
Sofia the First is a little girl from the kingdom

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/10/26 Read: 4915

Sofia the First is a little girl from the kingdom of Enchancia in the planet Enchancia who lived a commoner’s life until her mother Miranda married the King Roland II, and suddenly she got to be a part of royalty, with a new stepfather, stepsister Princess Amber and stepbrother Prince James. With the help of three familiar fairies in charge of the Royal Prep Academy — Flora, Fauna and Merryweather and, on occasion, the Disney Princesses — Sofia learns that looking like a princess isn’t all that hard, but behaving like one must come from the heart. Sofia possessed a powerful artifact called the Amulet of Avalor, which blessed its bearer with incredible powers and abilities; she had to never take it off and protect it from numerous villains who wanted to use it for their own purposes. One day while on a field trip, Sofia got lost in the forest, and it was hard for her to find way back. But, while she was lost in the forest, Sofia saw that some trees were destroyed as if something crash-landed on them. When Sofia saw a downed and entangled creature which resembled a cyborg electricity-breathing dragon. When Sofia came closer, thinking creature was dead, she imagined herself a bit triumphant, but was quickly snapped out of her daydream when creature moved a little bit. Sofia didn’t knew that creature was an evil assassin named Slango who once worked for evil Masters of Destruction and led gang of Skabs until his defeat by Nathaniel Chaser who led Crusaders of Space, which caused his fall from grace, but was nevertheless ready to put an end for his life. Creature on the other hand, didn’t try to attack her, beg for mercy, or curse her, it just looked at her with pessimism, as if he’s given up any hope on escaping, and is fine with being killed. Sofia couldn’t bring herself to take someone’s life by force due to her kind nature after creature looked sadly at her, and she chose to release creature from it’s entanglements. But right as it broke free, creature pounced on Sofia and locked her tight and stared her dead in the eye. Sofia was afraid creature would kill her, but all creature did was roaring at her, and then fled, meaning that creature was grateful enough to spare her. Sofia after few days of that meeting wondered if monsters are evil as many believe, why the creature she freed didn’t killed her when it could. Sofia near the cove was thinking was it mistake of her to free the creature, but got a jumpscare from the creature that was unable to fly out of the cove as she observed it. However, when creature got glimpse of Sofia, they both starred at each other but remained passive. Sofia then decided that she will try to befriend the creature in the cove. While creature was initially hostile to Sofia, thinking she wanted ill will to him, both, Sofia and creature got to bond. Magic of Sofia’s Amulet of Avalor wasn’t working on Slango because he was not animal but alien from another planet, and Sofia assumed that creature she believed could only roar and gnarl, then she tried to name creature she believed could only roar and gnarl, but creature didn’t like any of the names until she chose to call him Slango, which creature smiled as that was his original birthname. Sofia and Slango played games like tag, and more they played, more they got to pen to each other. Sofia told Slango about her previous adventures to become a Princess, and Slango full of intrigue, asked to be part of her life. Sofia hesitated but eventually agreed, although Sofia asked what is Slango’s skill about manners. Slango humourously replied to Sofia that he is most politest creature she will meet, causing Sofia to realize that Slango can talk after all. Sofia healed Slango’s injured wings that rendered him unable to fly, Slango after treatment flew above the cove for a bit, and after realizing he was healed up, he told Sofia she was his hero, and they became best friends with their moto being “Best Friends, Now, Tommorow and Forever.” that Slango made up. From that day onward, Slango and Sofia played around kingdom of Enchancia, with her acting as a knight and Slango acting as a dragon, although Slango only pretented to die because he was much more durable than he appeared. For a while, Sofia’s games were fun for Slango, but as time flew, Slango started got a bit tired of them as he told Sofia that he always dreamed of being a hero just like her, but couldn’t be because of the unfair scorn from races of Azeroth where he formerly lived until it’s destruction by Masters of Destruction for whom he worked for until his defeat and fall from grace, and that Slango playing predatoric dragon felt like an accidental reminder of his former life which started to make him sad. Sofia realized that her games may not have been fair for Slango, and because of that, Sofia knew that she had to tell her Royal Family of Enchancia Kingdom truth she was hiding from them. When Sofia told her family about Slango who appeared before them, she said she wants to adopt him. King Roland II and Queen Miranda wanted to respect Sofia’s wish to adopt Slango, but they couldn’t because they were aware of his once evil reputation for which they could not adopt him and because they were worried that having an alien among themselves could put Enchancia at risk. Sofia was sad and she tried to tell Slango she was sorry she couldn’t adopt him, but Slango gloomily told her that she doesn’t have to be sorry because he was used to rejections and antagonism since his youth on Azeroth and that he was glad he could meet Sofia, and turned to leave until Roland and Miranda changed their tone to warm with smiles. On the one hand, Roland and Mirana were worried that Slango being part of their family could get Enchancia into trouble. But, on the other hand Roland and Miranda were also curious and intrigued to meet Slango because they simultaneously believed that having an alien as part of Royal Family would be interesting and that they wondered about what new things could they learn from Slango and what new things could he learn from them. Eventually, Enchancia’s royal family accepted him as one of them out of curiousity and with a big interest, making both Sofia and Slango happy. Slango helped people of Enchancia to evolve themselves by showing them all the inventions from various other planets of Milky Way, and slowly bonded with them. But one night while sleeping in palace of Enchancia Kingdom, Slango sadly wondered will Enchancia Kingdom showing him acceptance allow him to fulfill his heroic dreams and redeem himself to universe for all the villainies he brought upon universe and himself alike since everybody in universe still saw him as villain. Slango’s chance to become hero who always wanted which presented itself in form of fighting against Nightmare Enterprises, led by Lord Nightmare (ENeMeE) and their crusade on other worlds of spreading nightmares with Sofia accompanying him even though Slango was worried about her as his journey would be dangerous, but Sofia confidently told Slango that she too has experienced her share of fighting evil on her journey of becoming a princess. Sofia’s love as well as entire Enchancia’s willingness to give Slango a chance is what allowed Slango to overcome all obstacles on his journey to hero and eventually defeat ENeMeE with Star Rod which was Lord Nightmare’s only weakness, and redeem himself in eyes of the Universe. Now, Sofia, with her family and Slango is ready to protect not only her kingdom of Enchancia, but also the universe against various evils like Ikathid Empire led by Diablo, Aku and Thorg, Krainian Empire led by evil Empress Vega, and Empire of the Night led by evil deity-like aliens called Emperors of the Universe. For Character Details: Sofia is shown to have a two-sided personality: One side is that of a softhearted idealist. Sofia is shown to be very kind and compassionate. She is also shown to be loyal to her loved ones to the point of altruism. She is also willing to befriend people the large majority refuse to have anything to do with. She also believes in keeping promises no matter what. She also shows her affections by giving her loved ones warm hugs. She also believes that something being trouble free and being a happy something are the same thing. Sofia is also a xenophilic person, after befriending an alien named Slango the Malutian of the Malutian race that was formerly believed to be extinct. Their friendship eventually turns into a family bond, leading to Slango’s redemption and new life as a heroic and good-hearted alien. Slango is a electricity-breathing humanoid lizard-dragon-like creature with bird talons on his legs, sharp curvy red claws on his arms, wings of dragon on his back, pairs of clawed blades on arm limbs, hands and around neck, bright brown snake head, red-orange snake eyes and snake tongue, cyan horn behind the head, metal parts as body limbs, torso and shoulder pads, and sharp pointy tail behind. Story is written in a diary format.

The Day I Met Slango

Dear Diary,

Today was a field trip to the Enchanted Forest, and it was…well, enchanted. But not in the way I imagined.

We were supposed to be learning about the ancient trees, but I got distracted by a pretty butterfly and wandered off. Before I knew it, I was completely lost! It was starting to get dark, and I was scared. Then, I saw it.

It was like something out of a nightmare – a giant, mangled creature, half-metal, half-dragon, crashed in a tangle of broken trees. My heart pounded in my chest. It looked…dead. I even felt a little bit triumphant, like I’d somehow won against this terrifying creature.

But then, it moved. Just a little twitch, but enough to make me realize it was still alive. It was incredibly scary, but it didn’t attack. Instead, it just looked at me with such sadness, such hopelessness, that I couldn’t just leave it there.

I knew I wasn’t supposed to be messing around with wild creatures, especially one this big and scary. But I couldn’t leave it to die. I slowly approached, careful not to startle it. The creature just watched me, its eyes filled with a pain I’d never seen before.

I used my Amulet of Avalor to help me untangle its wings and body. It was incredibly heavy, and I was surprised I managed to pull it free. The creature didn’t struggle, just watched me with those sad eyes.

And then, as soon as its limbs were free, it lunged at me. I screamed and braced for the worst, but it didn’t hurt me. Instead, it just roared at me, a sound that shook the forest, and then it took off.

I stood there, bewildered. I’d freed a monster, and it hadn’t tried to kill me. I thought maybe it was grateful, maybe it was scared, maybe it was just…confused.

Days later, I was down by the cove, thinking about the creature. I kept replaying that moment in my mind. Why hadn’t it attacked me? Were monsters really as evil as everyone believed?

Suddenly, I heard a roar, and the creature landed with a thud behind me! I jumped a mile, but when I turned around, it just stared at me, then looked away. It seemed…awkward, like it wasn’t sure what to do.

That’s when I decided I wanted to be its friend.

I know it sounds crazy, but I just felt sorry for it. It was all alone, hurt, and seemed so sad. And, maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t as evil as everyone thought.

I started bringing it food, and we just sat there, staring at each other. At first, it was hostile, but slowly, it started to relax.

I learned it couldn’t fly because of its injured wings. I used my magic to heal them, and it was amazing to see it take flight. It flew around the cove, happy and free, and then landed in front of me. It looked at me with such gratitude, and I felt a warm feeling inside.

Then it spoke. Not with words, but with a sound that somehow resonated with my heart. It was trying to tell me something.

I realized the creature could understand me! But it only had one word it could pronounce clearly: “Slango.”

I called it Slango, and it smiled. That’s how I learned his name.

Slango isn’t your typical dragon. He can talk, he’s funny, and he loves playing games. We play tag, and he pretends to be a scary monster, but he always lets me win.

I’ve told him all about my journey to becoming a princess, and he’s so intrigued by it all. He wants to be a hero, just like me, but he feels stuck because of the way everyone treats him. It breaks my heart to see him so sad.

He doesn’t understand why everyone thinks he’s evil. I know he isn’t. He’s my best friend, and I know that in my heart.

But I can’t keep this a secret forever. I have to tell my family about Slango. I’m scared they’ll be upset, but I know I need to be honest with them.

I hope they’ll understand, and I hope they’ll give Slango a chance. He deserves it.

Until tomorrow,
