
Mira Clay having a nightmare about Darth Sidious.

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/22 Read: 858

Mira Clay having a nightmare about Darth Sidious. Mira’s heroic reputation was complete after her victory against malevolent, sadistic and feared assassin called Sherry LeBlanc on planet Enchancia, after her triumph against Darth Sidious and his Protorion Cult during their conquest of STARGATE5 system with help of her childhood idol Anakin Skywalker whom she helped to realize how much his heroic ideals meant to him in his former life, and after she overcame her fears of becoming evil and her fears of Empire of the Night, led by evil deity-like Darchon – The Emperor of the Night and his followers: Sherry LeBlanc, Aoi Rokusho, Madara Uchiha, Duen Long aka Breaking Wave and Sa’luk whose plans of spreading artificial nightmares with Nightmare Generator from icy planet Sigma was foiled by Mira who had help from her husband Lief – King of Deltora, and her two children: Oskar and Gothetta and her other allies: Flannery of Lavaridge city, gamer Tea Gardner and her boyfriend Duke Devlin, United Planets Federation’s ace pilots: Launchpad McQuack and Diane Ardant, Padme Amidala, cyborg Primo, master of Martial arts named Master Chin, Punkers of Crimsonland: Boltz, Professor Paradox, Hawkeye, Kaito Tenjo and Shinigami led by Esmeralda. Thanks to their heroic efforts, Mira defeated Darchon, decimated his plans and she was no longer the weakest fighter in the universe, now she was one of the strongest fighters in the universe as she realized she is much stronger with allies by her side who love her dearly and she was no longer afraid of Empire of the Night and becoming evil again. However, one night, Mira has a grim nightmare. Mira found herself wandering all alone in abandoned and decayed version of Deltora Kingdom’s palace on planet Deltora and listening to whispers about how Mira might be the weakest fighter to exist in the universe, for which she is starting to succumb to her former flaws of not being good enough like other Heroes of the Universe. Mira then spots Lief with whom she tries to find comfort, but Lief harshly tells Mira that she is not good enough for him, that she doesn’t deserve to be one of the Heroes of the Universe and that she will always be alone living in fear of her insecurities. Mira begs Lief to give her another chance, but then she gets angry as she says “Hold a moment, Lief would never say cruel things like that.” Mira then fights Lief who gets furious. Lief angrily asks how could Mira saw through his words, and Mira told Lief “You made a fatal mistake by trying to belittle me because Lief I know would always by ready to help me, comfort me and believe in me because he knows how much my dreams and ideals of becoming one of the greatest Heroes of the Universe mean to me.” As Mira fights against Lief, she demands him to tell her who he is for real. But Lief smirks villainously by telling her “You want to know who I really am. Very well, prepare to meet your maker, Mira!”. Lief then unleashes a maelstrom of white vapor around himself and from the vapor emerges Darth Sidious who replaces Lief, disturbing Mira. Sidious disguised himself as Lief to break Mira into despair. Sidious commends Mira for perceptiveness and her capability to face her fears which allowed her to grow into a real hero, but gloats how none of that matters to him. Mira and Sidious engage in a fight where Mira wants to know how is Sidious still alive even though she and Anakin defeated him back in Protorion’s home realm called Nether Universe and killed him when Daphne – the Queen of Gods of the Universe discovered Sidious’s treachery and she took away his immortality which allowed Mira and Anakin to kill him for good. Sidious casually said to Mira that one just can’t keep a good ghost down, and he then revealed to Mira that even though she and Anakin defeated him and destroyed his plans of conquering STARGATE5 system, he finally got what he always wanted: Immortality through transfering consciousness with the Force simlarly to Jedi Knights that Sidious along with all other Sith Lords always sought to exterminate, and by infesting his essence into all who are vulnerable to succumbing to their negative qualities, allowing him to cheat death and how he is now free to torment whoever he pleases in their nightmares and in afterlife if they succumb to their negative qualities, which he planning to do to Mira. Mira manages to stand courageous and engages against Sidious as she confidently tells him “Keep dreaming Sidious, because you will not make me succumb to my fears not now nor ever again.”. Both, Mira and Sidious fight while having hateful and angry facial expressions against each other. Sidious uses his powers from the Dark Side of the Force while Mira uses her godlike Rainbow powers Queen Floria of the Rainbow Kingdom taught her to harness and control during time she fought against Protorions. Sidious and Mira are equally powerful against each other, which Sidious refuses to accept as he uses Force Lightning against Mira but the nightmare ends before the lightning can actually hit Mira as she wakes up in a sudden burst. Mira is relieved to find herself alive and that what she dreamed was illusion. Even though Mira no longer fears Empire of the Night and becoming evil again, her previous showdown against Sidious to free races of Rainbow Kingdom that were brainwashed by Sidious and Protorion Cult during their invasion on STARGATE5 still haunts her. Lief then slowly wakes up to ask Mira what’s going on and if everything is ok. Mira tells Lief that she is ok, but she had a grim nigthmare about how she saw him belittling her which was actually disguise used by Sidious who still haunts Mira in her nightmares. Lief comforts Mira that she faced and prevailed against both Sidious and Darchon and that compared to them, any other nightmare is just a breeze, and that with her loved ones, she will never be alone. Mira and Lief share a romantic kiss and a romantic hug before they go back to sleep. Although Mira peacefully returns to sleep because she no longer fears Empire of the Night and becoming evil again, she will remain on her guard for ghost of Sidious as he is now immortal with his new abilities to stalk those in their nightmares and eternally enslave them if they choose to give in their negative qualities. For Character Details: Mira has short orange hair, pale terran skin, sapphire blue eyes, red lips. Mira wears green-teal long-sleeved turtleneck, black belt, blue medium skirt, dark brown tights, orange socks and brown boots. Mira Clay has reputation to be cold-hearted and relentless, she is opposite of what others think of her. She is very kind, selfless, playful, honorable and loving to those she considers an ally. When she is charged in leading a squadron, Mira always tries to get the team moving, pushing them to fight strongly and always attempts to get things straightened out whenever the group gets into an argument. Lief has long blond hair and blue eyes. Lief is energetic and has action-oriented nature along with tendency to act on whims at times, but he is also compassionate, kind and good-natured. Lief is still heavily controlled by sentiment, and lets his heart rule his head on many occasions. Story is written in a diary format.

August 2nd, 3023

The air hangs heavy with the lingering scent of nightmares. I woke with a gasp, my heart pounding like a drum in my chest. The memory of that dreadful dream is still sharp, etching itself into my mind like an unwelcome tattoo.

It started in a warped, decaying version of Deltora’s palace. The grandeur was gone, replaced by crumbling stone and whispers carried on the wind. Whispers of doubt, of inadequacy, of me being the weakest fighter in the entire universe.

I searched for Lief, needing his familiar warmth, his unwavering belief in me. But he was there, his features twisted with an unfamiliar cruelty. “You’re not good enough,” he hissed, his voice laced with venom. “You don’t deserve to be a Hero. You’ll always be alone, consumed by your fears.”

A wave of anger surged through me, replacing the fear. “Hold a moment,” I shouted, my voice trembling with righteous fury. “Lief would never say such things!”

He laughed, a chilling, hollow sound. “How could you see through my words?” he demanded, his face contorted in a mask of pure rage.

“Because I know Lief,” I gritted out, my fists clenched. “He would stand beside me, comfort me, believe in me. He knows how much my dreams, my ideals, mean to me.”

As I battled him, a phantom figure, a monstrous mockery of my husband, I demanded the truth. “Who are you?” I screamed, my voice raw with desperation.

He smirked, his face shifting, revealing the sinister grin of Darth Sidious. “You want to know who I really am? Prepare to meet your maker, Mira!”

A maelstrom of white vapor erupted, engulfing him, and then, there he was – the Emperor himself, his eyes glittering with malevolent amusement.

He had disguised himself as Lief, preying on my deepest insecurities, twisting my vulnerabilities into weapons against me.

“You are a perceptive woman, Mira,” he said, his voice dripping with false praise. “You’ve faced your fears, you’ve grown into a hero. But none of that matters to me.”

I lunged at him, my anger burning white-hot. “How are you still alive?” I demanded, my voice hoarse. “Anakin and I defeated you, killed you.”

He laughed, a chilling, rasping sound. “One can’t keep a good ghost down, my dear. You see, I’ve found a way to cheat death. To infest the minds of the vulnerable, to torment them in their nightmares, even beyond the grave.”

His words were a cold wind, chilling me to the bone. He had infiltrated my mind, twisting my fears into nightmares, playing on my vulnerabilities. But I would not be his puppet. I would not be his victim.

“Keep dreaming, Sidious,” I said, my voice steady, unwavering. “You will not break me. Not now, not ever.”

We fought, the clash of our powers echoing through the decaying palace. The Force pulsed around him, dark and corrupting, while my own power, the Rainbow magic Floria had taught me to control, blazed with its own defiant brilliance.

The dream ended abruptly, the nightmare dissolving into a sudden burst of light. I woke, gasping for breath, my heart still pounding, but my fear had vanished.

Lief stirred beside me, his eyes heavy with sleep. “What is it?” he murmured, his voice thick with concern. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” I said, my voice shaky, but firm. “Just a nightmare.” I recounted the dream to him, the fear of Sidious, the twisted mockery of Lief.

“It’s alright, Mira,” Lief said, his voice soothing. “You faced and overcame both Sidious and Darchon. Compared to them, this nightmare is just a breeze. And you’re never alone. We’re here for you.”

He pulled me close, his arms strong and comforting. We kissed, the warmth of his love banishing the last remnants of the nightmare.

I drift back to sleep, the memory of the dream still lingering, but now, it holds no power over me. I have faced my fears, I have emerged stronger, and I know, with the love of my family and friends, that even the ghosts of the past can’t keep me from my destiny.

The nightmare may have been a warning, a reminder that the battle against darkness is never truly over, but it also served as a confirmation of my strength, of my resilience, and of the unbreakable bond I share with those I love.

Though I’ve conquered my fears, the ghost of Sidious still haunts me, a reminder that vigilance is key. But I am not alone. I am a hero, and I will never stop fighting for the light.