
Title: “Bob and Sue vs The Amityville Horror”

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/25 Read: 920

Title: “Bob and Sue vs The Amityville Horror”

Bob and sue explore the haunted Amitvyille house late at night. Things go horribly wrong.


1. Bob realizes this is the exact same location, which is 112 ocean avenue. It was changed to 108 ocean avenue to discourage tourists from seeing the house, but that didn’t stop Bob from exploring the world’s most haunted house.

2. While going to the house, Bob tells the story about how the house became “haunted”. Apparently a man named Ronald Defeo killed all 6 member of his family with a shotgun while they were sleeping. He said voices told him to do it. No member of the family or a neighbor woken up to the gunshots. Sue asks what voices made Ronald do it. Bob says it’s quite unknown, but according to the database, 35 years BEFORE the Defeo’s moved in, a man died from an illness in the Amitvyille house. And because of that ONE illness, it caused a movie franchise that would break box office records.

3. When Bob and Sue arrive to the house Bob figures out the combination to the house lock. When they see the marvelous interior inside the house. Sue still finds this a bit creepy, but they continue as they slowly take a camcorder for filming. They turn on the lights and start recording. Bob welcome the viewers to the infamous Amityville house as the door behind them slowly closes by itself. Sue asks Bob if she saw something, and Bob thinks if was probably just the wind. But Sue still thinks the house is haunted.

4. They check out the living room with a nice brick fireplace, which was switched to a gas fireplace. Sue turn it on, but for some reason, the living room is freezing cold. Bob sees a window that is suddenly open and he closes it, while Sue cranks the temperature up. They check out the sunroom quickly and leave the living room. The window suddenly open back again, and the temperature falls down by 5 degrees all by themselves while Bob and sue’s back are turned.

5. After they see the dining room and kitchen, they check out the basement under the stairs, where the source of evil comes from, which is the mysterious red (brick) room, but it was locked shut behind a wooden door with a latch. Slightly disappointed, they move on. The door to the red room unlocks by itself and opens by a crack, then locks again.

6. At the 2nd floor, which has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in-between, Bob eventually gets trapped in the bathroom between the 3rd and 4th bedroom. Sue manages to get him out, but Bob is still paralyzed about what just happened.

7. They have a chance to explore the 3rd floor, which has 2 bedrooms and a bathroom in-between, unaware that a demonic presence is coming to end their lives. The demon chases Bob and Sue as they frantically try to find a way out, but there was no escape. They then realized there’s an outside balcony at the 2nd floor in the 3rd bedroom. They manage to escape alive and never returned. As they get back in their country Texas, they upload the video they recording in the morning, just to warn everyone.

Bob and Sue are not paranormal investigators.

The streetlight cast a sickly yellow glow on the weathered clapboard facade of 112 Ocean Avenue. Bob, a lanky Texan with a perpetual grin, squinted at the address. “This is it, Sue. The Amityville Horror house.”

Sue, his ever-practical wife, shuddered, her eyes wide. “It’s creepy, Bob. Are you sure about this?”

Bob chuckled, dismissing her concerns. “Relax, honey. It’s just a house. Besides, they changed the address to 108 to deter tourists. But I figured out the original address, see? Now we get the real deal.”

He launched into a detailed account of the DeFeo murders, the chilling history of the house. Sue listened, her apprehension growing with each morbid detail. “What about those voices, Bob?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper. “What made Ronald do it?”

“Nobody knows for sure,” Bob said, shrugging. “Some say it was demons, some say mental illness. The real story, the one that matters, is that this place is steeped in darkness. And we’re going to capture it all on camera.”

The padlock clicked open with a satisfying thunk. Bob, his grin wider than ever, pushed the door open. The air inside was thick and heavy, like stale smoke. The house was eerily silent, the only sound the soft creak of the floorboards beneath their feet.

“Welcome to Amityville, everyone,” Bob announced into the camera, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness. Sue was glued to his side, her hand gripping his arm tightly. The door behind them slammed shut, a sharp metallic sound that sent shivers down their spines.

“Did you hear that?” Sue whispered, her voice trembling.

“Must have been the wind,” Bob said, but his voice was strained. He tried to play it cool, but even he couldn’t deny the unsettling feeling that had settled over them.

They explored the ground floor, the living room with its oversized fireplace now converted to gas. The temperature dropped dramatically, the air suddenly thick and icy. A window rattled shut as if slammed by an invisible hand. Sue shivered, her face pale.

“This is crazy, Bob,” she whispered, her voice tight with fear. “Let’s just go.”

But Bob was determined to see the infamous “red room,” the basement space where, according to lore, the heart of the house’s evil resided. The door to the basement was locked, but as they turned away, a chilling sound echoed from the dark space – the metallic click of a latch being released. The door swung open a crack, then slammed shut again, locking itself.

On the second floor, the hallway was an oppressive labyrinth of shadowed bedrooms and silent bathrooms. Bob became trapped in one of the bathrooms, the door suddenly locking behind him. The terror in his eyes was palpable as Sue frantically tried to open it.

“I can’t get it open!” Sue cried, her voice a desperate shriek. “There’s something in here with me, I can feel it!”

Finally, the door yielded, and Bob stumbled out, his face drained of all color.

They made it to the third floor, the air thick with a sense of foreboding. They moved from bedroom to bedroom, the camera capturing each unsettling detail. A sudden gust of wind slammed the window open, the temperature plummeting in an instant. The stench of decay and damp earth filled the air.

“Run!” Sue screamed, her voice hoarse with terror. A monstrous roar echoed from the hallway, a sound that ripped through their souls. They could feel the presence, a palpable force of darkness, closing in on them.

Their escape was a desperate scramble, a blind dash through the house, the demonic presence on their heels. They burst through the window of the second floor bedroom, scrambling onto the narrow balcony. They clung to the railing, their lungs burning, as the terrifying creature stalked them, its guttural moans echoing from the house below.

Finally, they reached the ground, their limbs trembling, their bodies wracked with terror. They ran, their hearts pounding in their chests, until they reached the safety of their car. They didn’t stop until they reached the highway, the monstrous house receding into the distance, a dark silhouette against the horizon.

Back in their Texan home, they uploaded the footage, a chilling testament to their brush with the darkness that dwelled within the walls of the Amityville Horror house. Their faces were pale, their eyes haunted, but their voices were steady as they warned their viewers: “Stay away. The house is real. The evil is real.”

Their story became a cautionary tale, a stark reminder that some places are better left untouched, some horrors best left undisturbed.