
I was helping my 20 years old friend, Deanna Mild

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/22 Read: 2333

I was helping my 20 years old friend, Deanna Mild, with her costume as her model at the California College of the Arts.

Deanna has dark brown hair in a tight braid and brown eyes.
Deanna is 20 years old and stand at 5 feet by 5 inches tall.

Her costume that she made for me to wear was a red overalls with 2 yellow buttons on the front and 2 yellow buttons on the back of the overalls with a green patch on the backside of the overalls, blue bowtie with yellow polka dots, and yellow gloves.

I has bright blonde hair in a high ponytail and light brown eyes.
I am 21 years old and stand at 5 feet by 5 inches tall.
My name is Rose Wentworth.

I look at the outfit that Deanna made for the Halloweek Dance and Costume contest this year.

I felt tired, so me and Deanna went to bed in our shared Dorm room.

That very night, some magic fell onto the outfit that Deanna and her friends made and started to glow very lightly.

The forward day, I went to my class of theater arts, while Deanna went to her class of fashion design to learn about sparkling sequins to decorate her own red-pink dress.

That night, I put on the outfit that Deanna and her friends made and touched it up a bit to bed.

White fur grew on my arms and legs.
My hands morphs into Roger Rabbit’s four fingered hands.
My legs changed into Roger Rabbit’s short legs.
My arms changes into Roger Rabbit’s slend arms with white fur tufts on the elbows.

More white fur grew on my torso.

My hourglass figure changes to being more like Roger Rabbit’s slender body shape.

My breasts flatten completely.

My feet grew bigger and flattened with pink bottoms with three toes and dark pink circles on the bottoms of the feet.

A white cotton-ball tail grew out of my backside.

My hair changed color from blonde to red-orange and reshapes wild red-orange hair just like Roger Rabbit’s hair tuft hairstyle.

The top of my face grew white fur.

The bottom of my face grew more white fur and reshaped into a rabbit muzzle with a single rabbit buck tooth growing on the left side of my mouth.
My cheeks got puffy up a bit just like Roger Rabbit’s with white fur tufts on the sides.

My nose brightens, turns bright pink and reshapes into a rounded triangle rabbit nose with three rabbit whiskers on both sides of my nose.

White rounded tipped Rabbit ears with white fur tufts and pink insides grew on my head.

My height decreased to the same height as Roger Rabbit, which is 3 feet.

I was still asleep.

I was trapped in Roger Rabbit’s body.

The school’s Halloweek Dance and Costume contest for October 27th, and then Deanna saw me as Roger Rabbit.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Deanna looking at me, a bit surprised.

I said with Roger Rabbit’s voice , “Deanna, why do you look so tall to me?, Deanna, I’m still Rose, I’m also….Roger Rabbit!”

I said in Roger Rabbit’s voice with a smile like Roger Rabbit, “p-b-b-b-b-bleeeease!”

I looked in the mirror, to see myself as Roger Rabbit with huge blue eyes like Roger Rabbit and in Roger Rabbit’s animated look from Who framed Roger Rabbit.

I said in Roger Rabbit’s voice, “Deanna, I’m Roger Rabbit.”

Deanna hugs me, feeling happiness bubbling in my chest.
I said in Roger Rabbit’s voice, “Thanks, Deanna.”

Deanna said with awe, “Rose, you are Roger Rabbit from the 1988 film, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”.”

I said in Roger Rabbit’s voice, “I guess It’s really me.”
Deanna cuddles me in her arms while I’m purring with delight and lovingly.
This Dance and Costume contest that is at our school.

Deanna put on a song, being the merry-go-round broke down from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

I started to sing the song while dancing with Deanna.

Me: “Oh, Roger is my name
And laughter is my game
C’mon, cowpoke
It’s just a joke
Don’t sit there on your brain

(spoken) Woo-hoo-hoo! Nice shirt! Who’s your tailor? Quasimodo? Hoo-hoo!

I’m not that debonair
I’m just a silly hare
If you want class
I’ll have to pass
So go get Fred Astaire

(spoken) Yeah, he’s good. But can he do this? Bl-bl-bl-bl-bl-bl-bl! Eat your heart out, Ginger Rogers!

My buddy’s Eddie V.
A sourpuss, you’ll “C”
But when I’m done
He’ll need no gun
Cause a joker he will “B”
C, D, E, F, G, H, I

I love to raise some cain
Believe me, it’s no strain
It feels so great
To smash a plate
And look, there is no pain.
No pain.”
“I’m not that debonair
I’m just a silly hare
If you want class
I’ll have to pass
So go get Fred Astaire

(spoken) Yeah, he’s good. But can he do this? Bl-bl-bl-bl-bl-bl-bl! Eat your heart out, Ginger Rogers!

Oh, Roger is my name
And laughter is my game
C’mon, cowpoke
It’s just a joke
Don’t sit there on your brain

(spoken) Woo-hoo-hoo! Nice shirt! Who’s your tailor? Quasimodo? Hoo-hoo!

My buddy’s Eddie V.
A sourpuss, you’ll “C”
But when I’m done
He’ll need no gun
Cause a joker he will “B”
C, D, E, F, G, H, I

I love to raise some cain
Believe me, it’s no strain
It feels so great
To smash a plate
And look, there is no pain
[Smashes plate on his head; the record starts skipping, and Roger keeps repeating himself.]

No pain [Smashes plate on his head]
No pain [Smashes plate on his head]
No pain [Smashes plate on his head]
No pain [Smashes plate on his head]
No pain [Smashes plate on his head]
No pain!!!!”

My school friends watched me as Roger Rabbit with Roger Rabbit’s voice and lift me up in the air.

My College friends saw me as a friend, no matter what I look like.

My school won the Halloweek Dance and Costume contest.

My college friends laugh at my funny jokes.

The end.

The air in our dorm room was thick with the scent of fabric softener and the nervous energy of a looming deadline. Deanna, with her dark brown hair pulled back in a tight braid, was meticulously inspecting the costume she’d created for the Halloweek Dance and Costume contest.

“How does it look, Rose?” she asked, her brown eyes searching for any flaws.

I ran my hand over the red overalls, their bright yellow buttons gleaming. The green patch on the back was a bit lopsided, but I didn’t mind. It was adorable.

“Perfect, Dee. You’re a genius,” I said, flashing her a smile. The exhaustion of late-night sewing sessions weighed heavily on me. I’d been helping Deanna finish her own costume, a red-pink creation adorned with sparkling sequins.

“I’m glad you like it,” she said, relief evident in her voice. We both settled into our beds, the excitement of the contest simmering below the surface.

I drifted off to sleep, a strange sense of unease settling over me. My dreams were filled with flashing lights, an intoxicating scent of caramel, and a chorus of laughing voices.

The following day, the costume seemed to have a life of its own. I felt a faint warmth radiating from the fabric, a subtle shimmer in the air around it. Deanna, oblivious, continued her research on sequins, her hands moving with precision.

That night, I slipped into the costume. As I pulled it on, a strange tingling sensation spread through my body. I tried to ignore it, chalking it up to the excitement of the upcoming contest. But the feeling intensified, morphing into a burning, prickly sensation.

I woke with a gasp, my heart pounding. My eyes, wide with terror, darted around the room. The room was dim, the only light coming from the streetlamp outside the window.

I felt a prickling sensation on my skin and, with a wave of horror, realized my arms and legs were covered in white fur. I tried to move, to shake it off, but my limbs felt stiff, heavy.

Panic clawed at my throat. I reached up to my face and felt the soft fur there, too. My hands were changing, transforming into four-fingered paws. My legs grew shorter, my feet flattening and thickening into pink, three-toed pads.

Then, a horrifying wave of nausea washed over me as my body contorted into a grotesque parody of my former self. My once-feminine figure was replaced by a slender, cartoonish shape. My breasts flattened, my hourglass figure a distant memory.

The worst was yet to come. A white cotton-ball tail sprouted from my backside, swaying back and forth in a sickening, grotesque dance.

My blonde hair turned a fiery red-orange, reshaping into a wild, tuft-like hairstyle. The top of my face became covered in white fur, my jaw contorting into a rabbit muzzle.

A single bucktooth protruded from my mouth, my nose turning bright pink and taking the form of a rounded triangle. My eyes, once a soft, light brown, were now enormous and blue, staring back at me with a wide, unnerving innocence.

I was no longer Rose. I was Roger Rabbit, a cartoon character trapped in a horrific, flesh-and-blood reality.

My height shrunk to that of a child, a mere three feet tall. I was a puppet, my every movement controlled by an unseen force.

My eyes slowly opened. I saw Deanna, her face a mask of shock and fear, standing over me.

“Deanna,” I croaked, my voice distorted, taking on the familiar cartoonish cadence of Roger Rabbit. “Why do you look so tall to me? Deanna, I’m still Rose, I’m also… Roger Rabbit!”

Deanna gasped, stepping back. I looked into the mirror, my reflection confirming my worst nightmare. The reality of my transformation hit me like a physical blow.

“Deanna, I’m Roger Rabbit,” I said, my voice trembling.

The words seemed to hang in the air, echoing the disbelief and fear that gripped us both.

“Rose,” Deanna whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “You are Roger Rabbit, from the 1988 film, ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?'”

The thought felt like a punch to the gut. My own body, my own identity, stolen and twisted into a grotesque parody of a fictional character.

“I guess it’s really me,” I said, my voice a mere squeak.

The weight of my situation, the terror of being trapped within a cartoonish body, threatened to overwhelm me. But then, I felt Deanna’s warm embrace, her arms wrapping around my tiny form.

The fear and confusion melted away, replaced by a wave of relief and a strange sense of acceptance.

Deanna put on a record, the merry-go-round music from the film filling the room. I started to sing, my voice taking on the joyful, slightly manic tone of Roger Rabbit.

“Oh, Roger is my name…” I sang, my tiny feet dancing in the air.

The Halloweek Dance was approaching. Deanna had a plan, a way to use this bizarre turn of events to our advantage. We would win the costume contest, she promised.

My mind was a whirlwind of confusion and fear, but as I felt Deanna’s hand in mine, a glimmer of hope emerged. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance to reclaim my humanity, to return to the world of flesh and bone.

But even as I held onto that hope, a nagging fear remained. What if this was my new reality, a cartoonish existence forever tethered to a world of animation?

The laughter and applause of the crowd at the Halloweek Dance were muffled by the overwhelming fear that chilled my heart. The music, the costumes, the merriment – none of it could erase the chilling truth. I was trapped, a cartoon character forever bound to the cruel whim of some unknown force.

The nightmare had just begun.