
The Cat Who Knew Too Much

Author:darcy Time:2024/10/26 Read: 2342

The alley was a symphony of smells – damp earth, rotting fruit, and the faint, metallic tang of something metallic. A ginger cat, its fur matted with grime, stalked through the shadows, its emerald eyes gleaming like polished stones. A stray, undoubtedly, its sleek body honed by years of scavenging and survival, it moved with […]

The alley was a symphony of smells – damp earth, rotting fruit, and the faint, metallic tang of something metallic. A ginger cat, its fur matted with grime, stalked through the shadows, its emerald eyes gleaming like polished stones. A stray, undoubtedly, its sleek body honed by years of scavenging and survival, it moved with a silent grace that spoke of a life lived on the fringes of the human world.