
Mira Clay narrating how she met her childhood idol

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/22 Read: 775

Mira Clay narrating how she met her childhood idol Anakin Skywalker. Mira’s heroic reputation started to grow after her victory against malevolent, sadistic and feared assassin called Sherry LeBlanc on planet Enchancia. One day, Mira was videophoned by Jean-Luc Piccard – Leader of United Planets Federation who told her homeworld of planet Vestal in STARGATE5 system is attacked by combined forces of Rainbow Kingdom’s races: Tekkoses, Loknis, Klingons, Alteans, Cras, Nohrins, and Gundalians. Mira knew Vestals and Rainbow Kingdom were allies with each other, especially because Erwann – First king of Rainbow Kingdom healed her when she was mortally wounded during her former pirate life, and she wondered what made them do that. Piccard agreed with Mira, Federation wanted to help, but they were far from place of conflict, and Vestal’s only hope was Mira. First mission was on planet Vestal where Mira reunited with her old friends from Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance: Baron Leltoy and Ace Grit. Second mission was on planet Kepler 22b where Mira fought against a man named Dorian Gray and a short satyr named Uli who turned out to be members of ghost-like alien race called Protorions who commanded a fleet of ghost ships which was connected with the invasion by Rainbow Kingdom, Mira sent message about her discovery to Piccard. Third mission was on planet Avalon in Pegas system where Mira fought against corpse-like man named Victor Falco the Rat King and a man named Grima Wormtongue who were also Protorions. Federation discovered Protorions brainwashed Rainbow Kingdom races and made them to attack STARGATE5 system. Fourth mission was on planet Protoxx where Mira fought against two Protorions: Loan shark named Bill Sykes, and a former model named Greta Gibson. Mira managed to free royal family of Rainbow Kingdom: Queen Floria of Gundalians, her mother Allura of Alteans, her father Nurzak of Gundalians, and of Floria’s best friends and generals – Scarlet Overkill and Koehler from brainwashing after invasion, saving main part of STARGATE5 and allowing Federation to realize Protorions are ghost-like aliens who can possess other races and use them as weapons for their crimes, they serve their master: Darth Sidious – Cosmic God of Death and Sith Lord. Fifth mission was on planet Lellandra where Floria’s family went to fight against invasion led by two Protorions: Warlock named Saruman, and a Lillim witch named Lamia, while Floria stayed to train Mira to awake her rainbow powers. Sixth mission was on planet Oeno where Protorions controlled invasions in STARGATE5, worst came when Mira fought Sidious’s wife: Evanora – The Ghost Queen, because she could invoke ghost minions who supported each other, Mira barely won against Evanora which saved STARGATE5. To be able to stand against Darth Sidious, Mira visits Padme Amidala, Mira goes to her friend Padme Amidala, who asks her about Sidious’s origins and for advice. When Padme told Mira about Sidious, she informed her that only a unique Protorion who defeated him once according to an old prophecy of “The Chosen One.” can help her, and that Protorion is Anakin Skywalker – Mira’s childhood idol and Padme’s former husband until he was struck by Darth Vader as Mira believed, and that his resting place is somewhere on planet Mon Calamari. Mira and Padme go in search for Anakin’s resting place, but they end up caught up and helpless in the waves of planet’s oceans until they see a certain Protorion surfing who eventually rescues them. The ecstatic Protorion reveals himself to be Anakin Skywalker. Mira is at first excited to meet her childhood hero and Padme is happy to see her husband again. But when Mira and Padme try to ask him to help them in their campaign against Darth Sidious and his Protorion Cult, Anakin refuses and tells Mira to give up, because there’s no point for him in trying to fight someone who is skilled in manipulation and fighting, as well as being one of the “Gods of the Universe”. Mira wondered if pessimism is what got Anakin killed by Darth Vader. However, Anakin revealed to her a dark truth that he was Darth Vader, after he swore his loyalty to Darth Sidious in his attempt to save Padme from dying, which eventually got Padme killed in her previous life and permanently ruined Anakin’s life and reputation, and Padme, full of heartbreak on those memories, confessed to Mira that everything Anakin said was true. Mira was shattered about the fact that her childhood idol is not what she looked up to once, and Anakin tells Mira for her own sake to go home for if Sidious managed to corrupt Anakin, he will succeed in corrupting Mira too, and harshly tells her that hero she used to look up to is finished for good and in his final request, Anakin asks Padme and Mira to leave him as he feels very disturbed. Broken about how Anakin is unwilling to help her, Mira and Padme leave Anakin to be alone, with Mira revealing that all she wanted in her life was to be a superhero like Anakin used to be before he gave himself to Sidious. Federation discovered homeworld of Protorions is Nether Universe – cosmic version of Underworld. Before Mira enters the Nether Universe to face Sidious, Anakin himself appears, causing Mira, Padme, Floria and her royal family along with United Planets Federation to be surprised and awe-struck. Mira asks Anakin why would he help her, while at first Anakin humorously tells Mira that he will help in fighting Sidious mainly because he doesn’t want to have Mira take all the credits in besting one of the Gods of the Universe, Anakin eventually reveals in a honest and truthful tone that the reason he will help Mira is because wants to be a hero again exactly like how Mira wants to be a hero that Anakin once was because Anakin’s encounter with Mira and his reunion with Padme is what caused him to have a change of heart, and how it helped Anakin realize how much his ideals meant to himself, and that if anything bad happens to them, that he is eternally grateful how Mira still believed in him, just like how his son Luke Skywalker believed that there is hope for Anakin’s redemption in his previous life, and together, they go into their final showdown against the evil Darth Sidious. Mira and Anakin were overmatched by Sidious who manipulated Anakin to join him once again, causing Anakin to become fearful how he will lose everything, making him remember all the bad things that happened in his previous life that made him become evil. But, having remembered how Mira’s own wishes of becoming a hero like him, Anakin denied Sidious and chose to side with Mira because she believes there is good in him, exactly like how Anakin’s wife Padme and his son Luke believed there was still good in him during time he was Darth Vader in his former life. Mira and Anakin eventually defeated Darth Sidious, and the Rainbow Kingdom races broke free of Protorion control. Daphne – the Queen of Gods of the Universe discovered Sidious’s treachery and she took away his immortality, killing him for good. Evanora took over Sidious’s title. Anakin is happy how he managed to redeem himself in the eyes of the Universe as he is thankful to both Padme and Mira. Anakin was thankful to Padme as he always knew that she will help him find his way to restore his self-worth, and Anakin was also thankful to Mira for making an unhappy and evil person like him, very happy and heroic, knowing his legacy will be preserved and carried on by Mira Clay. Federation, Padme and Floria congratulated Mira for her success. However, Evanora warned them that even if Protorions are defeated, what her enemies saw was only the beginning as Evanora declares how she and Protorion Cult will return with a bigger army than the one Mira and her allies faced because opportunities of Protorions are boundless and will bring as many ships as necessary, and how Protorion Cult will never rest until universe succumbs to their superior force. For Character Details: Mira has short orange hair, pale terran skin, sapphire blue eyes, red lips. Mira wears purple, strapless dress with a pink butterfly printed on the skirt complete with matching pull-on sleeves, stocking boots and a giant red obi bow tied around her hips. Mira Clay has reputation to be cold-hearted and relentless in fights, but underneath. She is very kind, selfless, playful, honorable and loving to those she considers an ally. When she is charged in leading a squadron, Mira always tries to get the team moving, pushing them to fight strongly and always attempts to get things straightened out whenever the group gets into an argument. Mira’s greatest desire in life is to prove herself to be equally good hero as other Heroes of the Universe and like her childhood idol Anakin Skywalker was, which makes her a determined and confident fighter who does not accept giving up as an option. Story is written in a diary format.

The Day I Met My Hero – Mira Clay’s Diary

I never thought I’d be writing this, but here I am, sitting in my room on the Starship Federation, penning down my thoughts after a whirlwind of events that shook the very fabric of the Universe. It all began with a videophone call from Jean-Luc Piccard, the leader of the United Planets Federation, a call that would change my life forever.

He informed me of the devastating attack on Vestal, my homeworld, by the forces of the Rainbow Kingdom – Tekkoses, Loknis, Klingons, Alteans, Cras, Nohrins, and Gundalians, all allies we’d always been. It made no sense. Erwann, the first King of the Rainbow Kingdom, had healed me personally after a near-fatal wound during my days as a pirate. What could have driven them to this?

Piccard agreed, the Federation wanted to help, but we were too far from the STARGATE5 system. My world’s only hope lay with me. I knew what I had to do.

My first mission landed me back on Vestal, where I reunited with my old friends from the Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance – Baron Leltoy and Ace Grit. We worked together to stabilize the planet, repelling enemy forces and securing the remaining population. But this wasn’t just about Vestal, it was about understanding the why.

My second mission took me to Kepler 22b, where I encountered a man named Dorian Gray and a short satyr named Uli, both wielding a strange, ethereal power. They were Protorions, ghost-like beings with the ability to manipulate and control, and they were the puppet masters behind the Rainbow Kingdom’s aggression. I sent a message to Piccard, letting him know about this new threat.

The third mission, on Avalon, was even more chilling. Victor Falco, the Rat King, and a man named Grima Wormtongue were revealed to be more Protorions. The Federation discovered their insidious plan – the Protorions had brainwashed the Rainbow Kingdom races, turning them into weapons against their allies.

On Protoxx, I faced two more Protorions: Bill Sykes, a loan shark, and Greta Gibson, a former model. The brainwashing was so deep, it felt like facing the very souls of those we fought against. But then came the turning point. I managed to free Queen Floria of Gundalians, her mother Allura of Alteans, her father Nurzak of Gundalians, and her best friends, Scarlet Overkill and Koehler, from the Protorions’ control.

The invasion of STARGATE5 was halted, but the threat remained. The Federation learned the Protorions were not merely ghosts, but a cosmic entity capable of possessing other races. They served a master, a being of immense power, a cosmic god of death – Darth Sidious.

On Lellandra, I witnessed the Protorions’ true brutality. Floria’s family fought with desperation, but I had a task of my own. Floria trained me, attempting to unlock my own latent “rainbow powers.” While I was a strong fighter, this was a whole different level of power.

The battle raged on, culminating on Oeno, where I faced Evanora, the Ghost Queen, Sidious’s wife. She wielded ghost minions, each more powerful than the last. The battle was brutal, a test of my spirit and skill, but I prevailed, saving STARGATE5.

But Darth Sidious… how to defeat him? That’s when I sought out Padme Amidala, a friend from the past and the only one I knew who might have answers.

Padme revealed the prophecy of “The Chosen One,” a unique Protorion destined to defeat Sidious. That Protorion was Anakin Skywalker, my childhood hero, and Padme’s late husband. He was rumored to be on Mon Calamari.

We set out on a desperate quest to find Anakin, only to find ourselves lost in the treacherous ocean of Mon Calamari. Then, like a beacon in the storm, a Protorion emerged, surfing with incredible skill, rescuing us.

It was him. Anakin Skywalker.

Reunited with Padme, I was ecstatic. But my hope was shattered when Anakin refused to help us. He said there was no point in fighting Sidious, a being of unimaginable power. He claimed there was nothing left to fight for, that he himself was lost. Was this the end? Did pessimism kill my hero?

Anakin revealed the truth. He was Darth Vader. In his desperate attempt to save Padme, he had sworn his loyalty to Sidious, his actions resulting in Padme’s death and a tragic fall into darkness. Padme, choked with sorrow, confirmed it all.

I was heartbroken. My idol, the hero I had looked up to, had become the very thing he fought against.

Anakin, broken by his past, urged us to leave him. He felt lost and betrayed, a shadow of his former self.

As we left, I felt like everything I believed in was crumbling. I wanted to be a hero, to be like Anakin, but his dark path was a constant reminder of how easily good could be lost.

The Federation, however, continued their pursuit. They discovered the Protorions’ homeworld, the Nether Universe, a twisted reflection of our own.

As I prepared to face Sidious in the Nether Universe, Anakin appeared, a flicker of hope in the darkness. He agreed to fight with us, not for credit, but for a chance to be a hero again. He wanted to be the hero I believed in, the hero Luke Skywalker believed in.

We entered the Nether Universe, facing Sidious in a battle that tested every fiber of our being. He manipulated Anakin, reminding him of his past failures, his descent into darkness. But then, remembering my unwavering faith in him, Anakin resisted. He chose good, choosing to stand with me and Padme, just like his son Luke did.

Together, we defeated Sidious, freeing the Rainbow Kingdom races and ending the Protorion threat. Daphne, Queen of the Gods of the Universe, discovered Sidious’s treachery and took away his immortality, ending his reign of terror.

Anakin, finally redeemed, was overjoyed. He was thankful to Padme, who had always believed in him, and to me, for reminding him of his heroism. He had found his way back, his legacy preserved.

But the victory was bittersweet. Evanora, Sidious’s wife, emerged, vowing revenge. The Protorion Cult would return, stronger than ever.

This was not the end, only the beginning. My journey, however, had just started. I, Mira Clay, would continue to fight, to be a hero, to be a beacon of hope for all, remembering the lessons I had learned, the sacrifices made.

I had met my hero, but I discovered that true heroes are forged in the fires of struggle, in the moments of doubt and despair. And now, I must rise to the challenge, for the fate of the Universe rests on my shoulders.