
tôi muốn viết script server authenticattion b

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/15 Read: 4731

tôi muốn viết script server authenticattion bằng godot 3 và dùng giaio thức enet

Server Authentication with Godot 3 and ENet

Scene 1: The Login Screen


  • Player (PC): An eager gamer trying to connect to the game server.
  • Narrator (Voiceover): Explaining the process.


A simple Godot scene with a login screen. It includes input fields for “Username” and “Password” and a “Login” button.

(Scene opens with the Player looking at the Login screen.)

Welcome to the world of online gaming! To access our game, you’ll need to authenticate with the server. This ensures only authorized players can join.

(Player types in their username and password.)

The player enters their credentials, and clicks the “Login” button. This triggers a connection request to the server.

(The screen displays a loading animation.)

The game engine, using ENet library, sends a request to the server containing the username and password.

(A message pops up on screen: “Connection established.”)

The server receives the request and verifies the credentials against its database.

(Scene transitions to a graphical representation of the server.)

If the credentials are correct, the server grants access.

(The scene transitions back to the Player’s screen. The Login screen fades out and the game’s main menu appears.)

The player is now authenticated and ready to play!

Scene 2: Server-Side Authentication


  • Server (Voiceover): Explaining the server’s actions.


A visual representation of the game server, highlighting key components.

(Scene opens with the server receiving the login request from the Player.)

I’ve received a login request! Let’s process it.

(The server’s processing animation starts.)

First, I retrieve the username and password from the request.

(Server highlights the username and password data.)

Next, I check the database for a matching entry.

(Server displays a database icon and searches through its records.)

A match! The username and password are correct.

(Server highlights the matching record in the database.)

I generate a unique session ID for this player and send a confirmation message back to the client.

(Server generates a unique ID and sends a message back to the Player.)

The player is now authenticated and allowed to enter the game.

End Scene.

Note: This script provides a high-level overview of the authentication process. The actual implementation would require more detailed code and scripting within Godot and ENet.

This script can be used as a foundation for a more comprehensive and detailed walkthrough, potentially including:

  • Detailed explanation of ENet library usage within Godot.
  • Code examples for sending and receiving authentication requests.
  • Error handling and security measures.
  • Visualizations of data structures and server-client communication.

This script is a starting point for understanding server authentication in Godot with ENet. You can adapt it to your specific needs and create a more comprehensive tutorial based on this foundation.