
Mais les vampires n’avaient pas l’intention de s

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/15 Read: 4205

Mais les vampires n’avaient pas l’intention de se diriger vers le château. De plus, ils venaient d’entendre des bruits qui osaient s’aventurer dans la forêt. Des aventuriers qui vont en avoir pour leur grade. Vont tous se faire bouffer les uns après les autres, aucun ne sortira vivant d’ici.

The air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. The moon, a sliver of silver in the inky sky, cast long, skeletal shadows through the ancient forest. Four figures, their faces grim under the hoods of their cloaks, trudged through the undergrowth, their boots crunching on the brittle leaves.

They were adventurers, drawn by whispers of hidden treasure and forgotten lore. The tales they had heard spoke of a cursed castle, shrouded in darkness, where a malevolent force slumbered. Legends claimed it was haunted by creatures of the night, beings so terrible that even the bravest men fled in terror.

“We’re getting close,” whispered Liam, his voice strained. He adjusted the heavy sack slung over his shoulder, the weight of his crossbow pulling at his arms.

“We should turn back,” rasped Elias, his weathered face creased with worry. “The rumors are true, I can feel it. The air is thick with…”

He trailed off, his words swallowed by the rustling of leaves behind them. A low growl, guttural and deep, echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down their spines.

They froze, their breaths held. The sound came again, closer this time, accompanied by the rhythmic thudding of unseen feet. The adventurers exchanged panicked glances, their eyes wide with fear.

“Vampires,” whispered Anya, her voice shaking. “It’s them.”

A low, chilling laugh, like the rasping of dry bones, answered her. The shadows around them seemed to writhe, taking on monstrous forms.

Suddenly, a pair of glowing red eyes pierced the darkness, and a hulking figure emerged from the trees. Its skin was pale and leathery, its fangs bared in a cruel grin.

“They’re not heading towards the castle,” hissed a voice, as inhuman and chilling as the forest itself. “They’re coming to us.”

The four adventurers found themselves surrounded by a dozen creatures of the night, their eyes glowing with unholy hunger. They were not the vampires who haunted the castle. These were something different, something far more ancient and terrifying.

The leader, a towering figure with eyes like burning embers, spoke. His voice was a whisper, but it held the weight of a thousand nightmares.

“You have disturbed our slumber. You will pay the price.”

With a guttural roar, the vampires lunged.

Liam, the only one with any hope of escape, took a step back. He raised his crossbow, aimed for the leader’s heart, and pulled the trigger. But the bolt, meant to pierce the heart of a monster, merely passed harmlessly through its shadowy form.

The leader snarled, its eyes blazing. In the space of a heartbeat, it was upon Liam, its fangs sinking into his neck. Liam screamed, a sound that died in his throat as the vampire drained him dry.

One by one, the adventurers met their gruesome end. The forest echoed with their screams as the vampires feasted, leaving behind only bloodstained leaves and the hollow silence of death.

And as the sun rose, casting long, eerie shadows across the forest, the creatures of the night vanished into the darkness, their thirst quenched, their hunger temporarily satiated.

The adventurers’ quest for hidden treasure and forgotten lore ended not in glory, but in a bloodbath that would forever haunt the whispers of the forest. The castle, bathed in the morning sun, stood silent and undisturbed, its secrets buried deep within its walls.