
Lovelitchi, Melodytchi and Pianitchi become giante

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/25 Read: 6724

Lovelitchi, Melodytchi and Pianitchi become giantesses and use their own ways to destroy Tokyo. Characters: Lovelitchi is wearing her pink stockings, and a three-layered pink idol dress that changes brightness from each layer, from pink to white.
Melodytchi is wearing a violet overall shorts with lighter violet buttons on it. She also wears a large, black hat with dark pinkish-red highlights and a pair of purple, droplet-shaped earrings.
Pianitchi is wearing a pink dress with round sleeves, as well as a dark pink tie and purple stockings. She has a purple beret on her head.
Originally, their height is about 80cm.
They all live in Tokyo. Setting: Lovelitchi’s voice can melt everything into liquid.
Melodytchi’s violin sound can make everyone sleep forever.
Pianitchi’s piano sound can enlarge her, Lovelitchi and Melodytchi.
Originally, they are at the Tokyo Skytree. After the transformation, they start wander around the city. wandering around the city.
With dialogues.
No heroes.

The Tokyo Skytree shimmered under the setting sun, a beacon against the darkening sky. Three tiny figures stood at the observation deck, their faces etched with wonder. Lovelitchi, Melodytchi, and Pianitchi, best friends since kindergarten, were enjoying a rare afternoon outing.

“Look, Melodytchi! The whole city is like a miniature model,” Lovelitchi exclaimed, her pink dress shimmering as she spun. “It’s so pretty, like a giant dollhouse!”

Melodytchi, her purple earrings twinkling, adjusted her black hat and smiled. “Indeed, Lovelitchi. But I wonder what it would be like to be bigger than those buildings, to see everything from a whole new perspective.”

Pianitchi, her purple beret perched jauntily on her head, tinkered with the small piano she always carried. “That would be amazing! But how would we ever become that big?”

As if in answer to her question, a strange hum filled the air. The ground beneath them vibrated, and a wave of energy surged up, engulfing the three friends. The skytree swayed violently, its glass panels cracking and shattering.

“W-What’s happening?!” Lovelitchi gasped, clutching her chest.

Melodytchi, her eyes wide with fear, gripped her violin. “I don’t know, but it doesn’t feel good!”

Pianitchi, her face pale, slammed her hands on the piano keys. A piercing sound filled the air, echoing through the city. As the sound subsided, the girls gasped. They were enormous, towering over the Tokyo Skytree like mythical giants.

“We’re… we’re huge!” Lovelitchi shrieked, her voice echoing off the buildings, causing windows to shatter.

“But how?” Melodytchi asked, her voice trembling.

Pianitchi’s face was aglow with newfound power. “I… I think it was my music. I played a new piece I was working on. It’s called… ‘Giant Symphony.'”

Lovelitchi, her heart pounding with excitement, started to giggle. “This is amazing! Let’s explore the city!”

Melodytchi, still shaken, adjusted her hat. “But what about the people? We could crush them underfoot!”

Lovelitchi’s laugh turned manic. “Don’t worry, Melodytchi! We’ll be careful. We’ll be careful…”

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she took a deep breath. “Now, let’s see what all this excitement is about!”

Her voice, as sweet as a lullaby, turned sharp and piercing. The buildings around them began to melt, their concrete and steel turning to viscous goo. The streets, once crowded with people, were now a flowing river of melted asphalt.

“Wow, Lovelitchi!” Melodytchi exclaimed, her eyes wide. “Your voice is truly powerful!”

The three girls, their faces twisted with a strange mixture of glee and terror, began their journey through Tokyo. Melodytchi, her violin now a weapon of mass sleep, played haunting melodies that lulled the city to eternal slumber. Buildings collapsed under their weight, cars were crushed under their feet, and the once-vibrant city slowly transformed into a desolate wasteland.

Pianitchi, her piano echoing with the thunder of a giant’s footsteps, played scales that made the earth tremble, causing the very foundations of Tokyo to crumble. The city, once a symbol of progress and human ingenuity, was being slowly erased from existence.

As the sun rose, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple, the three giantesses stood atop the ruins of Tokyo. The city, their playground, was a testament to their terrifying power. And in the silence that followed, they knew they had only just begun.