
Diane Ardant narrating how she became one of the a

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/26 Read: 3870

Diane Ardant narrating how she became one of the ace pilots of the United Planets Federation. Diane is a cosmic adventuress from World of Twelve with motto “Always further” whose career started when she met a young Ecaflip adventurer named Kerubim Crepin who became part of the test pilots at the Canon Club whose members would put themselves in a cannon thanks to a kind of shell that allowed them to travel very long distances very quickly. While she was on a jungle planet Kraken, Diane has met a lonely baby caterpillar from insectoid alien race called Insectus who waged wars with other races because of poverty and desperation for evolution and preservance. Diane adopted baby caterpillar and devoted her life of caring for her, naming her Doris. Diane Ardant grown to be a woman, and Doris grew to a beautiful Butterfly that was size of car and which could shapeshift either into a motor bike or into a advanced and remastered Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero airplane that can fly in both sky and space alike. Diane and Doris’s home became a Puzzle Plaza which an amusement park-like, colorful place situated on a tiny planet between the World of Twelve and the moon managed by a mischievous magician named Magica, her curious bird side-kick named Gossip, their friend amorphic manager of the plaza named G.Whizzard, and inhabited by over hundreds of Puzzle Plaza Workers called WhatWhats who always worked conjuring and preparing trivia questions, riddles and puzzles for all who visited Puzzle Plaza. Diane’s life changed when she met a Launchpad McQuack – Ace pilot of the United Planets Federation from Duckburg and planet Earth who warned her that a grave danger was threatening to annihilate entire universe by destroying the sun. Diane and Doris initially refused to believe that, until Launchpad McQuack mentioned that the fate of World of Twelve is also at stake. Hearing this, Diane with her pet Doris who shapeshifted into space plane Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero which behaves same as Launchpad’s advanced Douglas SBD Dauntless agrees to help and she went with Launchpad to Enterprise – Capital Ship of Federation. Diane ended up alone inside a cannon-like flagship. Worried, Diane wondered where Launchpad went and where she was. But when she heard rumbling noise and seeing her surroundings heating up, Diane immediately exited. Cannon-like flagship shot a big energy cannonball at a Starkiller base of First Order which was a planet with a massive trench in the middle where it was armed with a superweapon capable of destroying entire star systems halfway across the galaxy. Starkiller base was destroyed by cannon-like flagship and Diane who was horrified at the magnitude of it’s power realized she was on a testing site for another doomsday device of mass destruction. Diane prevailed and reunited with Launchpad who discovered cannon-like flagship built by Ikathids they named Demon Cannonship is already operational and is on it’s way to destroy Sun, and together they started helping Federation against Ikathids. Launchpad and Diane finds a supermassive black hole and suspect that Demon Cannonship jumped through black hole. Diane and Launchpad enter black hole but find themselves lost, wondering where they ended now. But when Launchpad and Diane find a satellite named Sputnik from planet Earth, they realize they are not in another place, but in another time where aliens were initially portrayed as little green men before terrans from planet Earth discovered many other alien races in future. In another timeline, Launchpad and Diane fight against small green-colored humanoid aliens with blackened eyes known as little green men. Launchpad and Diane eventually manage to return to their timeline, but they finds thermelves in another danger of getting caught in explosion of supernova, and their only hope to survive was to get to the center as the black hole is forming to avoid a fiery death right after supernova explodes. In their race against time, Launchpad and Diane appeared from black hole in the orbit of red planet Mars in Solar System where they fought against fleet of flying saucer ships from a race of brown skinny humanoid aliens with exposed brains and skull-like faces called Martians who wage war with other alien races for the sole purpose of having fun and because they find that to be funny and comedic unlike other evil alien races who war for supremacy, and who are very deceitful for their habits of calling implied friendships and truces with other races, only to attack moments later which they use to bait everyone guillible enough to fall for their tricks. Floria entered another black hole after fighting against Martians, and found herself in headquarters a fast food company called Space Burgers Corporation who fend off intruders and deliver the served food to their stores in other galaxies with droid-like ships through a complex network of portals in their headquarters they use to supply their stores from other. Launchpad and Diane fought against droids who saw them as intruders while they searched portal that would take them to Sun. Launchpad and Diane finally entered the portal that brought them to Earth and they rushed to return there, fighting against Ikathids along their way. Launchpad and Diane have succeeded to reach the Sun in time and meet Daphne – Cosmic Goddess of Sun and Life and the Queen of Gods of the Universe who already knew for nefarious plan to destroy their homeworld and the entire universe. Eventually, Launchpad, Diane, Federation and Gods of the Universe defeated Diablo and his fleet of Ikathids once they destroyed Demon Cannonship, saving Sun and universe alike. Victorious, Launchpad offered Diane and Doris to join United Federation of Planets, so that they be forever together, which Diane accepted very much, starting her military career in the United Planets Federation. For Character Details: Diane Ardant is a tall woman with pink colored hair in an up-do almost like a beehive, pale green eyes and pink lips. Diane wears pilot headphones with goggles, and a tight lavender body suit. Diane Ardant is a flirtatious, passionate, confident and slightly aggressive individual who loves action and adventure, but while she is a tough and a little cocky individual, Diane has a kind and friendly nature, and will always do her best to comfort her allies, Diane is also compassionate and cheerful, and she is also caring and protective over her best friend, Doris, a large Insectus Butterfly, with who she spent whole life. Diane’s flirtatious nature allows her to trick her enemies and gain upper hand. Story is written in a diary format.

Always Further: A Diary of Diane Ardant

Entry 1: World of Twelve, Puzzle Plaza, Year 2348

It all started with Kerubim Crepin. A young Ecaflip adventurer, a whirlwind of laughter and daring. He introduced me to the Canon Club, a bunch of thrill-seekers who launched themselves through the cosmos in self-propelled cannons. It was insane, exhilarating, and I was hooked. My motto, “Always Further,” was born.

Then came Kraken, a jungle planet with a symphony of strange sounds and scents. That’s where I met Doris, a tiny, lonely caterpillar of the Insectus race. They were a species struggling for survival, their planet ravaged by war and poverty. I couldn’t leave her there, so I took her with me, vowing to protect her. My own little world had expanded, and Doris, now a beautiful Butterfly, the size of a car, had become my best friend.

Doris could shapeshift, becoming either a sleek motorcycle or a remastered Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero, a fighter plane capable of soaring through both atmosphere and space. It was a gift, a symbol of our bond, and a constant reminder of our adventures yet to come.

Puzzle Plaza, our home, was a whimsical haven, a blend of amusement park and magical haven, nestled on a tiny planet between World of Twelve and the moon. Magica, the mischievous magician, ran the place with her quirky bird sidekick, Gossip. G.Whizzard, an amorphous entity, managed the show, and a hundred WhatWhats, our dedicated staff, were always busy conjuring trivia, riddles, and puzzles for our guests.

Entry 2: Enterprise, Capital Ship of the United Planets Federation, Year 2349

Launchpad McQuack, an Ace pilot from Earth, landed on Puzzle Plaza one day, his face grim. He spoke of an unimaginable threat – a doomsday device, a Starkiller Base, capable of destroying entire star systems. And it was targeting the Sun, a threat that would ultimately extinguish life in the entire universe. He warned that World of Twelve was also at stake.

My initial response? Disbelief. But the fear in Launchpad’s eyes was impossible to ignore. He needed our help, and despite my apprehension, I knew I couldn’t turn away. Doris, transformed into a space plane, took to the sky alongside Launchpad’s advanced Douglas SBD Dauntless. We were bound for the Enterprise, the Federation’s flagship.

Entry 3: Unknown Space, Year 2349

I found myself alone inside a massive cannon-like ship, surrounded by a strange, pulsating energy. Where was Launchpad? Where was I? Panic clawed at me until I felt the rumbling, the heat, the incredible force that propelled us forward. I ejected just in time, watching as the cannon fired a colossal energy ball that destroyed the Starkiller base.

It was a terrifying weapon, and I realized we were on a testing site for another doomsday device. I reunited with Launchpad, his face drawn with exhaustion and worry. He told me about the Ikathids, an alien race responsible for this horrific weapon, a Demon Cannonship capable of annihilating the Sun.

Entry 4: Black Hole, Year 2349

We tracked the Demon Cannonship to a supermassive black hole. Entering the black hole was a desperate gamble, but it was our only chance to stop the Ikathids. We were lost, swirling in the vortex, the universe warping around us. But when we spotted a satellite, Sputnik, we realized we weren’t just in a different place, but in a different time.

It was a time before Earth discovered the vastness of the galaxy, a time when the only aliens they knew were the “little green men,” small, green humanoid creatures with blackened eyes.

We fought alongside Launchpad against these creatures, the remnants of an old fear. It was a surreal battle, a glimpse into a forgotten past.

Entry 5: Supernova, Year 2349

We returned to our own time, but not unscathed. A supernova loomed on the horizon, a blinding inferno threatening to engulf us. Our only hope was to reach the center of the black hole as it formed, a perilous journey into the unknown.

Entry 6: Red Planet Mars, Year 2349

Emerging from the black hole, we found ourselves in the orbit of Mars. It was a battleground. The Martians, brown, skinny humanoids with exposed brains, waged war for the sheer joy of it, finding humor in chaos and deception. They were a force of unpredictable chaos, always ready to break a truce, to bait and betray.

We fought against their fleet of flying saucer ships, each battle a whirlwind of laughter and danger.

Entry 7: Space Burgers Corporation Headquarters, Year 2349

Another black hole, another escape, this time into the headquarters of the Space Burgers Corporation. They ran a complex network of portals that transported their delicious interstellar burgers to stores across the galaxy. We found ourselves fighting droids, their cold logic clashing with our desperation.

Entry 8: Earth, Year 2349

Finally, we reached the portal leading back to Earth. It was a race against time. We fought our way through a squadron of Ikathid ships, their destructive power a constant threat.

Entry 9: The Sun, Year 2349

We arrived at the Sun, a fiery star at the center of our solar system. It was here we found Daphne, the Cosmic Goddess of Sun and Life, the Queen of the Gods of the Universe. She knew of the Ikathids’ plan, and she had been waiting for us.

Entry 10: The Final Battle, Year 2349

The final battle was a cosmic showdown, a struggle for the very fabric of the universe. Daphne, the Gods, the Federation, and we, Launchpad and I, stood against Diablo, the leader of the Ikathids, and his fleet of Demon Cannonships.

With a final burst of energy, we destroyed the Demon Cannonship, ending Diablo’s reign of terror. The Sun, our life-giving star, was saved. The universe, for now, was safe.

Launchpad, with a warm smile, extended an invitation. He wanted Doris and me to join the United Planets Federation. A place where we could continue our adventures, where our skills could be put to use, where we could “Always Further.”

And so, with Doris by my side, I joined the Federation, embarking on a new chapter in my life, a chapter filled with challenges and possibilities, a chapter I knew would be as exciting and unpredictable as the universe itself.