
Marija Sičić finding her virtue of confidence. S

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/26 Read: 2063

Marija Sičić finding her virtue of confidence. Story begins with how in Oklaj city existed a wizard school where best of the students from all of Croatia country came to learn magic and martial arts, with a young man named David Tomašek from Čakovec city being best of them all. Marija Sičić was part of the school too, but she was just an unconfident janitor on whom everybody picked on and treated as a slave, she was pretty much like wizardly Cinderella. Marija longed to be one of the school’s students, but she was too unconfident in herself thinking that she was weak despite being very smart, allowing bullies to pick on her and enjoy her misery. During one night she was using her arcane magic skills to clean school, David observed Marija and he was impressed with her speed, accuracy and arcanery she used to clean school. David commends Marija which she finds suprising as no one ever commended her before, and asks her to try out for school talents. Marija refuses in shame, believing she will just make a fool of herself, but David encourages her that she may never know that unless she tries. Encouraged by David’s words, Marija thought that she should try, and she trained arcanery and martial arts every night after work, but not without experiencing several injuries and struggles. When day of martial arts and arcanery tryouts came, everybody in school chose to participate, even Marija who felt unconfident. Task for the tryouts was to reach the rainbow colored gem which at first seemed seriously easy, but was infact very hard to nearly impossible as the gem was surrounded by polygon infested with obstacles, which every student failed to pass through. Teachers were disappointed in students as they asked them can no one reach the gem in their polygon of obstacles. David optimistically pointed out that Marija can. But when Marija introduced herself unconfidently, students and teachers laughed at the thought of a unconfident and unskilled janitor like her being able to pass polygon, and they all insulted her to clear the mess the students made. Marija is broken and David tries to comfort her, but Marija is yelling at him in betrayal and hurt that she believed that he can help her find confidence she needed, yet all he did was made a fool out of her and she turns to leave crying, unaware that she stepped into a polygon. Once students and teachers saw that Marija stepped into a polygon that triggered obstacles, they became worried for her. Marija was afraid and she screamed for help. Teachers tried to urge Marija to slowly step out so they can help her get out, but Marija remained stationary as she was too afraid she will get hurt. But when Marija noticed that architecture of polygon of obstacles was exactly like the school architecture she always cleaned, she moved slowly. When Marija triggered an obstacle, she managed to block it with her magic. That’s when Marija finally found what she needed: Confidence, which flowed full through Marija’s body and soul alike, even her clothes were now full of confidence. David optimistically encouraged Marija to continue onward. Using her magic and agility from her training combined with confidence, Marija has successfully passed through every obstacle in the polygon and finally picked the rainbow gem. With rainbow gem in her hands, Marija was at first in disbelief she successfuly obtained rainbow gem from polygon of obstacles, but then she triumphantly said same to teachers and students as if she accomplished something awesome for the first time in her life before. Safely coming out of the polygon of obstacles with the rainbow gem, Marija gave it to David who was very proud of her and with whom Marija reconciled. Teachers and students were amazed with how a janitor like Marija successfully passed tryouts and they finally accepted her as part of the students. Marija’s tormentors were unimpressed with her triumph and still saw her as a victim to pick on deeming her lucky because she was usurping what they believed it belonged to them, but Marija with her new confidence used her magic to prank them by giving them piggy tails on their butts that make them cry, amusing herself, David, teachers and other students alike. Story ends with everybody celebrating Marija’s victory of going from janitor to student while bullies who picked on Marija were reduced to humiliated janitors for lifetime, as Marija found her greatest virtue: Confidence. For Character details: Marija Sičić has brown short hair that covers her ears, and her primary outfit consists of a brown-grey long bell-sleeved shirt with dark brown lines on the middle, blue jeans and dark blue heeled boots under the jeans. Marija is smart, resourceful, crafty, strategic and is good in translating but can sometimes be unconfident and insecure in herself and a little bit pessimistic. Marija specializes in using her intelligence and arcanery to fight against bad guys. Setting: In the Oklaj, one of the cities in the country of Croatia

The Oklaj Wizarding Academy, a hallowed institution nestled amidst the rolling hills of Croatia, drew the brightest young minds from across the land. David Tomašek, a prodigy from Čakovec, stood as the pinnacle of their talents, mastering both magic and martial arts with unparalleled skill. But within the academy’s bustling halls, a different story unfolded. Marija Sičić, a young woman with brown hair that framed her face, toiled as a janitor, a shadow in the grand tapestry of magic and ambition.

Marija was intelligent and resourceful, possessing a keen eye for detail and a knack for arcane magic. However, a deep-seated insecurity held her back, making her a target for the academy’s students. They saw her as a mere servant, a figure to be bullied and belittled. Her spirit, though resilient, was slowly dwindling, whispering doubts about her abilities.

One moonlit night, as Marija used her arcane magic to flawlessly clean the academy’s corridors, a figure emerged from the shadows. David, his eyes narrowed in admiration, watched Marija’s deft movements, her quick reflexes, and the intricate weaving of her arcane energies. The sight surprised him, for never had he seen such prowess in a mere janitor.

“You have remarkable talent, Marija,” David said, his voice breaking the silence.

Marija, startled, stumbled back, her face flushed with surprise. No one had ever praised her before. David, sensing her hesitation, urged her to try out for the academy’s talent program.

“Don’t let your doubts hold you back,” he said, his gaze filled with encouragement. “You have the potential to be great, Marija. You just need to believe in yourself.”

Marija was shaken. The idea of joining the academy, of being a student alongside those who had mocked her, seemed both exhilarating and terrifying. She had always believed she was unworthy, too timid, too ordinary. But David’s words resonated within her. He saw something in her that she had never seen in herself.

With a newfound determination, Marija began training. Every night, after her duties were done, she practiced arcane spells and martial arts, pushing her body and mind to their limits. She endured countless injuries and setbacks, but her spirit never wavered. David’s words had kindled a spark of hope, and she refused to let it die.

The day of the talent trials arrived. The academy buzzed with anticipation. Students lined up, eager to demonstrate their skills. Marija, still plagued by insecurities, stood at the back, her heart pounding in her chest. But David, with his unwavering belief in her, pushed her forward.

“You can do this, Marija,” he whispered, his eyes filled with encouragement.

The trial involved navigating a treacherous polygon filled with obstacles, culminating in a rainbow-colored gem at its center. One by one, students attempted the challenge, only to fail. They were met with groans of disappointment and murmurs of doubt.

The teachers, exasperated, declared, “Is there no one here who can reach the gem?”

David stepped forward, his eyes twinkling with an optimistic glint. “Marija can.”

The academy erupted in laughter. Students and teachers scoffed at the idea of a janitor, a nobody, overcoming the impossible. They mocked her, their words sharp and cruel.

Marija, her face burning with shame, turned to David, her voice laced with betrayal and pain. “You told me to believe in myself, that I could be great. Yet, you make a fool of me in front of everyone. I’m leaving.”

Tears streamed down her face as she turned to leave, unaware she had stepped into the polygon.

Suddenly, the laughter died down. The polygon, sensing her presence, activated its defenses, swirling with energy and unleashing a barrage of obstacles. The students and teachers, horrified, realized the danger she was in.

Marija, her heart pounding in her chest, cried out for help. The teachers urged her to step back, but she was frozen with fear. The obstacles, however, were a familiar sight. They resembled the very architectural details of the academy that she cleaned every night.

And then, a spark ignited within her. She remembered the countless hours she had spent cleaning those corridors, the intricate details she had memorized. She slowly stepped forward, using her knowledge of the academy’s architecture to anticipate the obstacles.

With practiced ease, she deflected the obstacles with her magic, her fear replaced by a growing sense of confidence. David, watching from the sidelines, cheered her on, his eyes filled with pride.

As she moved further into the polygon, Marija’s confidence soared. The doubts that had plagued her for so long vanished, replaced by a certainty that surprised even her. Her magic flowed with an intensity she had never before experienced, fueled by a newfound self-belief. She moved with grace and agility, her movements as fluid as the very air around her.

Finally, she reached the rainbow gem, her hands trembling with a mix of disbelief and exhilaration. It was hers. She had accomplished what no one else could.

Turning to the students and teachers, a triumphant smile spread across her face. “I did it,” she declared, her voice ringing with newfound confidence.

The academy fell silent. Their disbelief gave way to stunned admiration. Here was a janitor, an ordinary girl, who had overcome the impossible.

Marija, radiating confidence, handed the gem to David, who beamed with pride. The teachers, their initial disbelief replaced by respect, offered her a place among the students.

Her tormentors, however, remained unimpressed. They dismissed her triumph as a fluke, a stroke of luck. But Marija, fueled by her newfound confidence, decided to show them the true extent of her power. With a mischievous grin, she used her magic to give them all pigtails, making them cry out in humiliation.

The academy erupted in laughter. David, the teachers, and the other students cheered her on.

As the echoes of laughter reverberated through the halls of the academy, Marija stood tall, a testament to the transformative power of confidence. She had gone from a janitor to a student, from a victim of bullying to a powerful mage.

And the bullies, who had once mocked her, were reduced to lifetime janitors, a constant reminder of the day they had underestimated a girl who had finally found her voice, her power, and her greatest virtue: confidence.