
A English teacher called Ms. Evans and is at schoo

Author:unloginuser Time:2024/09/28 Read: 2477

A English teacher called Ms. Evans and is at school with her and her girlfriend who is a history teacher called Ms. Larne and there is dialogue. Let the students talk. The students talk about Ms. Evans having colds in the past and how Ms. Larne has to help Ms. Evans . Just the students talking.

“Did you hear about Ms. Evans?” whispered Sarah, leaning over to her friend, Ben.

“What? What happened?” Ben’s eyes widened.

Sarah giggled. “She’s got a cold again! I swear, Ms. Evans gets sick more often than a goldfish.”

“Yeah, but her girlfriend, Ms. Larne, always takes care of her. It’s so sweet,” said Maya, joining their conversation.

“Ms. Larne is basically her personal nurse. Remember that time Ms. Evans had the flu and Ms. Larne brought her soup and tea to school every day?” Ben chuckled.

“And remember when Ms. Evans had that crazy allergy attack during the Shakespeare play and Ms. Larne rushed her to the nurse’s office, carrying all her books and papers? That was hilarious!” Sarah added, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

“But it was also a little sad. Ms. Evans looked really sick,” Maya said with a thoughtful frown.

“Yeah, but it’s nice to see that Ms. Larne is so supportive,” said Ben. “I mean, you don’t usually see teachers being so close.”

“Maybe it’s because they’re both teachers,” Sarah suggested. “They understand each other’s crazy schedules and the stress of dealing with us.”

The group laughed. “True,” said Maya. “They probably have more in common than we think.”

“Maybe Ms. Larne should just stay home and take care of Ms. Evans instead of teaching us history,” Ben joked.

“Hey, she’s a great history teacher!” Maya defended.

Sarah snorted. “Yeah, but maybe she should get her girlfriend a humidifier.”

The group erupted into laughter, their voices blending with the hum of the school hallways as they continued on their way, their conversation about Ms. Evans and Ms. Larne a testament to the gossipy nature of high school life.