
Bud Redhead narrating his career as secret agent.

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/26 Read: 2948

Bud Redhead narrating his career as secret agent. Bud Redhead is just a normal teenager who is at first a playful and goofy during peaceful times, but when crime threatens he is a determined and optimistic fighter who takes his job of serving justice seriously, albeit he does crack few puns during them from time to time. Bud’s girlfriend is Rachel Blondehead with whom he always goes on a date and who makes his life full of excitement and adventure. However, Rachel is often a target for bad guys to pick on, which happened to her so many times that she had started to get used to it eversince Bud’s pursuit for Feyatta who kidnapped Rachel long ago before Bud got to be secret agent. Bud bested Feyatta, but he spared him when Feyatta told him his backstory in which he was born in captivity when his parents were abducted by Ozarion – greatest collector of races in universe who abducted Feyatta’s parents many years ago and threatened to kill them if Feyatta refused to cooperate. Recently, Rachel has became favorite victim for abductions by a slick loane shark named Don Piero and his goons, who rip off others by making them sign false documents, then taking their belongings. Don Piero felt entitled to have Rachel to be his slave girl, and was always ready to with his goons ambush her from sewer holes and kidnap her whenever she took a stroll across streets. Bud was naturally always aware of that, if he wasn’t, then perhaps he would be a lazy slacker who hardly ever did anything. During entire pursuit, his love and devotion for Rachel made him a persistent secret agent who always puts wrench into Don Piero’s plans and makes him look like a comedic bufoon. Scoundrels like Don Piero never cared for those who they hurt along the way, which disgusted Bud as Don Piero was willing to cross any line to get what he wanted. Helping civilians along the way, Bud was ready to get Don Piero no matter what, and as long he was at loose, riots would rule. Upon crossing the bridge, Don Piero and his goons dynamited it. Fortunately, Bud was not a pessimistic simpleton as Don Piero thought. Bud came up with a plan to make his own bridge, for which he brought with himself a modified rope ball for reaching otherwise unreachable places. Starting to walk on rope bridge, Bud expected strong resistance from Don Piero’s goons who started walking on rope bridge to fight him, but when justice is on side of heroes, numbers of villain’s goons dwindle. Having crossed to the other side of destroyed bridge, Bud grumpily yelled at Don Piero that when he is done with him, he will give him such a kick in the butt that will make him a public mockery. Don Piero and his goons had another plan to cripple Bud by disabling him ways to climb with Rachel still being their captive, all so they could make Bud lose his cool. For Bud, villains like Don Piero always come up with idiotic plans in which one can always flaws and holes. But, Don Piero was never intent on giving up, after climbing on the highest peak of the dump, Don Piero’s goons tied up Rachel with the rope around her chest, arms and wrists on her arms. Don Piero bragged to Bud that by his garbage dumpster how no matter what it takes, he will never get to his girlfriend Rachel. Don Piero and his goons then locked tied up Rachel in a cage, threatening her that she will never see Bud again and that she will be Don Piero’s slave girl for good. Fortunately, Bud’s girlfriend Rachel is smart and flirtatiously firm as much as she is charming and beautiful, and Rachel never weeps when she is held captive. Though bound and locked, Rachel noticed keys hanging from butt of Don Piero’s suit, and she managed to snatch it from him without him even noticing anything as he was too busy bragging against Bud. With keys snatched, Rachel waited for Bud to finally arrive to rescue her while she remaind tied up and locked in a cage. Bud’s modified rope ball hid in itself various tricks, among which one of them is anchoring itself so Bud can climb to great heights. Bud jumps, grabs the rope and starts climbing on it hand by hand, occasionally taking one hand off the rope and pulling herself further left with the other hand, without his legs touching the ground. Don Piero’s goons threw garbage dumps at Bud, but he maneuvered over them using his skills during his tutorial for becoming a secret agent by grey humanoid aliens named Zark and Kraz who are agents of Cosmic Federation and Bud’s mentors. Bud even cracked a joke how he didn’t expected weather to be cloudy with a chance of trash cans while climbing on rope. Finding an umbrella to use as a weapon since he had no other weapons available, Bud bested Don Piero’s goons, sending them packing in garbage cans. Finally arriving to Don Piero, Bud was ready to fight him to rescue Rachel. Don Piero armed himself using machette as melee weapon against Bud’s umbrella. Don Piero’s machette was sharp but too heavy for his short stature to carry, which is what Bud used for his advantage. Bud managed to outsmart Don Piero and make him lose balance, eventually kicking his butt and sending him packing in garbage cans together with his goons, which was a “Cantastic” move as Bud joked. Bud finally reached Rachel and she never doubted in him at all. Bud and Rachel shared love kiss, and after kiss, Rachel later presented Bud key she snatched from Don Piero. Bud used key from which he freed Rachel and untied her. Bud was awarded with medal of honor by United Planets Federation for his efforts, Don Piero and his goons are sentenced to United Planets Federation’s prison on planet Andros. And Bud and Rachel went off to new adventures together. For Character Details: Bud Redhead has short red-brown hair with a bob haircut and green eyes, Bud wears consists of a orange-golden short-sleeved roundneck shirt, dark brown belt, green jeans and brown shoes with grey soles. Bud has two personalities: Heroic and Playful. In his heroic personality, Bud is serious, devoted, optimistic, determined and no-nonsense. In his playful personality, Bud is goofy, comical, fun-loving, enthusiastic and wacky. Rachel Blondehead has long golden-yellow hair tied and pulled back into a braided ponytail, and yellow eyes. Rachel is flirty and sassy lady who is proactive, feminine and energetic tomboy, she is also feisty, nonchalant and firm whenever she is either the one to save the day or a damsel in distress to rescue. Both, Bud and Rachel are supportive and loyal friends on which one can always count they will do what is right. Story is written in a diary format.

Bud Redhead’s Diary – Entry: The “Cantastic” Dumpster Dive

Well, folks, buckle up! Another day, another adventure! This time, it’s all about Don Piero, the slick loan shark who thinks he’s got a monopoly on mayhem and misery. Let’s just say, this “Cantastic” fellow needs to learn a lesson about the real meaning of “garbage” and the power of a good old-fashioned butt-kick.

You see, Don Piero has a thing for Rachel. Not the “love” kind of thing, mind you, more like the “desperate-for-a-slave-girl” kind. He’s been after her ever since Feyatta, the infamous villain I took down last year, tried the same thing. It seems some guys just can’t get the hint.

He and his goons are always lurking, waiting for their chance to snatch Rachel from the streets. They’ve tried sewers, alleyways, even hidden in garbage trucks – you name it, they’ve tried it! I swear, they’re more “Cantastic” than the “c” word itself!

So, this time, they’re pulling the “dynamite the bridge and hold her hostage” routine. Talk about a classic! But like I always say, you can’t outsmart a hero with a “Cantastic” attitude! They blew the bridge, and they’re thinking I’m just going to sit here and sulk? Pfft! I’m not a simpleton!

I whipped out my trusty modified rope ball – that thing’s got more tricks than a magician’s hat! I tied it off and started walking across this makeshift rope bridge, “Cantastic” as it was. Of course, Don Piero and his goons followed, probably hoping to take me down before I got to Rachel. But you know what they say? When you’re fighting for justice, numbers don’t matter! They started raining down on me, but I was nimble as a cat and I got across. And that’s when the real fun began!

“Don Piero, you’re gonna get a kick in the butt so hard, you’ll be a public mockery!” I yelled, letting him know I was coming for him. He really thought he had me cornered. “We’ve crippled his ability to climb! He’s helpless!” he yelled. Oh, how wrong he was. Villains, they always come up with the most “Cantastic” plans, and I always know exactly where the cracks are.

He had Rachel tied up in a cage, and he was bragging about how he would never let me reach her. They even locked her in a cage! But they hadn’t counted on Rachel’s cunning. While Don Piero was busy taunting me, she noticed the keys dangling from his belt, and she snatched them! “Cantastic” thinking, my love! She knew I’d be there soon.

I launched myself onto the rope, using my rope ball to reach the top of the garbage dump where Don Piero had Rachel. He had his goons flinging garbage at me, but my alien training with Zark and Kraz had prepared me for such “Cantastic” encounters!

“Cantastic weather we’ve got here, huh? Cloudy with a chance of trash cans!” I cracked as I dodged a flying bin, sending it back at the goons. Finally, I made it to the top. Don Piero was waiting, armed with a machete. I, on the other hand, had an umbrella! Don’t underestimate a hero with an umbrella, folks. I’ve learned to turn just about anything into a weapon!

Don Piero swung, but his machete was heavy and he was slow. I was quicker and more agile. A few well-placed moves and a strategically timed kick sent him flying into a pile of garbage with his goons. “Cantastic” indeed!

I reached Rachel, she never doubted for a second I would save her. We shared a kiss, and she handed me the key she had taken. It was just like a scene from a movie – her eyes sparkling, the key glinting in the light. It was a “Cantastic” moment!

Rachel was free, and Don Piero and his goons were headed to the United Planets Federation Prison on Andros. Another day, another mission accomplished! And I got to see a “Cantastic” smile from Rachel, what more could I ask for?

We went on to have the most “Cantastic” date after, and now, I’m sitting here writing, but not for long, because I can already tell tomorrow will be another “Cantastic” adventure. We’re heading back to Earth and I can already see Rachel’s face light up as she gets ready for another adventure, with me, of course! The life of a secret agent? It’s never dull, folks. Just “Cantastic”!