
Title: Remy The Wolf 3 A cute male wolf named Rem

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/17 Read: 2611

Title: Remy The Wolf 3

A cute male wolf named Remy enjoys a snowy day but doesn’t mind getting a lil’ itchy during his adventure.

Scratching scenes:
1. (Opening) Remy wakes up to stretch his legs and smack his lips as he raises a leg to scratch his neck.

2. After he’s breathes the fresh snowy air, he ventures further into the forest. Eventually he freezes for a moment to scratch himself because of his itchy sweater as he continues on his journey, but he doesn’t mind about his sweater

3. Remy goes fishing to get some fish from a nearby lake. Whenever he failed catching one, he would scratch himself constantly, then stopped to try again. Luckily he got one later on and he scratched himself in success.

4. After a snowstorm, Remy locks his den door as he scratches himself uncontrollably as an attempt to remove all the snow covering his body as he later uses his back scratcher to gently remove all the snow. But the itchiness isn’t over quite yet.

5. When he uses his A.C to warm up, it also slightly cause his fur to dry up as his face twitches to scratch his neck furiously, shedding a bit of hair.

6. Remy boils some water to make some hot cocoa. As he waits, he scratches himself constantly as to looking at his timer.

Info: Remy doesn’t mind having an itch or scratching an itch.
Info 2: Remy had this itching since he was an adult, not a kid or a pup.

The first rays of dawn painted the snowy landscape a soft, rosy hue. Remy, a wolf of sleek charcoal fur and bright, amber eyes, stretched luxuriously, his paws finding their way to his neck for a satisfying scratch. He’d always had a bit of an itch, a slight, persistent tickle that he learned to live with. It wasn’t anything serious, just a minor quirk he’d developed as an adult.

He padded outside, the fresh, crisp air filling his lungs. The world was blanketed in white, the snow crunching softly beneath his paws. The trees, adorned in icy crowns, shimmered in the rising sun. His sweater, a fluffy, grey concoction of wool, felt a little itchy, but he barely registered it. It was a small price to pay for staying warm in this winter wonderland. He continued his journey, the gentle scratching of his paw against his side a constant, almost rhythmic, companion.

A nearby lake beckoned, its surface frozen smooth, save for a small patch of open water. Remy was a keen fisherman, and he couldn’t resist testing his luck. He found a spot, and as he waited patiently for a bite, his itch seemed to intensify. His paws found their way to his flank, scratching with a relentless determination. But it was a familiar feeling, almost comforting, and he didn’t mind the distraction. When his efforts finally paid off, he was rewarded with a plump trout. He celebrated his success with a vigorous scratch, then settled down to enjoy his catch.

As the day wore on, a snowstorm rolled in, blanketing the forest in a flurry of white. Remy found his way back to his cozy den and locked the door behind him. The snow, clinging to his fur, caused an unbearable itch. He tried his best to shake it off, his paws going into overdrive as he scratched and rubbed. Finally, he retrieved his back scratcher, a long, wooden instrument with a soft bristle brush at the end. He used it gently, carefully removing the snow from his coat.

The storm passed, leaving the world a sparkling, pristine canvas. Remy, however, was still itching. He turned on the A.C. in his den, seeking some warmth. The dry air, however, caused his fur to feel even scratchier. He could feel his neck twitching, his paws instinctively reaching out to soothe the discomfort. A few loose hairs floated down, a testament to his itchy predicament.

Evening descended, and the air grew colder. Remy decided to make some hot cocoa. He boiled the water, the aroma of chocolate filling his den. He couldn’t resist scratching as he watched the timer tick down, his paws finding their way to his sides, his neck, then back again.

As he finally sipped his hot cocoa, the world seemed to melt away. The itch was still there, a constant companion, but Remy didn’t mind. He had learned to live with it, to embrace it even. It was a part of him, a reminder that even in the midst of a snowy wonderland, there was a touch of chaos, a hint of discomfort, and a never-ending need to scratch.