
Title: “Remy The Wolf 3” A cute male wolf named

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/17 Read: 2469

Title: “Remy The Wolf 3”

A cute male wolf named Remy enjoys a snowy day but doesn’t mind getting a lil’ itchy during his adventure.

Scratching scenes:
1. (Opening) Remy wakes up to stretch his legs and smack his lips as he raises a leg to scratch his neck.

2. After he’s breathes the fresh snowy air, he ventures further into the forest. Eventually he freezes for a moment to scratch himself because of his itchy sweater as he continues on his journey, but he doesn’t mind about his sweater

3. Remy goes fishing to get some fish from a nearby lake. Whenever he failed catching one, he would scratch himself constantly, then stopped to try again. Luckily he got one later on and he scratched himself in success.

4. After a snowstorm, Remy locks his den door as he scratches himself uncontrollably as an attempt to remove all the snow covering his body as he later uses his back scratcher to gently remove all the snow. But the itchiness isn’t over quite yet.

5. When he uses his A.C to warm up, it also slightly cause his fur to dry up as his face twitches to scratch his neck furiously, shedding a bit of hair.

6. Remy boils some water to make some hot cocoa. As he waits, he scratches himself constantly as to looking at his timer.

Info: Remy doesn’t mind having an itch or scratching an itch.
Info 2: Remy had this itching since he was an adult, not a kid or a pup.

The first rays of the sun, filtered through a canopy of frosted pines, woke Remy. He yawned, stretching his long legs and letting out a contented sigh. As he did, a furry paw rose to scratch at the base of his neck, a familiar, comforting routine. It was a good day for a wolf like Remy, a day for crisp air and snowy adventures.

The forest was silent, except for the crunch of snow under his paws as he ventured deeper into the woods. A tickle in his fur near his shoulder sent a wave of itchiness through him. Remy froze for a moment, scratching with a quick flick of his paw. It was a common occurrence, this itchiness that had plagued him since adulthood. He simply shrugged it off, not letting it ruin the day.

Soon, the scent of water lured him to a frozen lake. With a practiced flick of his paw, he sent a small ice shard flying, creating a hole perfect for fishing. But the fish were elusive, and Remy’s frustration grew. Every failed attempt was met with a flurry of scratches, a primal itchiness that needed relief. He found himself scratching his back, his chest, even his ears. Yet, he persevered, finally snagging a plump fish with a triumphant cry. He rewarded himself with another hearty scratch, a blissful feeling of satisfaction.

A snowstorm rolled in, swirling the forest in a white flurry. Remy, seeking refuge, retreated to his den. The door slammed shut behind him, the cold snow clinging to his fur. He scratched furiously, desperately trying to dislodge the frozen particles. With a sigh, he pulled out his back scratcher, a beautifully carved piece of wood with a smooth, rounded edge. He ran it gently over his body, removing the lingering snow. The itchiness, however, lingered, a persistent whisper that refused to be ignored.

The storm passed, leaving the forest glistening in the afternoon sun. Remy curled up by his fireplace, the heat from the crackling logs warming his weary bones. He let out a contented sigh. His A.C. whirred in the background, its warm air drying his fur, but also causing a slight tingling sensation. Remy’s face twitched as he scratched furiously at his neck, a few wisps of fur drifting to the floor.

Remy hummed a tune as he boiled water for a cup of hot cocoa. He loved this part of the day, the warmth of the mug in his paws, the steam rising to his face. The anticipation built as he checked the timer, his paw making its way back to his neck. It was a constant companion, this itch, a reminder of his wolfish nature, a furry friend that kept him company, even when it drove him crazy. He didn’t mind, not really. For Remy, the itch was simply part of the adventure, a reminder that he was a wolf, a creature of the wild, always on the move, always scratching, always living.