
Mira Clay narrating her first triumph in her journ

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/22 Read: 6708

Mira Clay narrating her first triumph in her journey to become one of the Heroes of the Universe. A long time has passed ever since Fellowship of the Jewel: Mira Clay, Lief – King of Deltora who is Mira’s husband, Lief and Mira’s two children, Oskar and Gothetta, United Planets Federation’s ace pilots: Launchpad McQuack and Padme Amidala, all led by Master Chin – Master of Martial arts successfully accomplished their mission of saving planets of Pulsarius system by destroying Witch Haggar’s Jewel of Power on planet Naboo in the Pulsarius system, and afterwards Mira desired to become one of the Heroes of the Universe, but many saw Mira young and inexperienced as they wondered how will she fare among them, worrying for her life, which often crushed her dreams and broke her resolve. In every fight against any other fighter, Mira was outmatched. Citizens around galaxy depressively discuss about how Mira might be the weakest fighter to exist in the universe. Mira is plagued by their words of her inability and insecurities to be a Hero of the Universe. Lief, and Jasmine, Lief’s first wife and tomboyish Queen of Deltora who rules kingdom of Deltora by his side, and Lief’s mother Sharn want to help Mira, to comfort her, but Mira is too broken to accept help because she can’t live up to other’s expectations, until Lief, Jasmine and Sharn remind Mira that there will always be those who will criticize and admire her, and that she just has to be herself because they believe Mira is better than what she thinks she is. Knowing how much her dreams and ideals mean to her, Mira realizes Lief, Jasmine and Sharn are right and that she is happy to know that there are those who will always be ready to help her whenever she is unable to help herself. Mira went to Enchancia Kingdom on planet Enchancia to start her training to become one of the Hero of the Universe. On planet Enchancia, a race of obstacles was held between Enchancia Kingdom and evil Krainian Empire was held with Sofia the First for Enchancia Kingdom and Prince Hans for Krainian Empire, which would decide Enchancia’s fate as Krainian Empire plotted to seize it. Sofia was ready to give her all, but Hans’s superiors: Herbert Wade, Bela and Shadow Prove were ready to cheat their way to victory by placing traps to cripple Sofia and kill her by hiring malevolent, sadistic and feared assassin called Sherry LeBlanc who saw herself as strongest fighter to exist in the universe. Mira felt that Krainian Empire was up to their dirty tricks, so she went to help Sofia win the race. Worst came when Sofia and Mira had to face Sherry who blocked their path. Sherry mocked Sofia and Mira’s care for each other, and started fighting them. Sherry was very hard for Sofia and Mira to defeat because of her ability to anticipate attacks before they could even land on her, and being able to deal unexpectedly serious wounds with her twinblade. Sofia and Mira fought against Sherry, but even though they could slightly crack her twinblade, they were no match for her. Sherry bullied Mira about how she is a failure who cannot live up to the other’s name while Sherry saw herself invincible against everybody, Sherry also wanted to hear Mira beg for mercy while Sofia could only watch helplessly. Sofia considered giving up as everything was hopeless, Mira, however, after noticing crack on Sherry’s twinblade said that as much as Sherry can belittle her, Mira will no matter what happens, always fight for what is right, and she convinced Sofia that together they will win, restoring her self-esteem. Sherry was losing her cool as she hated those who don’t beg her for mercy and don’t know when to give up and bow before their betters. Initially it looked as Sherry killed Sofia and Mira and gloated how their efforts were futile, but those were actually decoys used to distract her. Sofia and Mira caught Sherry airbone and by aiming for the crack, they destroyed Sherry’s twinblade, rendering Sherry weakened and powerless and eventually they defeated her easily, much to Sherry’s outrage. Mira was ecstatic about how she finally won her first fight, and told Sherry she is not so invincible after all, causing Sherry to whine in defeat. With Mira’s help, Sofia got to finish line and won race, shocking Hans. Sofia’s royal family cheered on her victory while Hans was beaten up by Bela and Shadow for defeat. However, Wade accused Sofia and Mira of breaking rules of the race after they reach the finish line for teaming up and was about to anex Enchancia for Krainian Empire despite Royal Family’s protests. Fortunately, Daimyo – Ruler of Battle Nexus Realm shot Wade’s accusation down by revealing that watchers are allowed to join to help participants, under condition of not killing other participants. Wade, Bela and Shadow broke rule of not killing participants when they hired Sherry whom Daimyo revealed tied up and defeated. Sherry unwillingly confessed Wade hired her to kill Sofia. Daimyo then ordered Wade, Bela and Shadow never to return to Enchancia again, and that they will regret if they do, and Wade, Bela and Shadow cowardly fled while Daimyo sentenced Sherry to prison for all her crimes. Outraged, Sherry cursed everybody and swore revenge against Mira who casually waved her goodbye with Sofia and her royal family. Mira reunited with Lief, Jasmin and Sharn on planet Deltora and embraced them about how they were right, and she was now ready for her future heroic adventures. Mira’s heroic reputation started to bear fruit after her victory against Sherry, while Sherry’s reputation started to decay after her defeat against Mira for which prisoners and officers alike trash-talked her and started laughing at her humiliatons. Character Details: Mira has short orange hair, pale terran skin, sapphire blue eyes, red lips. Mira wears purple, strapless dress with a pink butterfly printed on the skirt complete with matching pull-on sleeves, stocking boots and a giant red obi bow tied around her hips. Mira Clay has reputation to be cold-hearted and relentless in fights, but underneath. She is very kind, selfless, playful, honorable and loving to those she considers an ally. When she is charged in leading a squadron, Mira always tries to get the team moving, pushing them to fight strongly and always attempts to get things straightened out whenever the group gets into an argument. Mira’s greatest desire in life is to prove herself to be equally good hero as other Heroes of the Universe and like her childhood idol Anakin Skywalker was, which makes her a determined and confident fighter who does not accept giving up as an option. Sherry LeBlanc has long, waist length, blond hair with bangs that curl away from her face and emerald color eyes. Sherry wears white racing long-sleeved outfit with red accents that run along the outside of her arms, down the outside of her legs, and wrap around her calves, red turtleneck, grey shoulder, knee, elbow, and shin guards, black boots and charcoal colored padding over her chest. Sherry has a fixation on hunting anyone who hires her to do so, to this end, she can be very ruthless and sadistic in doing so. Sherry is a sadist and a jerk in the purest sense of the word who sees everyone around herself weak and inferior, giving them “The Reason You Suck” speeches to break their spirits and enjoy in their hopelessness. Whenever she is defeated and humiliated, Sherry completely loses her cool and becomes whiny and petulant. Sherry has a French accent and occasionally includes French phrases in her dialogue. Story is written in a diary format.

Day 12, Enchancia Kingdom

Dear Diary,

It’s been a while since I last wrote. I’ve been busy, training, practicing, trying to prove myself. It’s not easy, you know. It’s a long way from being a Hero of the Universe.

The whispers, the doubts, they’re always there. “Mira Clay, the weak one,” “How can she be a hero?” They say it behind my back, but I can hear them. I can feel the weight of their words, the crushing pressure. They say I’m just a princess from a small planet, a spoiled brat who’s playing at being a hero.

I spent weeks here on Enchancia, trying to learn how to be a warrior. My training was grueling, but I was determined. I’d wake up before sunrise, train until sunset, pushing myself harder and harder. And I did get better. I was becoming stronger, faster. But the doubt still lingered.

Then, the race. The race between Enchancia and the Krainian Empire, a contest for the future of this beautiful planet. Sofia, the young princess, was determined to win. But the Krainian Empire, they were up to their dirty tricks. I felt it in my bones, a chill of unease. I knew they wouldn’t play fair.

And I was right.

The race started, Sofia and Prince Hans of Kraina going head to head. And then she appeared, Sherry LeBlanc. The assassin, the ruthless, sadistic fighter. I’ve heard whispers of her, tales of her cruelty, her victories. She wasn’t just trying to win, she wanted to break Sofia.

I couldn’t stand by. I couldn’t let her win, couldn’t let Sofia lose. I had to help.

“Sofia, we can do this!” I yelled, my heart pounding, my grip on my sword tight. “We fight together, and we win.”

Sherry laughed, that cruel, mocking laughter that chills you to the bone. “You two are nothing,” she snarled, her twinblade gleaming like a death sentence. “I am invincible.”

I’ve never felt such hatred, such pure malice. But I wouldn’t give in to her. I wouldn’t let her break us. We fought, Sofia and I, side by side. It was hard, she was fast, she was brutal, but I wouldn’t give up. I wouldn’t let anyone tell me I was weak.

Then, the crack. A tiny crack in her blade, a flicker of hope. It was enough. I focused all my strength, channeling it into a single, powerful blow. It wasn’t enough to shatter her blade, but it was enough to weaken her, to give us the edge.

Together, we slammed her to the ground, her blade shattering into a million pieces. And then, we finished the race. Sofia crossed the finish line, the cheers of the crowd deafening. We had won.

Sherry, the so-called “invincible” fighter, was defeated. She whined, she screamed, but I felt a thrill of joy coursing through me. I’d won. My first victory, against a powerful, cruel opponent. It didn’t matter that I was young, that I didn’t have the same experience as the other heroes. I’d shown them, shown them all what I could do.

I was a hero.

As I looked at Sofia, her face beaming with pride and relief, I knew that I hadn’t just won a race. I had won something much bigger. I had overcome the doubts, the whispers, and the fear. I had proven that even a princess from a small planet could become a hero.

And I’m just getting started.

