
A story told through series of diary entries of a

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/18 Read: 4686

A story told through series of diary entries of a child, Lunette whose grandpa is told he only has the month of April left to live. They spend the month together, as he approaches his death, and the child prepares for their first encounter with grief.

April’s Bloom

April 1st

Dear Diary,

Grandpa said I could borrow his fancy leather-bound diary. He said it’s for important things, like when you want to write down memories or secrets. Today was important, because Grandpa told me he’s going to be a star soon. He said he’s going to be a twinkling star in the night sky, and he’ll be watching over us.

I asked him if he was going to be like the shooting stars, because they make a big flash and then they’re gone. Grandpa just smiled and said, “No, I’ll be a steady, shining star, Lunette. Always there, even when you can’t see me.”

He said April would be the last month he’d spend with us. That’s why he’s letting me borrow his diary. He said he wants me to write down all the fun things we do this month. But I think I’m going to write down some serious things too, about what Grandpa told me today.

April 7th

Dear Diary,

Today was a bad day. Grandpa cried. He told me about his friend, who was a beautiful cherry blossom tree. He said the tree started to get sick, and even though he tried everything, he couldn’t save it. He said it was like a part of him died too.

He held me tight, and told me that I wouldn’t understand now. That it’s okay to cry when someone you love dies, but it’s also okay to remember them with joy and smile. I don’t understand why he’s sad, but I know I love him and I want him to smile.

April 13th

Dear Diary,

We went to the park today, just like we always do. But this time, Grandpa didn’t even try to chase the pigeons. He just sat on the bench and watched the children play. He looked sad, but then he started to smile. He pointed to the little girl on the swing, who was laughing so hard, her hair was flying in the wind. He said, “See, Lunette? There’s beauty everywhere. You just need to know where to look.”

We also went to the ice cream shop. Grandpa bought me my favorite flavor, peanut butter and chocolate. He said, “This is my favorite too, Lunette.” And then he laughed. I think he was trying to cheer himself up, but it made me happy too.

April 19th

Dear Diary,

Grandpa and I planted a sunflower seed today. He said sunflowers were his mother’s favorite flower. He told me about her, how she had hair the color of the sun and eyes that sparkled like the stars. He said she loved to dance in the sunshine, and she always had a smile on her face.

He said he wanted me to plant the sunflower seed in her memory. He said he’d watch it grow from his star, and he’d tell his mother all about it. He said it would be like a little piece of him growing up in the sky.

April 25th

Dear Diary,

Grandpa is tired. He sleeps more now, and he doesn’t have as much energy as before. He keeps talking about the stories his mother told him, about the moon and the stars. He says they were always there, watching over him.

He said I’m going to be a star too, when it’s my time. He said he’ll be waiting for me there, and we’ll have lots of stories to tell each other.

He held my hand today and said, “Lunette, you’re strong. You’ll be okay.” I don’t know what that means, but I know it’s important. I’m going to be strong, for Grandpa.

April 30th

Dear Diary,

Grandpa isn’t smiling anymore. He’s sleeping a lot, and he doesn’t talk much. Mama says he’s just resting. But I know he’s going to become a star soon.

I’m scared. I don’t know what it means to lose someone. I don’t know what it means to be sad. But I know I love Grandpa, and I will always remember him.

He gave me his diary today, and he told me to keep writing in it. He said it was my story now. He said he would always be with me, in my heart, and in the stories we shared.

I’m going to write about all the fun things we did this month, about all the stories he told me. I’m going to write about the day he became a star, and about the day I learn to be strong, just like he taught me.

I will always remember Grandpa. I will always love him.

The End