
Title: “Bob and Sue vs The Amityville Horror”

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/24 Read: 4792

Title: “Bob and Sue vs The Amityville Horror”

Bob and sue explore the haunted Amitvyille house late at night. Things go horribly wrong.


1. Bob realizes this is the exact same location, which is 112 ocean avenue. It was changed to 108 ocean avenue to discourage tourists from seeing the house, but that didn’t stop Bob from exploring the world’s most haunted house.

2. While going to the house, Bob tells the story about how the house became “haunted”. Apparently a man named Ronald Defeo killed all 6 member of his family with a shotgun while they were sleeping. He said voices told him to do it. No member of the family or a neighbor woken up to the gunshots. Sue asks what voices made Ronald do it. Bob says it’s quite unknown, but according to the database, 35 years BEFORE the Defeo’s moved in, a man died from an illness in the Amitvyille house. And because of that ONE illness, it caused a movie franchise that would break box office records.

3. When Bob and Sue arrive to the house Bob figures out the combination to the house lock. When they see the marvelous interior inside the house. Sue still finds this a bit creepy, but they continue as they slowly take a camcorder for filming. They turn on the lights and start recording. Bob welcome the viewers to the infamous Amityville house as the door behind them slowly closes by itself. Sue asks Bob if she saw something, and Bob thinks if was probably just the wind. But Sue still thinks the house is haunted.

4. They check out the living room with a nice brick fireplace, which was switched to a gas fireplace. Sue turn it on, but for some reason, the living room is freezing cold. Bob sees a window that is suddenly open and he closes it, while Sue cranks the temperature up. They check out the sunroom quickly and leave the living room. The window suddenly open back again, and the temperature falls down by 5 degrees all by themselves while Bob and sue’s back are turned.

5. After they see the dining room and kitchen, they check out the basement under the stairs, where the source of evil comes from, which is the mysterious red (brick) room, but it was locked shut behind a wooden door with a latch. Slightly disappointed, they move on. The door to the red room unlocks by itself and opens by a crack, then locks again.

6. At the 2nd floor, which has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in-between, Bob eventually gets trapped in the bathroom between the 3rd and 4th bedroom. Sue manages to get him out, but Bob is still paralyzed about what just happened.

7. They have a chance to explore the 3rd floor, which has 2 bedrooms and a bathroom in-between, unaware that a demonic presence is coming to end their lives. The demon chases Bob and Sue as they frantically try to find a way out, but there was no escape. They then realized there’s an outside balcony at the 2nd floor in the 3rd bedroom. They manage to escape alive and never returned. As they get back in their country Texas, they upload the video they recording in the morning, just to warn everyone.

Bob and Sue are not paranormal investigators.

The salty air whipped around Bob and Sue as they stood before the infamous house. “112 Ocean Avenue,” Bob read aloud, a mischievous glint in his eye. “It’s the real deal, Sue. This is the Amityville Horror house.”

Sue, ever the skeptic, shivered despite the balmy night. “You sure this is safe, Bob? I mean, they say it’s haunted…”

Bob chuckled, a seasoned thrill seeker. “Don’t worry, honey, they changed the address to 108 to discourage tourists. Nobody’s ever been here. We’re gonna make history, baby!” He winked, his bravado masking a hint of unease.

He recounted the gruesome tale of Ronald Defeo, the man who murdered his family in cold blood. “He said voices told him to do it,” Bob finished, “Imagine, voices in your head compelling you to kill your loved ones.”

“What kind of voices?” Sue asked, her eyes wide. “It must have been demonic, right?”

Bob shrugged. “Who knows, Sue? Maybe the house itself is cursed.”

He expertly picked the lock and pushed open the heavy wooden door. Inside, the air hung thick and cold. The house was dark and silent, a stillness that felt unnatural. Bob’s smile faltered as he noticed the strange chill in the air.

“Let’s start recording,” Bob said, his voice a little shaky. He turned on the camcorder and addressed the camera. “Hey, YouTube, it’s Bob and Sue, live from the Amityville Horror house. Let’s go explore!”

Sue’s voice trembled. “Don’t you think we should have brought some kind of…protection?”

As if in response, the door behind them slammed shut with a sickening thud. Bob and Sue whirled around, their eyes wide with fear. The house seemed to sigh, a low, rumbling sound that seemed to shake the very walls.

“It’s just the wind,” Bob tried to assure himself, but his voice shook. “It’s probably just the wind.”

They moved into the living room, the air growing colder with each step. Sue felt a prickle on the back of her neck, a feeling of being watched. The fireplace, which had been replaced with a gas version, felt strangely cold.

“I’m going to turn up the heat,” Sue said, her voice tight.

As she did so, a window slammed open, the cold air rushing in. Bob scrambled to close it, but before he could, the temperature plummeted, and a deep, guttural laugh echoed through the house.

They hurried out of the living room, each step a desperate attempt to escape the oppressive presence. As they passed the dining room and kitchen, a cold gust of wind swept through the house, slamming the door to the basement shut.

Bob attempted to open it. It was locked. “The red room,” he murmured, his voice hushed with awe. “They say the evil comes from there.”

Suddenly, the door creaked open a fraction of an inch, revealing a pitch black void. The cold air from the basement was chilling, and it smelled…rotten. Bob froze, his body heavy with fear.

Sue’s voice was barely a whisper. “Bob, let’s get out of here.”

They ascended the stairs, their hearts pounding. The second floor was filled with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Bob, feeling a sudden urge to use the bathroom, dashed into the one between the third and fourth bedrooms. The door slammed shut behind him, and the lock clicked into place. He pounded on the door, his voice a choked scream.

“Bob!” Sue cried, her voice filled with terror. “Help!”

The door creaked open, revealing a blood-red glow emanating from the bathroom. Bob stood frozen, his eyes wide with fear. The reflection in the mirror was no longer his own. It was something else, something malevolent. The eyes were glowing red, and the mouth was stretched into a grotesque grin.

Before he could scream, the bathroom was engulfed in a blinding light, and Bob was thrown back into the hallway, landing hard against the wall.

Sue rushed to his side, her arms trembling. “Bob, are you okay? What happened?”

Bob was unable to answer. He was paralyzed with fear, his mind reeling from the horrors he had just seen. The house was alive, breathing, and it was hungry.

They fled the house, their footsteps echoing in the silence. They were trapped, but they found an escape route: a balcony leading from the third bedroom on the second floor.

As they ran for their lives, they heard the demonic laughter pursuing them. They knew it was close, and that they wouldn’t be safe until they were far away.

They managed to reach the balcony, and the cold night air slammed into them. The laughter died down, replaced by the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore.

They ran to their car, their bodies shaking with adrenaline. As they drove away, the house seemed to shrink in the rearview mirror, receding into the darkness.

Back in their home in Texas, Bob and Sue uploaded the video of their harrowing experience. They didn’t explain everything, just enough to send a shiver down the spines of those who watched. “We saw something we shouldn’t have,” Bob whispered into the camera. “And we’ll never go back.”

The video went viral, becoming a cautionary tale, a testament to the power of evil that lurks in the shadows, waiting to claim its next victims. The Amityville Horror was real, and Bob and Sue were living proof.