side hills, the Sheriff of the town Jonh Jackson of 36 years old a responsible, wise and hard working man. He was married to the Town’s greatest Vet, Lisa Jackson of 36 years old that was a very Warm, Caring and really smart Woman. And they had a pet that was a playful and energetic old english sheepdog named Toby. But even if they have nice jobs, a nice house and they were a healthy couple, there was something that was making them incomplete. They always wanted a kid of their own but Lisa was infertile so they couldn’t have kid of their own, making them very sad and empty about it. But one day when Jonh was making his patrol, he hears some crying noises, that were coming from a cave in the forest. And for his suprise it was a small female cat that used clothes, was biped, and could talk. Her name was Mira that was a teenager Anthropomorphic Cat of only 2 feet tall (60 centimeters), with white fur, green eyes, short purple hair with with a bang on the right side of her face, of 14 years old with a curious, energetic, tomboyish and yet very sassy personality. She wears purple hoodie with a black eletric guitar on the front and black pants, but with bare feet. She was a from egypt, in a hidden city of anthropomorphic cats named calico, that used to be loved by ancient egyptians, but as time go on, they started to be feared by the humans, so they created a city hidden from the humans, with lots of their own technology and cultures, so they didn’t wanted anything with the humans. But Mira was different, she was a rebel dreamer that was always curious about the humans and their cultures. But her kind and especially her own parents, that were the most rich and arrogant people of the city, that were really strict and neglective to her, always considerated her a trouble maker, and they tried to force her to act like them. But Mira tired of being telled what to do, she runaway. She sneaked in a cruise ship, and ended up in America, but she didn’t had anywhere to go or anyone to help her, and she was all alone. After Jonh heard Mira’s story, he didn’t saw a weird cat but a a kid that was alone and needed help, and he tough maybe she could be a nice touch to his incomplet family. Mira was hesitant at first, but she didn’t want to be alone so she accepted the offer of the nice man. And when she meet Lisa, Lisa accepted her with open arms showing her love and care that she never had. The Jacksons became parents to her. And Toby became her best animal friend. As time goes on she gets more confortable closer to the Jacksons, know she was happy because now she had a real family that she loves and they had a lot of amazing moments together.

Love That Kitty

The sun dipped low over West Side Hills, casting long shadows across the sleepy Oregon town. Sheriff John Jackson, a man whose gruff exterior hid a heart of gold, sat on his porch swing, a mug of lukewarm coffee in his hand. Beside him, his wife, Lisa, a woman whose kindness was as contagious as a good laugh, was engrossed in a veterinary journal.

“Another day, another dozen stray cats,” John grumbled, his voice thick with the weight of small-town law enforcement.

Lisa chuckled, “Well, at least they’re all adorable. You’d think we were running a cat sanctuary, the way they keep showing up.”

Their lives were perfect, or so they thought. A comfortable home, a loving marriage, and a goofy old English sheepdog named Toby who perpetually looked like he’d just been dragged through a hedge backwards. But, there was a missing piece, a yearning for something more. They longed for a child, but Lisa’s infertility had cast a shadow over their dreams.

Just then, John’s police radio crackled to life, a frantic voice reporting strange cries emanating from the Whispering Pines forest. John sighed, “Probably just a lost hiker or a raccoon with a bad case of the hiccups.”

But as he walked towards the forest, the cries grew louder, and John felt a strange chill run down his spine. Emerging from a shadowy cave, a creature unlike anything he’d ever seen stood before him.

It was a cat, but not just any cat. This feline wore clothes, walked upright, and spoke English with a sassy, Brooklyn-esque accent. “Hey, mister! You got a problem with a gal’s fashion choices?” she demanded, adjusting her purple hoodie.

John blinked, “Uh, ma’am, are you… talking?”

“Well, duh,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m Mira. And I’m stuck. Lost, actually.”

Mira’s story was bizarre, but John found himself feeling strangely drawn to her. She was from a hidden city of anthropomorphic cats called Calico, where they lived in luxury, shunned by the world. Mira, a rebellious teen who yearned for more than her life of privilege, had run away, ending up in West Side Hills, completely lost.

“Look, Mira, I know this sounds crazy, but I think you might be a good fit for our family.” John said, looking at Lisa who, despite her initial shock, was already warming up to the quirky cat.

Mira’s eyes widened, “A family? You mean like… parents?”

“Well, yeah, kinda,” John chuckled, “We’ve always wanted a kid.”

Mira, who had never known the warmth of a real family, hesitated. “But I’m a cat, Mr. Jackson. You’ll get tired of me.”

Lisa, ever the caring soul, stepped forward, “Mira, honey, we’re not tired of you. You’re part of our family now.”

And that was how Mira, the sassy teenage cat with a penchant for purple hoodies and a love for human culture, became a part of the Jackson family. Toby, initially wary, quickly became her best friend, their antics adding to the household’s chaotic charm.

One sunny afternoon, Mira was learning to bake a cake. The house was filled with the sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar.

“Okay, Mira, just a sprinkle of cinnamon,” Lisa instructed, watching Mira’s clumsy movements.

“Too much cinnamon?” Mira asked, her voice dripping with concern.

“No, Mira, it’s perfect. Just like you,” Lisa smiled warmly.

Mira’s face broke into a wide smile. “You really think so?”

Lisa ruffled her fur, “Of course. You’re our little… cat-kid. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

From that day on, Mira, John, Lisa, and Toby lived their lives in an unlikely but perfect harmony, proving that sometimes, the most unexpected family bonds can blossom into the greatest love stories.