
Employees of a call center are in danger if they a

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/23 Read: 3918

Employees of a call center are in danger if they answer the phone of turning into demon zombies. They must be warned and saved. Their only hope of survival lies with three women. Ann, the demon slaying joker, Salwa, the masked chain swinging phone breaker, and Lata, the Kung fu demon slaying vampire in the far away back office. Not only do they need to stop the zombies in the office, but save the city as well

The fluorescent lights hummed, casting a sickly glow over the rows of cubicles in the call center. It was a familiar sight, a symphony of clicking keyboards and the drone of headsets. But tonight, something was different. A chilling whisper snaked through the air, carried on the static of a phone line. “Pick up… answer…”

Jason, a new recruit, nervously tapped his pen on his desk. He’d been warned about the “dead lines” – calls that ended in strange noises and unsettling whispers. But this call… it felt different. He looked around, his colleagues were glued to their screens, oblivious.

“Hello? Is someone there?” he said into the headset, his voice trembling. The voice on the other end whispered, “Come… join… us…” Then, a click.

He felt a tingling sensation crawl up his spine, his skin turning an unnatural shade of gray. His eyes, once a bright blue, now glowed an eerie red. Jason, the eager newbie, was now a phone-induced demon zombie.

Panic erupted. One by one, the employees answered the cursed calls, turning into mindless, flesh-hungry creatures. Only a few were spared, those who had heeded the whispers of an ancient urban legend. Ann, Salwa, and Lata. They were the last line of defense.

Ann, a quirky woman with a knack for the macabre, had heard the tales of the demonic calls. Dressed in a clown costume, her red nose twitching, she pulled out a silver-plated poker, its tip coated in holy water. “Time to clown around!” she exclaimed, her voice a chilling mixture of amusement and resolve.

Salwa, shrouded in a black hood, her face hidden by a silver mask, pulled out a massive chain with a spiked end. She whispered, “The phone is the enemy. Silence it.” She started smashing phones, her chain singing a deadly melody.

Lata, the quiet, unassuming woman in the far-off back office, suddenly materialized, her eyes glowing an unnatural green. She was a vampire, blessed with ancient martial arts skills, and she wielded a katana with the swiftness of a wraith. “This is my city,” she hissed, her voice a cold, lethal whisper.

The call center transformed into a gruesome battleground. Jason, now a terrifying demon zombie, lunged at Ann, his rotting teeth bared. She dodged, her poker flashing, a silver streak across the air. She jabbed, the holy water searing the demon, sending it back with a howl.

Salwa, a whirlwind of black cloth and metal, swung her chain with deadly accuracy. Each strike silenced a phone, each phone, a demon’s lifeline.

Lata, a blur of emerald and crimson, danced through the carnage. Her katana whispered through the air, a deadly song. Her eyes held the chilling gaze of the undead, her strikes swift and precise, each ending a demonic life.

As the battle raged, the demon zombies multiplied. The city was next. Ann, Salwa, and Lata knew they couldn’t afford to lose. They fought back, their determination fueled by the chilling knowledge that their survival, and the city’s, hung in the balance.

This wasn’t just a fight against demons. This was a desperate struggle against a creeping horror, an ancient evil that had found a new, terrifying way to spread. They were the unlikely heroes, the last bastion against the phone-induced apocalypse, fighting for their lives, their city, and the souls of those lost to the whispering calls.